
Chapter Twenty Five

'Did you hear? Madam Jin came to our company and she's gone to the VP's office.'

'But why would she come to our company? The Yangs and the Jin's have never had dealings together before?'

'Even if they had, it won't be Madam Jin who comes. We know she's not involved in the family's business. Is she looking for a wife for his son? I heard he's not involved with women and some people are even thinking that he's gay?'

'Haven't you heard? His son is already married! Someone by the name Mrs Chen hacked into the company and changed Mr Jin's status and even warned the women to stay away from him?'

'Yes, and Mr Jin did not do anything confirming it to be true. And later that day, a woman in a mask and glasses went to see him and the whole of that week she would pop randomly at the office.'

'Could that woman be our VP? She has not been in the company in the past week and immediately she comes back, Madam Jin comes to see her. Is she the daughter in law of the Jin's?'