
Second Chance For Cannon Fodder's! ~You Got The Wrong Script!~

Shu Yin was a "simple" boy who is overly mischievous despite his young age and that was why he died..... He died by drowning when he fell into the ocean when he was secretly peeking at some hot dude's eight-pack abs.... Now tied to a cheeky System, Shu Yin tries to complete missions to have a chance to peek er... I mean live again but not all is as easy as pie when someone in the story got the wrong script... ????: Wife, why are you avoiding me? Shu Yin: Whose your wife?! Go to the fucking FL hot dude, she is your wife! ????: Wife, don't be like that we even have a marriage certificate. I'm not lying to you. *pulls out proof* Shu Yin: Fuck! Why are we married?! ?????: Why, don't you remember? We registered our marriage when you were drunk and pulled me to the registrar's office to marry you. *smirks* Shu Yin: What?! Isn't that the FL's scene? ?????: Now wife, why don't we consummate our marriage? *push Shu Yin down the bed* Shu Yin: I think you got the wrong script! *flips ML down the bed* But even so, who says I'm the bottom? *licks lips*

Harmonieca · ファンタジー
77 Chs

Arc 3.13 Xiao Yao

"Old man, as I told you earlier, we just need to follow the direction where the first light of the sun hits."

Xiao Yao recited the phrase, 'Evil hides in the night. Goodness follows the light. To find what you seek. Follow the path of light.

He explained that he had finally uncovered the meaning behind this phrase and this pointed to the general direction of the place they are going to.

After a few fights and rest, the journey has finally started. The three parties with different motives for entering the underground cave move in one group toward their goal.

Since Xiao Yao had already discovered a way to get out of that damn desert, he lead the group deeper into the underground maze where danger lurks, and unknown if they could still go out alive.

"Kid, are you sure we are going the right way? If we go down the wrong path, we might not be able to come back alive." Old Bai said.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we're going on the correct path."

The group walked endlessly in the desert, a path that only lead them deeper into danger.

They followed Xiao Yao blindly, they could only trust his words since they believe that he would be the one to take them to the Lost City.

They did not entertain the thought that he was lying to them or he might not be able to bring them to the correct destination before they die of starvation.

For people who are already grasping at the tip of the knife, they could only believe Xiao Yao.

During the journey to the Lost City to satisfy their own greed, they suffered both mentally and physically, they also lost many comrades along the way.

But than retreating, the group continued to move forward because there is no more room for retreating anymore.

They could only all bite the bullet and move forward despite the thirst and hunger they were feeling when their supply was almost gone.

"Brother Fei, I'm thirsty." Leng MianMian said in exhaustion.

The group had already eaten their last supply of food four hours ago, their water supply was also long gone.

But they could only go on despite the exhaustion and thirst because if they stop, they will surely die there.

"MianMian, hang on there. We will find water soon." Fei Chen said to comfort Leng MianMian.

Fei Chen supported Leng MianMian to prevent her from collapsing from the intense exhaustion paired with dehydration.

They had been walking for four hours straight without intaking water, the desert was so hot, they were already long dry.

Even Fei Chen could feel the dryness in his mouth, he could only swallow his saliva that is almost dry to keep himself from collapsing due to dehydration.

"Kid, how far are we?"

Old Bai was almost practically dragging himself with the Old man in exhaustion.

But good for both of them, they still have water to sustain themselves so they were not affected by the heat so much.

But Xiao Yao bet that after a few more sips, their water supply would run out.

"Old Bai, I'm not sure. We can only walk and see if we were able to come across another sign." Xiao Yao honestly said.

"Boss, is this kid joking with us?!" Seven angrily yelled.

"Seven, don't make trouble." Old Bandit said shut Seven up.

"I can't walk anymore." Leng MianMian said then fell to the ground.

"MianMian! Get up. Come on." Fei Chen quickly supported her up but she continued to sit on the sand.

"B-Brother Fei, I'm tired. Let me sleep." Leng MianMian said before closing her eyes.

"MianMian, wake up! MianMian!" Fei Chen grab her shoulders and shook her hard but she refused to wake up.

The chaos being created by Fei Chen attracted the attention of the group which made them stop walking and watch the both of them on the sidelines.

"Fei Chen, if you shake any further she will really die." Xiao Yao grimaced.

"What do you mean?!" Fei Chen looked at Xiao Yao nervously.

"Come on, she just fainted. Not dead." Xiao Yao said.

After Xiao Yao explain to Fei Chen, Fei Chen became a little clear-headed and check her breath. She was really alive!

"Enough. Enough. You have caused too much trouble for us. Since she already fainted, everyone is also tired, let us camp here for tonight. Old man, what do you say?"

"Let's camp here."

After the old bandit agreed, the group then settled camp in that place.

The sun has finally set, and the whole desert was enshrouded in utmost darkness.

Only the light from the bonfire illuminated the place and chased away some of the darkness brought out by the setting of the sun.

Xiao Yao, Xu Xin, and Chen Qiao sat in front of the bonfire quietly while the leads were resting a little far away from them, Fei Chen was taking care of the fainted Leng MianMian.

"Fei Chen is so stupid. Will she wake up just because he was staying beside her? Chen Qiao, give this to the two silly couples."

Xiao Yao took out a bottle of water from his bag and toss it to Chen Qiao who was a little bit dumbfounded by his actions.

He thought that Xiao Yao hated her, it looks like Xiao Yao could not bare to see her die even though she was always mean to him.

Xiao Yao is actually a kind person despite his poisonous tongue.

Chen Qiao stood up with a smile and left to give the water to the leads.

"Xin, water?"

Xiao Yao took out another bottle of water from his bag and offered it to Xu Xin but the other declined.

"Keep it to yourself. Water is scarce. I have enough with me." Xu Xin simply explained before taking out an empty water bottle, his indifferent face almost cracked a little.

Xiao Yao almost laughed but decided to keep his face straight while acting as if he did not see the empty bottle of Xu Xin.

But as perceptive as he is, Xu Xin knew that Xiao Yao was laughing at him though he did not show it.

He indifferently put the empty water bottle back into his bag and stayed quiet.

"Water?" Xiao Yao asked again with a smile.

Xu Xin looked at him.

Xiao Yao could almost imagine him pouting in embarrassment but he did not wish to embarrass the other so he did not do a thing to make the other feel awkward.

Xiao Yao shook the water bottle in front of him but the other still did not take it.

He was confused why the other won't take up his offer. His question was then finally answered when Xu Xin who was staying quiet for a long time finally spoke.

"What about you?"

Xiao Yao was surprised when Xu Xin suddenly asked him. He did not expect that the other would care about him.

'So, he did not take the water at first, not because he did not want it but because he was worried that I may not have enough?'

Xiao Yao smiled.

'This bro is not as selfish as he looks to be. At least, he cares about others than himself first. Worth befriending.'