
Chapter 1228. The Enemy Advances

"Where do all those troops come from?" Frorryntiar asked. Her eyes were glued to the 3D projection above them. She kept on making sure that it was not a glitch from the projection.

Once their force laid eyes on the enemy, the enemy numbers were shown in the projection. The combined force of Liguritudum and Aurebor was indeed around five million. According to their intel, the enemy's combined force should only be 2,700,000 after the two battles in the west and the north.

"Did their countries send them a reinforcement army?" Frorryntiar asked.

"We have people in Liguritudum and Aurebor. They didn't report any big movement from the army left behind there," Bowler said. Jeanny stationed him inside the war room so he could send the queen's messages instantly to Jeanny when needed.

"Even if they did, their reinforcement can't have arrived this fast," Grombi, one of Frorryntiar's aides, said.

"How do we not see such a big army on their way?"