
Chapter 7

I snapped back to reality, I gasped tears welled up, and clutched my head crying. I curled into a ball and let out a Cry so full of pain & sadness and loud that shook the whole facility. When I finally stopped I collapsed plus passed out.

When I woke up Scp-999 was sitting on my stomach. The orange blob giggled and I sat up and laughed while the blob was being adorable. The weight of sadness and pain disappeared, and I smiled. Scp-999 is the best, in the whole world, angel. There is a property that the little blob will someday overpower his father aka the Scarlet King and save the world from The Scarlet King. It was confusing that such a sweet orange blob can save anyone, but I can't judge people by their looks. Soon the researchers took Scp-999 away, and a huge wave of sadness and pain came crashing down on me, I tried my best not to cry out. Of course, the researchers didn't help, they are way too busy studying me. "Those jerks", I thought while clutching my head, I wish Medea can help me, right now.

Unfortunately, Medea didn't help, she is way too busy surfing my head. Annoyance! And I don't have a name, what is a name? I guess that is what humans call themselves. I guess Medea has a name, but why don't I have a name? Maybe I do. Anyway, they sent a D-class to my cell and order him to attack me. I dodged and then Medea took control, on my head there will grow two pairs of a void black bull and ram horn. My eye went from grass green to ruby red. and the green dress changed colors too, into black and red. A Crazy intent filled her features, and a crazy smile stretched itself across my face. Medea lifted her hand/my hand into the air thorns erupted from the ground and pierced him through the chest. The D-class screamed and died. When I returned to my normal form, I dragged the body to the corner of the containment chamber and burned it using light from the light bulbs.

They brought in another D-class and ordered her to burn the whole place down. She nodded and brought out a box of matches. Before I knew what is happening lit the grass on fire! I screamed as the quickly growing fire consumed the grass and is targeting the big oak tree I ran to the oak tree with lighting speed managed to block the fire from burning the tree.

When the flames touched me, I groaned and as my hands begin to turn into molten Lava.