
Searching for his Loyal mate

A beautiful smile, a home full of laughter, joy and beauty, she had it all, everything a normal girl would wish for… Alicia Rodrigeuz, the first princess of the White wolf clan, the guardians of the entire wolf kingdoms, was a stunning and charmingly beautiful young lady, full of zest, and full of life. She had it all, or so she thought, until the jaws of death snatched away all her most prized possession, her family….. The entire white wolf clan was wiped away by the Blue blood sect in a single night, these particular clan of werewolves were banished by the lead Alpha in the 18th century. The betrayal and hurt they felt made them wipe out the white wolf clan when their queen was married into that clan. Alicia now has no choice but to flee and hide under a new identity in the city of humans. She has to mask her scent and avoid trouble at all costs... Asher, the white hybrid and Alpha of his clan is a domineering CEO, the first born of the purest and deadliest wolves, the Alpha of this pack, he’s rude, bossy, and classy. The dream man of most prospective spinsters in the city. He has those dreamy eyes, sexy body and that timely smirk of a snub, he’s to die for and is the king of sassy and snide remarks… How do the paths of these two from worlds apart cross? Would the ice prince thaw and love the queen of wolves? Would Alicia’s past influence and affect her decisions, would she choose to be loyal after an intense and painful betrayal? Find out through the pages of this book...

Daoist866024 · 都市
2 Chs

A not-so-beautiful beginning

Chapter 2 – A not-so-beautiful beginning

A shriek pierced through the chilly night air, Akilah ran as fast as she could with her little girl, Alicia, hurriedly hiding her in a secret undeground lair. "My baby", please hide here until everywhere is calm. Mommy and Daddy love you so much, please take good care of yourself, the Weimer clan are here to take revenge on our clan for marrying me. Bye baby, be safe, her words trailed off as she sealed the lair with the last of her magic. She was wounded and ran back to the pack to save her husband and new clan.

"Boom", a loud explosion reverbrated in the air, followed by the collision and dust rising in the cloud. And with that loud bang went the entire clan of the Lycans. Alicia, with her green eyes, sobbed greatly, and walked through the debris of her entire clan.

"No,no,no,no" she said as she woke up drenched in sweat and tears, she'd been having the same nightmare for the past 15 years. She got off he bed, shruggled and walked to the bathroom. Her blonde hair, scattered in several million directions, as though she'd been electrocuted.

Brushing her teeth, she looked into the mirror and her glass-like eyes shone. The sign of her Wolfe nature.

She packed her bag and headed outside for breakfast with her family (adoptive undercover). She ruffled through Alex hair and sat for breakfast.

Pete (her father), handed her the bottle of milk and said "you look awful", "She must have had the nightmare again", Angela chipped in. She was bringing the omelette she had just prepared. The table was filled with hotdogs, cereal, bread, and butter, margarine. It was practically a feast.

After breakfast, Alicia walked to the bus station, it was her first day at her new job. I must not be late, she thought.

She readjusted her ID card and the hem of her gown.

At exactly 7:10 a.m, she walked through the doors of Patel Firm. She was employed as the CEO's secretary.

She stopped at the reception to get directions and information on how to get started for her new job.

"Good morning", she greeted with her most charming smile. I am Alicia Rodriguez, the new secretary for the CEO, she greeted the plump lady behind the reception. Hello Ms. Rodriguez, I'm Shelly. The CEO's office is on the 13th floor, you can use his private elevator to get there, she pointed to the golden elevator with the inscription, Penthouse. Thank you Shelly, she smiled and walked to the elevator.

She enters and goes to the 13th floor. She walks in and is awed at the sight before her. This is no office, it's a suite! she exclaimed. It was also a mess, books, files, everything were all splattered across each corner of the office.

She toured his office and saw a desk she presumed was hers.

She arranged her things and also went to arrange the CEO's desk, she was a clean freak and wouldn't care to tidy a whole building just to see everywhere tidy and neat.

She was just almost done with the CEO's desk when he casually strolled in and saw a lady's backside shot up in the air towards him, he was immediately uninterested. She got up and turned to leave his desk when she slipped and would have fallen hard, with all the files in her hands. Adrian leapt forward and grasped her.

This was definitely a Hollywood moment, or not. Alicia screamed in horror at the man she had a crush on, she struggled out of his grip and instead fell flat and hard on the floor. Eventually...