

From the birth of the planet to modern civilization, people have always questioned: are we the only intelligent lifeforms to exist in this universe? Are there truly no other advanced species that are capable of learning multiple languages, capable of developing complex industrial civilization, and infinite progression such as us?

The question was answered when one day ripples appeared in the sky out of the blue. The ripples slowly grew larger and larger until a massive hole formed in the sky. A never-before seen ferry-shaped object pierced the sky through the hole. Many people looked at it in disbelief as the ferry-shaped object slowly encroached the horizon. Little by little, darkness befell the land as the vessel exited the hole before coming to a halt, covering the entirety of the sun.

Several people could be seen aboard the vessel. Except these people were quite different, in fact, very different from the average person. Aside from their dark-blue skin, and unusually sharp fangs much alike vampires you would see in the movies, they were over 7-feet tall, and were built superior to Olympic weightlifters. The atmosphere on-board was fairly joyous; laughter echoed all over the deck.

"Captain! We made it!! Ha-ha!" A dark-blue toned person shouted with delight in a foreign language as he laughed like a madman.

The captain standing at the bow of the flying ship, the tallest and biggest out of the bunch responded with a deep hearty laugh. "Indeed! Garharhar-!"

In the midst of the occasion, a stern voice appeared in the captain's head. 'Elkzar, you were sent on a mission!" The voice reprimanded.

Elkzar scratched his bald head, as he ceased his laughter mumbling embarrassingly. "Hur-hur. Right, my bad, got carried away." With a firm expression on his face, he turned towards his crew. "Move out!" He commanded.

In a blink of an eye, the large ferry-shaped vessel alongside the massive hole disappeared without a trace leaving the on-lookers in a daze. Light resurfaced the planet revealing a deep-blue sky.

Welcome! GoodDaySire here! I appreciate you taking your time to visit this novel. SCtDW will be a story that revolves around demons/magic as its core. It will feature a weak-to-strong protagonist! If this is what you are searching for then I hope you will stay along for the ride! If not..., well maybe you'll come to like it?!

Thanks for reading, all feedback is appreciated! GoodDaySire signing out!

TheGrayLedgercreators' thoughts