

Y/N Pov

"Hey Y/Ln wait up" I heard his voice as I turned around and saw my best friend leo walking towards me.

Leo is my first friend, I made when I first transferred here. He is like a brother to me because like a brother he always teases and irritates me with his nonsense talks but also stand by my side when things go down and hard.

He came towards me and wrapped me in tight hug.

"So, excited for the first day in this hell?" He said as we walked towards our school gate.

"Yes because for me it's not hell it's school. Hell is for you." I said as I laughed at him.

"That's right it's not hell for you because you get every girl's attention in this school and in one click every girl will be ready to do everything for you." He said as now he laughed at me.

"I don't care about them you also know I am only here for my studies and basketball club." I said as I we were walking in the hallway. We met our rest of our friends mia, chris, julia and rey.

"Hey, give me that back!" I was taking my books from the locker when I heard someone shout at the hallway.

I looked towards the direction of the voice and I saw a light brown haired girl was shouting at Jake, the bully club leader. He always bully the newbies all the times and I don't like it when he does that.

He had a backpack in his hand which I assume is that girl's, he had it in his left hand holding it up in the air. I walked towards Jake and stand in front of him, as I towered him with my height. I was slight a taller than him.

"Give the bag" I said in my cold voice as I moved more closer as he moved backwards.

"I-Its none of your b-business, Y/Ln." I laughed at his stuttering. Literally whole school was watching us and they knew if he didn't obeyed me he will pay severe consequences.

"Give me that bag now!" I raise my voice a bit as he began to tremble in front of me. He lowered his left hand and gave me the bag.

"Good thing you gave me or else you don't want to know what will happen, do you?" I said as he violently shook his head.

"Good" I chuckled at his action and turned around to face the girl.

"Here, next time instead of shouting you should use your strength." I said to her as I gave her the bag.

"Thank you, I will note that." She said as she lowered her head.

"Keep your head always up princess, never lower your head in front of anyone okay?" I said as she nod her head as her light blue eyes look right into mine green eyes.

"I'm Jenny, I just transferred here." She said as she held her hand out for me to shake.

"Y/n, nice to meet you." I said as I shake her hand. Everyone was watching with their mouth open, they know I never interact with someone except my group.

"If you don't mind, can you show me the principal's office. I don't know where it is." She said.

"Sure, I don't mind. Come on." I said as I walked towards the principal's office with her tailing behind me.

"You know you can walk with me, you don't have to tail behind me." I said as I chuckled a bit.

"S-sure." She stuttered and walked beside me.

We went into the principal's office and after that I checked her schedule. We almost had every classes together. We walked towards miss winter class first, she was our English teacher.

As we enter the class every eyes were upon us. We walked towards the seat. I sat in the last as she sat beside me. We also had lunch together, we got to know she was japanese and korean mix. Her father was korean and her mother was japanese. Her father is business man, that's why he mostly stay out of town and rarely comes home. Her mom was a psychologist but after Jenny was born her husband told her to quit because of the responsibility.

I walked her to home also, we talked about each other's embarassing moments and laughed about it. When we reached her home, it was a two storey modern house with a big garden in the back. She opened the door by the keypad lock. We both entered her house and it had a black and grey interior theme.

"I'm home." She said as we walked towards the living room. We put our bags on the couch.

"Welcome back, Jen" I heard a feminine voice as I turned around to see it was her mom. She was wearing an apron on top of her white blouse and black knee length skirt. She had light blue eyes same like Jenny which I assume got from her mom. Her hair was light brown and it was waist length. Her face was blemish and acne free and she had a heart shaped lips. It was impossible for human to be this beautiful. She was looking like a heavenly angel.

"Is this your friend? Hi, I'm Jenny's mom." She said as she looked at me with smile.