
Chapter 8

My whole body begins to change my entire body, and molten rock forms around it but not my face. Magma from my hair became much silkier and long it stretched from my head and down to the now brunt floor. My eyes are bright yellow. and my face is slightly dark brown and tan mixed. The ground is on fire yes it is conret now but now it is all brunt. The guards didn't react well.

First, they tried to k1ll me, by shooting my heart. Which didn't work at all, the bullet only melted into a puddle of metal. I looked down and saw that more MTF people are shooting me. And I made a box out of the cooled molten rock I stepped in after a few minutes I turned into a blob filling the box altogether.

They carried me, to a new containment chamber, the size of a small hotel room. I was placed in the middle of the dull white room I think that the researchers moved to this one and classified me, as Ketler. Which will put me in the same class as an oversized unkillable lizard. I can change my shape, I can make myself smaller and more prominent. I will be tested with a D-class later they brought in a cactus. And placed it on the other side of the glass. But I can still feel it. So I transformed back into my blue-haired form. I shrugged, turned to a corner, and sulked because this room was so dull. And it was so empty that I asked them while facing the corner, " Can I get a swing? " At first there is silence, Then a female voice said, " Okay, SCP- XXX. " They lead me to a room where Scp-049 is and they told me to stay with him while they install the tire swing. Who told the one who is in charge to put me, and HIM. IN THE SAME FRICKING ROOM