

Y/n pov

After school Jenny insisted on taking me to to her home right away. I said I would change my clothes and come back but she refused my request and dragged me to her home.

As we reached her home there was no one at her house there was a complete silence. She told me to go upstairs to her home and change into the clothes that are on the bed. I went upstairs in her room and saw something wrapped in a gift wrap. I removed the wrap and saw there was one white tshirt with black wide line in middle with black sweats and white jacket.

It was one white hoodie jacket with a white t-shirt which has black big strip on it in the middle with one back ripped jeans and black and white high top canvas shoes. I changed into it and looked at myself in the mirror. I fixed my hair.

After I was done I went towards the door and turned the door knob to open it but it wouldn't bulge. I tried some more times to see if it would open but it didn't. I pounded on the door and shouted Jenny's name but I got no answer. They tricked me. How can I be so stupid?

I thought that it would be stupid to just pound on the door and repeatedly shout so I just decided to lie on the bed and listen to songs on my mobile.

After what felt like eternity but in reality just 3 minutes I got a message by a unknown number.

Unknown number:- Heyy. Eve here.

Y/n :- Hiii. What you doing? You got safely at home?

Eve:- Yeah, I'm at home and currently eating some snacks because my stomach is making some horrible sounds. What are you doing?

Y/n:- I'm Locked in Jenny's bedroom in her house by her and I don't even why is she doing this? I don't know what to do I'm bored af.

Eve:- Lmao. This is the most funniest thing I have ever heard. So what do you want to do? I can help you if you are bored. We can talk about anything you want or we can do anything you say. It's your birthday also so you choose.

Y/n:- Okay. I guess we can do this and it can also make me kill time and not being bored to death. So can we play 20 questions? Or would you rather?

Eve:- Anything is fine with me.

Y/n:- Okay, then. 20 questions it is. So who goes first? You can go.

Eve:- Okay. Umm...What's one of the most fun childhood memories you have?

Y/n:- Uh..let me think. Okay so there was one time when I was about 11 months old, my grandmother was cooking dinner and — after she finished the adults' food — she prepared herself a plate and made my baby food. Apparently, she turned her back for five seconds and, when she looked at me again, I was munching on her entire pork chop. After that every time the family gets together we have to hear the story of the stolen pork chop.

Eve:- That was hilarious 😂. Did you just really ate her pork chop.

Y/n:- I know right. Now my turn. Of all the personal questions I could ask you, what's one you wouldn't want to answer?

Eve:- I can think of two questions but let me just say one. Who is my recent crush? I think.

Y/n:- Ohh..I was going to ask you that in the next round but you know what I'll just rather not because I'm going to ask you more dirty questions that you will be embarassed to answer.

Eve:- Well I'm down for it. My turn. What's your biggest fear when it comes to relationships?

Y/n:- It's a bit deep but nevermind. I know I can trust you. I think losing them because of miscommunication or misunderstanding. I think in a relationship the most important things beside love is trust, understanding and communication. These three in my perspective are the base of the relationship.

Eve:- I can agree with you. Most relationships nowadays break apart because of misunderstanding and miscommunication they don't resolve by sitting together and discussing about it. They make assumptions about it and they think about it so much that it became a reality for them.

Y/n:- Yes, what you said is also true. So let's get back to the game. What's you recent crush first initial?

Eve:- You liar! You said you would not ask.

Y/n:- I said I would not ask the name. I'm asking the first initial. It's not that hard you know. I only know that he/she is in our school. Tell me it's not that hard please.

Eve:- Okay, fine! But I would only tell you the first initial not more than that.

Y/n:- Okay👍🏻. That's fine by me.

As the message came the door of Jenny's room unlocked and I saw kira standing on the doorway looking at me with an unreadable expression on her face.

"Ohh, hey. Jenny locked me in here. Where is she?" I said as I got up from the bed and went infront of her but not very close.

"Everyone is waiting for you downstairs. You can come down now but first put this blindfold on." She said as she passed me the black blindfold and I took it and looked at her one last time before going to the restroom.


Kira's pov

When I entered the room and saw her looking at her mobile with a huge grin on her face I suddenly had this uneasy feeling in my heart. Like my heart just got broken into million pieces. I ignored that feeling and gave her the blindfold before she went in the restroom. I decided to wait for her as I sat on the bed. As I was waiting for her I saw that her mobile was on and there was message she had received from the person called 'Eve'. Who is this Eve?

I wanted to see why she was smiling so much while talking to her but it would be wrong to look into her mobile without her permission. I thought for min but then I took her mobile and looked at their conversation.

Eve:- Okay, fine! But I would only tell you the first initial not more than that.

Y/n:- Okay👍🏻. That's fine by me.

Eve:- It's y/n/f/I. ( Y/n/f/I means your name's first initial.)

Eve:- Heyy, Y/nln. You there?

I locked the mobile and put it where it was before. I stood and when I was about to go oustide I heard the restroom door opening.

"Okay, done. Now your duty is to take me to them very carefully. If I fall down and broke my bone you will have to pay for it, kira." She said and laughed at the end. I also chuckled at her antics and went towards her as I guide her downstairs where everyone is waiting for her. The whole time my mind was saying one thing.

Eve likes her.