
Searching For Heavens

Thrown into a new world. In the middle of a mountain with no one in sight. To survive in this harsh new world is to become strong enough to not die in mere seconds. In this kind of enviroment there is still some time to discover the place where you belong, to search for your own heaven.

HiddenKnight · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Chapter 5

While saying that I'm going to observe the concept and intentions behind every move of the animals, I mean to observe carefully enough to see those specific, subtle core movements. That way I would not be replicating the entire move but just the essence, that would not damage my body or force me to do exaggerated moves.

The beast ended up becoming a mess after the hunt.

-I really need to polish my moves. Or we would end up eating minced meat every time. -

The thought itself is not bad, the problem is that cooking minced meat in the middle of nowhere is difficult.

While I was hunting, the little fox already found a suitable place to pass the time.

It wasn't full of qi like our home back in the middle regions, but it was ok to practice until you could move up on the mountain.

On one corner of the field, there was little tiger. Of at least two meters and luscious golden hair. It would be a majestic sight on earth, enough to intimidate anyone.

But here it was cowering itself in a corner, trying to not bring into itself the attention of the little fox.

A pretty common sight if you ask me. The little fox always tries to show off.

The fire was already started, so I just tried to make a campfire big enough to accommodate the meat.

You know what, let's just try this raw. The fire is going to waste but it would be less time consuming that to try to cook minced meat without a pan or a cooking pot.


Well, that was a bad decision, not because we ended up poisoned or something, but because the taste of the meat was awful.

It was like trying to chew on rubber, and the taste was similar to paper the kind that is full of ink.

This is the problem with trying to live in the wilds.

It's not like during the first months we didn't have this kind of meal regularly, but almost seven years of grilled meat aren't in vain.

I really need to get back to society. It's not like I did something grand and worthy of praise while on earth, but there I would at least have someone to talk to.

- Hey, little fox, let's try to make a form of communication between us. Not the thing that we already do just trying to understand each other with corporal signals, but something that we would both understand with words. -

The little fox just stared at me intensely, like trying to say:

- Why would we need that????-

- Why??? Because I's starting to lose my mind here, all day doing nothing more than practicing or hunting. I mean, it's not that bad when you get accustomed. But still. -

The little fox just gave me the cold shoulder, shifting its attention towards the scenery around us.

- Could you please pay attention to your companion that is suffering?????-

The little fox continued ignoring me. I guess she really doesn't care about our method of communication. Even if that is the case, I still feel the need to communicate verbally with another being. It's not like I'm some kind of sage that likes to live deep in the mountains with zero communication with the outside world.

The time passed quickly. The little fox just sprawled into the grass, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep and try to accumulate more qi. Meanwhile I started doing exercise to let my qi flow more easily.


Like that, two more days have passed, maybe it's time to begin our journey towards our territory.

It would not be difficult or full of peril, but we would have to battle quite a few times with some beast in the same rank as those of the little fox.

Something to note is that animals on par with the little fox tend to form some kind of core inside them. Not every animal out there has a core, but those that have it tend to be more powerful than normal.

You can even consume those cores. I you don't have your own already, then it would help you form one. But if you already have one, then it would help you refining your core till its crystal clear.

That way you would speed up your evolution. What we know is that the purer your core, the greater is the increase of your strength.

You could roughly divide the cores into low, medium, and high purity. At least that is the way we made to roughly divide the battle spoils.

I get the low and medium purity cores, while the little fox gets the ones with high purity.

I tried some experiments with the cores and created some sort of bombs. You need to be far from the target to use them, because the explosion was powerful enough to obliterate a being in the same reals as that of the little fox.

Because I couldn't absorb the cores without difficulties I resorted to such means. And even that was the reason I decided to develop a new method to gain power easily.

The thing is, the path towards our territory would be full of fights and battle spoils, we could even search the territory of those defeated beast and gain some medicines helpful to us. As the beast tend to make their lair near some plant that produces fruits or medicine that they find helpful.

The little fox already consumed her plant. It just changed her color, from the typical orange with black, to a pure white.

While packing up our things and thinking of the rewards waiting for us ahead we heard a loud explosion.

Instantly the ground started trembling and the projection of a gigantic wall appeared around the mountain. Its end was not visible as clouds were surrounding the upper part of the mountain.

We ended up throwing everything that we got during these two days into a bag made of leather and started running towards the illusory wall.