
Secret Fortunate Life

Nicole is a simple village girl who live so happily together with her parents in some simple rural village. They have a farm where her father works as a farmer while her mother is just a simple housewife. But... One day, she's found out a secret that neither her father nor her mother told her...

Airelhan_Zinovia · 若者
14 Chs

That's Right, Scram!

The three girls stood up and went to Nicole's table.

"Hahahaha! Yeah. That really is so much fun!"

The leader of the three girls butted in with sarcasm in her voice.

"The three ugly morons who had nothing else to do but apply very thick makeups like a clown came."

Ashley crossed her arms in front of her.

The three girls glared at her.

She just rolled her eyes at them.

"What can I help you with? Oh, it must be these brownies. Here, have some."

Nicole nicely handed them the paper bag with a kind smile on her face.

The girls' faces frowned. Then, their leader said.

"Stop acting nice will ya? Well, we're no longer gonna beat around the bush."

The leader of the three girls smacked her hands on both sides of the table and got her face close to Nicole. Posing a threat.

"Stop. Flirting. With Jesster." She hissed.

Ashley was annoyed by what they've said and can't hold herself back anymore. She laughed mockingly.

The three girls looked at her.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Hahaha! I just didn't know that you'd even threat somebody who didn't do anything but help a guy who asked for it."

Ashley wiped the tear that escaped from her eyes due to laughing hard. Then she smirked.

"Desperate and pathetic clowns. You just made my day and I thank you so much for that. Now, if you won't leave us alone."

Ashley stood up and crunched her knuckles.

"You know what'll happen."

The three girls was taken aback.

"Jessica, let's just go. I heard she's a red belter in two kinds of martial arts."

"I agree with what Marie said. Let's just go."

The two girls tried to persuade their leader.

"Shush you two! I'm not gonna back out now. I'll lose my face that way."

Jessica hissed to her followers before facing Ashley again.

"Show off! Ha! You think I'm afraid of you? Well then, I'm gonna show you!"

Jessica launched a fist towards Ashley.

Ashley just dodged it easily and gripped the arm with her left hand. She pulled it and choked the girl with the other hand.

"I've already warned you."

Ashley showed emotionless yet bloodthirsty eyes.

The girl was choking she could barely breathe.

"H-help." She said under her breath but no one dared to help her and their classmates just continued to watch.


"That's your wrongdoing? Why would we help you?"

"Who'd be so crazy to help you? We might end up getting dragged in that fight too."

"That's what you get for not listening to Ashley's warning. Who'd be so crazy to attack a red belter in Aikido and Taekwondo?"

"Guess you've picked the wrong girl to fight with."


Those are the few comments of their classmates gathered around to look at the fight.

"Hey! Ashley! Stop that!"

Nicole interfered. She tried to pull Ashley away but the girl was just so strong she won't budge.

"Hey, that's enough Ash. Let her go already. Violence will never solve anything. Please, stop it."

That's when Ashley finally came back to her senses. She looked at the two girls who're behind their leader, frightened, not knowing what to do. She heaved a sigh and let go of the girl.

The two follower assisted Jessica because she lost her balance.

"I'm gonna give you five seconds to get out of my sight. 5."

"Let's get out of here."


"Hey! Help me assist her!"


"Shut up you useless bunch of fools! Let's just get out of here!"

"2 and 1"

Ashley showed her fist which made the three scram.

"That's right, scram! And don't you ever ever dare to show me your faces again! You clowns!" She shouted before facing the crowd.

"And you people?! What are you looking at? Wanna get some good beating too?"

She growled which made the crowd disperse in an instant.

"You don't really have to do that, Ash. We could've just talked them out."

"No way! I would never talk them out!"

Ashley said in a hard headed manner like a child who's being told by her mother to wear clothes she doesn't wanna wear.

"And as if I'd give them the chance to bully you."

Ashley hugged Nicole and rubbed her cheeks to her besties cheeks.

"Fine, fine. But you do know that I'm not that easy to bully, right?"

Nicole pulled away from the hug and faced her bestie with her hands on both of Ashley's shoulders.

Ashley stared at Nicole for awhile before pinching both of her cheeks.

"What 'not easy to bully'? You're way too kind! And as far as I know, kind people are always easy to bully because people tend to abuse ones kindness! So, just let me, your bestie, take care of those abusive, dark-hearted, good-for-nothing kind of people. Okay?"

Nicole sighed and just nodded at her friend.

"I can't say no, can't I?"

Ashley crossed her arms and acted as if she's a boss who's giving orders to her employees, close-eyed.

"Nope! You can't because I'm not giving you any other options!"

She opened one of her eye to peek at Nicole's reaction.

Both of them laughed at what they're doing and went back to where they left out right before the three girls came to disturb their happy time but as the two were about to take a seat, the bell rang. A sign that break time is over.

Ashley was enraged.

"Those clowns! If not for them, we could've enjoyed the break time! I'm gonna pummel them the moment we'll cross paths!"

Nicole held Ashley back.

"Now, now. Everything's been done. We can no longer take back what's happened."

Nicole took a spare paper bag from her bag and placed a few brownies inside then handed it to Ashley.

"Here. Eat it while the teacher's not paying attention to you." She winked at Ashley.

"Thank you!"

Ashley hugged Nicole and kissed her again and again on her cheeks.

Nicole giggled.

"You're very welcome. Now, go or else you'll be late for the next class."

"See ya later!"

Ashley then ran to her classroom and Nicole got ready for her next class.


Almost all of the next classes after recess had a surprise quiz. And because it's a surprise, nobody came prepared for it but thankfully, Nicole's diligent at studying, so she still got perfect scores.

So, when the bell for dismissal time rang, she felt like heaven for she's been drained.

"Yes! Finally! Time to go home!"

She said as she packed up her things.

"Hey! Nicole! You going home?"

Ashley said.


"Then, lets go home together!"


The two went out of the premises as they walked home together.

"Is your father busy?"

"Yep! Dad and mom is thinking about expanding the business. They thought of placing more branches of our hardwares in a different region other than here. Why'd you ask?"

"Well, your dad would usually fetch you with your car that's why I've asked."

They chitchatted while walking until they reached the gate of Ashley's house.

"You sure you're not coming in?"

"Nah. I still have to help mama with the household chores and do my assignments."

"Okay. Then, take care."


Nicole nodded then went home.

On her way, she felt like, somebody's watching her. She looked around but found no one so she just shrugged it off and hurriedly ran home.

From afar, a person behind a tree trunk just grinned at what he saw before fading away within the shadows.

Hahaha! Behind Ashley's childish attitude is a war freak and protective friend... Hmm... how long will their bond stay strong?

Airelhan_Zinoviacreators' thoughts