
Chapter 864. Council of Virtus’ Legacy

Jack landed on his butt after getting shoved through the portal. The portal immediately vanished after he passed through.

"What happened?" Paytowin asked. "We didn't see you come out from that portal for quite some time. Mihos tried to go back to check what was wrong, but he couldn't get through. That portal was a one-way passage."

Jack didn't answer. He just shook his head. He was still thinking about Callan's expression just before the enemies came into the chancel. Was the divine priest about to agree to go with him? Or did Callan steel himself to stay on his hara-kiri path? Jack guessed he would never know now.

Jack stood up. "Where are we?" He asked.

"Near the capital of Hydrudond, Messephyria," Mihos answered. "If you go in that direction, you will arrive at the capital soon."

"You will not be coming with us?" Jack asked.