
Second Life Second Chance: Reborn For Revenge and Success

Betrayed and murdered by his girlfriend Vanessa and her lover Richard, Ethan Carter is reborn as a teenager with memories intact. Seizing this second chance, he seeks revenge and builds an entertainment empire. With future knowledge, he overcomes challenges, dismantles Richard’s life, and finds love and fulfillment with his secretary, Emma.

Jullie_Ferdie · 都市
24 Chs

Chapter Ten: Initial Confusion

Ethan woke up with a jolt. The familiar ceiling above him seemed out of place, like a relic from another time. His heart raced, pounding in his chest as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. The smell of dust and old books filled his nostrils, grounding him in the present moment. He blinked a few times, his eyes adjusting to the dim light filtering through thin curtains.

The ceiling above him was cracked and painted with faded white. The scent of old books and dust filled the air, and the sunlight streamed through thin curtains, casting a soft glow across the room.

He blinked, his vision slowly coming into focus. His heart pounded in his chest, and his mind raced to make sense of the sensations overwhelming him.

He sat up slowly, taking in the details of the room. The bed he was in felt smaller, the blankets lighter. The room was cluttered with posters of rock bands and a desk piled high with schoolbooks and papers. His childhood room, he realized with a start. But how? He had left this room behind years ago.

As he pushed himself up on his elbows, he realized he was lying in a small bed, its covers tangled around his legs.

The room was cluttered with posters of rock bands and a desk piled high with schoolbooks and papers.

"Where am I?" he muttered to himself, his voice hoarse and unfamiliar. His hand moved to his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat up, trying to steady himself.

A mirror on the opposite wall caught his eye, and he stumbled towards it, compelled by a strange sense of urgency.

The reflection that stared back at him was not the weary, middle-aged face he had come to know. Instead, a young boy with bright, wide eyes and a mop of unruly hair gazed at him in astonishment. Ethan raised a trembling hand to his face, touching the smooth skin, the unblemished cheeks. His heart raced faster, and he felt a rush of emotions flood his senses—confusion, disbelief, fear, and a glimmer of hope.

"This can't be real," he muttered, touching his cheeks, his forehead, his lips. "I'm sixteen again?"

"No, this can't be," he whispered, his voice catching in his throat. "Am I dreaming?"

The confusion was overwhelming. He backed away from the mirror, nearly tripping over his own feet. He had vivid memories of his previous life, of working as an office drone, of the loneliness, the betrayal by Vanessa, and the murder at the hands of Richard. How was he here, in his teenage body, in his old room?

He sank to the floor, his back against the wall, trying to steady his breathing. His heart was pounding, his mind spinning with questions. He closed his eyes, willing himself to wake up from this bizarre dream, but when he opened them again, nothing had changed. He was still in his teenage room, in his sixteen-year-old body.

He turned away from the mirror, his mind spinning with the impossibility of what he was experiencing. The room around him was a perfect replica of his teenage bedroom, down to the smallest detail.

The posters, the books, the familiar scent—it was all exactly as he remembered it. He walked over to the window and pulled back the curtains, looking out at the suburban street he had grown up on.

Children played on the sidewalk, their laughter carrying on the warm summer breeze.

"It's real," he said softly, a sense of wonderment filling his voice. "I'm really here."

A mix of emotions washed over him—confusion, fear, and then a dawning realization. This was real. Somehow, he had been given a second chance, a chance to rewrite his life. But why? And how?

As he stood there, absorbing the reality of his situation, memories from his past life began to flood his mind.

He remembered the mundane days as an office worker, the loneliness that had plagued him, the betrayal by Vanessa and Richard, and the moments of happiness with Emily.

The weight of those memories pressed down on him, but he also felt a newfound sense of purpose.

"I have a second chance," he thought, a fierce determination igniting within him. "I won't waste it."

Ethan turned back to his room, his mind racing with possibilities. He needed to figure out how to navigate this new life, and how to make the most of this extraordinary opportunity.

But first, he needed to understand how far back he had been thrown. He walked over to his desk and picked up a calendar. The date read June 15, 2004.

"2004," he said aloud, a mix of shock and excitement in his voice. "I'm sixteen again."

He sank into the chair at his desk, his mind spinning with the implications. At sixteen, he had his whole life ahead of him—endless possibilities and opportunities that he had missed or squandered the first time around.

He thought of the mistakes he had made, the dreams he had abandoned, and the regrets that had haunted him.

"This time," he vowed, "I'll do it right."

Ethan knew he had to start making plans. He couldn't just live his life the same way he had before. He had to be smarter, and more strategic.

He thought about the knowledge he had from his past life—the events that would happen, the opportunities he could seize, the dangers he could avoid.

"First things first," he said, his voice steady and resolute. "I need to find a way to secure my future."

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