
Chapter 5 Inter #1

I was not ready for, him. Cain... he rushed towards me I screeched and I willed plants towards he roared and the plants tangled Cain so fast that They made bruises. I gasped and Darted away. Just in time I really can't imagine it at all.

I hid in a corner for a while then coms said, " SCP-XXX an interview. " I nodded letting the people drag her into the interview room. A doctor was already there. looking through papers And there's a click.

Interviewer: Dr[REDACTED]

Interviewee: Scp-XXX

Dr[REDACTED]: Begin recording.

Dr[REDACTED]: Scp-XXX what is your origin?

Scp-XXX: No hello? What a shame.

Dr[REDACTED]: Please answer the question Scp-XXX.

Scp-XXX: Okay, chill!

Scp-XXX: I just woke up in the middle of the woods.

Dr[REDACTED]: Why do you have blue hair?

Scp-XXX: I woke up to this, okay.

Dr[REDACTED]: Where did you wake up?

Scp-XXX: Where you halogens saw me.

Dr[REDACTED]: Interview End.