
Second Chance Ranker

Leopold Fagrisser is an F rank adventurer but after dying in the dungeon, he meets a god one that will bring him back and change the course of his life.

tofuly · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Second Chance

Chapter 1 - Second Chance

The screams of the adventurers echoed throughout the dungeon. Every second it would get louder and louder. It was deafening. A girl appears from around the corner.

"H-help me pl-" The girl is pulled back and the sound of her bones crushing was terrifying.

I'm Leopold Fagrisser, an F rank adventurer. I don't belong to a guild or a party. I'm too weak to be of use to anyone, but nonetheless, I have to keep trying to get stronger no matter what. However, it seems like it's the end of the road for me…

The monsters came around the corner, there were 3 of them. 3 D-rank Direwolves are coming toward me. My body is trembling, I'm too scared to move. I want to run… I need to run. For a split second those words echoed in my mind. I start slowly moving back; the Direwolves can sense fear and I'm filled to the brim with it. The Direwolves start running toward me and I start running too.

The dungeon is filled with twists and turns and is a maze for weak adventurers like me who can't sense aura. I'm running through random paths and hoping that maybe there is a high ranked adventurer nearby.

I've been running for an hour but the Direwolves won't leave me alone. Direwolves normally give up on prey after 30 minutes… then why are they still chasing me?!

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Shit, shit, shit I can't run away anymore… I have to fight.

Although I wanted to run, my body understood what I had to do. I summon my sword and get into a fighting stance. I charge toward the Direwolves. One of the Direwolves jumped towards me. I unconsciously swing my sword but it does no damage.

I can't even damage them! I guess this is the end...

The last two Direwolves jump toward me.

Where am I? Why is it so dark here?

"Welcome, Leopold Fagrisser, or should I say my Champion?"

I jerk my head. "Who's there!?"

A huge figure appeared and walked toward me. "I am Prometheus, the god of fire"

A god? Gods only appear upon those who they select as their champion… Wait, did he just say I was his Champion?

"You must be confused right now, after all you just died."

Right! The Direwolves!

Prometheus puts his hand out. "I've been watching over you, Leopold, for a while now. You're a weak adventurer who wants to get stronger. I'm here to offer you a deal… I will lend you my power and help you become a Ranker and in return, you will go against the gods who have become corrupt"

"A deal? A deal where I can become a Ranker in return for fighting the gods?"

Prometheus nods.

I'm baffled, I can't believe I'm being selected to fight for a god. But to go against the other gods is surely something I can't do.

Three items appear in front of me. A Sword, A Staff, and a Chalice.

"Right now I cannot explain further, if you want to accept my offer then select one of these following items."

"And if I don't?"

"You'll go to the afterlife."

I guess I only have one choice then. What item do I choose then? A sword, it must mean being a weapon user. A staff, that one must make me a magic user… But what is the chalice?

"I think I know which I'll take" I walked forward and grabbed an item.

Prometheus smiles "So that's what you choose."