
Chapter 322. Vanguard Troops Advance!

The monsters that were in front of them were large humanoid creatures. They had a broad physique and short legs, Their entire bodies were covered by reddish-brown hair. Their hands were large and they clenched their fists to form knuckles that were no less intimidating than a sledgehammer.

These humanoid monsters were called Violent Ape. It was amongst the ones in Jack's hunting quest list. In the grassland that the army was passing at, there were giant trees situated sparsely. These trees were the Violent Apes' home. When the army approached, the Violent Apes came out from these trees and put on an aggressive posture.

Perhaps it was also because their house tree was there that these Violent Apes did not flee. Either way, Jack did not let this chance go. He gave the order for the army to attack. The soldiers all dismounted and unsummoned their steeds before engaging the monsters.