
Chapter Two

Opening her eyes, Yang Lifei felt her whole body was set on fire.

Was she still burning and alive? That was the first question she asked herself when she opened her eyes but she couldn't see any fire.

She looked around and found herself inside a washroom cubicle. Why does this all look familiar? Clearly she had died but now she was sitting on the toilet lid with a burning body, had she gone back in time? She was thrilled and scared at the same time.

She looked around if she had her bag and found that she didn't, she was hoping that she could call someone to get her to the hospital. That's when she remembered that this had happened before. Did she just go back to 5 years ago on the night of her engagement to Jin Chen? If that's so, then she could right the wrongs that she did to him! It was such a nice thing to be given a second chance.

But she had no time to think about this because in her previous life, some 'good samaritan' had come to help her go to the hospital. But when they had walked out of the washroom, she had 'accidentally' met Jin Chen while being hugged by another man. When she had tried to explain, no one had believed her since her best friend had fired the flames but she never knew this back then, she only thought her friend was simply talking out for her. That was the night that she could never forget in her life. Jin Chen had taken her home and forced himself on her, and their relationship became strained since then. Anytime she would do anything wrong, he would force her.

'Not this time, I won't give you anymore chance. Not in this lifetime!'

Knowing that the good Samaritan was yet to arrive, she thought of a plan to save herself. The washroom cubicles had small windows that couldn't allow her to pass through. Walking out of the cubicle, she peeked out and saw that there was no one outside and walked out.

Fortunately, every washroom in the hotel had a storeroom for storing the cleaning items. She didn't know if luck was on her side, but when found some clothes inside the storeroom and put them on. She looked for anything that would help her disguise herself since she didn't have much time.

It seemed like there was some perverted person working in that hotel because she found some blonde wigs and make ups in the room. Not wanting to think more of it, she tied her hair and wore the blonde wig and the hat. She then put on the ugliest make up on her face with freckles all over her face.

Knowing that she couldn't hold on anymore, she bit her tongue until she tasted the blood this clearing her head a little bit. She picked up the pale and the mop and made her way outside the storage room in time to see a man walk inside the washroom.

She was surprised when she saw his face because he was someone she knew in their circle. In her previous life, by the time the man had come to 'help' her, she was almost out of it and never saw his face and she never got to know who the man was.

"What...are you doing in the ladies room?" She made her voice sound different since she never wanted to raise any suspicions or else everything that happened in her previous life would repeat itself.

"My friend had gone out for a while and was worried, so I thought something must have gone wrong," he replied awkwardly while touching the back of his red while blushing. He was embarrassed being caught in the ladies room but he was going to get the beauty so he didn't care.

"Why not ask a lady if your friend is inside? What if there were people inside?" Yang Lifei was so pissed that she almost strangled him. She had treated him as a friend yet here he was acting like a pervert.

"There was no one outside so I had to come in. Just go on with your work," he said as he called out Yang Lifei's name.

"Feifei," and strated opening the cubicles. He didn't suspect her at all since the clothes she wore were buggy and the makeup was not selling her out after all, she was proud of her make up skills.

She smirked at his back and walked out of the washroom only to meet Xue Li waiting by the door. She only sneered and walked away. After all no one would suspect a blonde lady with freckles on her face to be her. The metallic taste of blood in her mouth was the only thing keeping her sane.

A safe distance from the ladies room, she met one of the cleaners on the stairs after going one floor up to avoid being caught easily and asked for her phone to ask for help. She texted Jin Chen to come and help her with her location. She then thanked the lady who had helped her with the phone and sat down on the stairs.

She was such an elegant lady but she had to wear cleaners clothes, with ugly make up and wait on the stairs just to keep her reputation?

Wait you greedy people, I'll get back at you soon!

The lady was still looking at her weirdly, "Do you work here?" She got the courage to ask.

"No, I just borrowed your clothes when I ran into trouble. I'll return them tomorrow or the day after," she replied and the lady nodded in understanding as she walked off.

On the other side at the party, Jin Chen looked at his phone and frowned seeing the message. He looked around the hall and when he didn't who he was looked for, he strode out of the hall while ignoring the adoring gazes he received from the people. He made his way to the said location but didn't see the person he was looking for only some cleaner sitting on the stairs with her head looking on the floor.

'Where is she?' he was anxious on the inside but his face was still as cold as before.

Yang Lifei felt the cold and raised her head just in time to see him turn his head as if he was walking away, she had seen him get burnt while covering her body with his but here he was standing in front of her, with no burns or tears.

He clearly felt the woman's gaze on him but ignored it as he turned back to the stairs.

"Jin Chen," she called out in a week voice making him pause in his steps. He knew that voice very well, even if it was that weak, he could still clearly hear it well.

"I've been drugged, could you please take me to the hospital?" Her voice was still weak but it brought back the man who was still stunned when he heard her the first time. Yang Lifei made an attempt to stand up but felt a wave of dizziness wash over her and almost fell when she felt someone hold her.