
Second World

He was about to join the beta test on the newest VR games, Second World. But an anomaly threw him into a world with familiar rules, a rule he usually only experienced in a game. Now he must use his past gaming experience in this new world. It was no longer a game, it was survival! A strive to reach the highest level possible. Equipped with dual-class of melee and magic user, Jack was set on the path to become the strongest character in this brave new world.

UnrivaledArcaner · ゲーム
2006 Chs

Chapter 689. The Old Gang

When the two teams reappeared in the arena, everyone applauded. Not just for the winning orc team, but also for the vampire team who lost. They had both shown a strong fighting spirit. Even Pallas looked pleased.

The tournament ended with this team match, the orc team would be going into the finals facing the human team, which would be held tomorrow. Everyone left with great anticipation for the final matches tomorrow.

The orc team went back to their quarters. They walked together with the orc native representatives. After arriving in their quarter, they parted ways and went to their own rooms. Abasi Raretooth, who was one of the natives, went into his room with another native who was older and appeared to be of higher station.

Once inside the room, Abasi locked the door and said to this other native, "Father, I'm afraid the assassination had failed. That human healer girl is still in the audience today."