
Science and Technology Library (Edited)

I am merely a translator of this novel I enjoy, without any credits to this work. You can find machine-translated versions elsewhere, but if you wish to read this novel without much difficulty, I recommend reading my version. ---------------------- Science and Technology Library: The supreme pinnacle of science lies in theology. Through an accidental rescue, Chen Mo gains access to a technology library that houses an infinite collection of technological knowledge. Thus, the story begins...

Eky_Riyadi_8592 · 都市
36 Chs

Science and Technology Library

The library's bookshelf flashed with lightning as the rain curtain outside the transparent window was illuminated. Chen Mo, navigating between the bookshelves, constantly scanned his eyes in search of books.

Suddenly, at the corner, Chen Mo felt a sharp pain in his nose, and a faint scent wafted into his nostrils, momentarily startling him.

Taking a few steps back, Chen Mo discovered that he had bumped into a girl. She had dark black hair tied back in a simple low ponytail, with two strands of hair falling gracefully in front of her forehead. Her bangs blended with her gentle and elegant temperament. Wearing a white t-shirt and ultra-short jeans, she exposed her slender legs to the air, exuding a subtle hint of wildness that was captivating.

Her eyes were bright and soft, her skin fair, and although he couldn't exactly label her as a stunning beauty, she was certainly the most pleasing girl he had ever laid eyes upon.

"Delicate and pretty," was the first thought that came to Chen Mo's mind.

Realizing his bias, he quickly regained his composure and apologized, "Sorry."

"It's alright," the girl replied, brushing her forehead and smiling at Chen Mo before walking away.

As Chen Mo watched the girl's retreating figure, a twinge of longing tugged at his heart. The faint scent left a lasting impression, making it impossible for him to shake off thoughts of her appearance.

Shaking his head to clear his mind, Chen Mo resumed his search among the bookshelves. It didn't take long before he spotted the same girl again.

and they exchanged smiles as they passed each other. The lingering scent in his nose compelled Chen Mo to steal a glance at her receding back.

Rumble! Suddenly, a deafening thunderclap echoed through the library, followed by startled screams that reverberated through the air.

The sudden loud noise startled both the girl and Chen Mo, causing them to jump in surprise. Chen Mo felt his heart skip a beat, and his neck involuntarily recoiled.

As the screams subsided, loud crashing sounds emanated from the adjacent bookshelf.

In that moment, Chen Mo's eyes widened as he noticed the bookshelf above the girl's head slowly tilting, on the verge of collapsing.

"Be careful!"

Without hesitation, Chen Mo sprang forward, rushing to her aid.

Crash! Something struck Chen Mo's head, but he managed to shield the girl with his hands, breaking their fall. He caught a whiff of the familiar fragrance.

"Someone knocked down by the bookshelf..."

"Someone help the trapped students!"

"Call an ambulance!"

The commotion filled the air as concerned voices arose from the nearby onlookers.


A sharp pain shot through Chen Mo's head, leaving him disoriented and on the verge of losing consciousness. As his awareness wavered, he could still hear the commotion emanating from the library.

After an unknown period of time, Chen Mo gradually regained consciousness. As he looked up, he was met with the sight of a towering golden gate, stretching hundreds of meters high. The gate was adorned with an array of inscriptions and symbols, filling its entirety in a thick and simplistic manner. To Chen Mo, they appeared incredibly unfamiliar.

Hadn't he been knocked under the fallen bookshelf?

What is this?

The gateway to the realm of spirits?

A barrage of questions flooded his mind, keeping Chen Mo rooted in front of the gate. Tentatively extending his hand to touch it, the gate suddenly swung open, bathing him in a radiant white light pouring from within.

As the dazzling brilliance dissipated, Chen Mo lifted his head.

An intricate arrangement of towering shelves, stretching hundreds of meters high, unfolded before him. The shelves seemed to extend endlessly, making it impossible to discern their end. Neatly arranged upon them were books of varying thickness, a vast collection awaiting exploration.

Gazing at the towering bookshelves, Chen Mo's eyes reflected a blank confusion, as if he stood in the midst of an immense library, feeling like a lost ant.

What is this? Is it the Library of Hell or the Library of heaven?

Did his demise in the library lead him to this celestial library?

Filled with anticipation, Chen Mo let his thoughts run wild. However, when he snapped back to reality, he found himself standing before a colossal library. It was so vast that even the libraries of giants couldn't compare in size.

"Is anyone here?" Chen Mo whispered, but received no response.

"Someone?" Summoning his courage, Chen Mo called out into the library.

"Someone?"... "Anyone?"...

No one replied, only the fading echo of his own voice reverberated through the space. His gaze settled on the center of the library.

There, a plain mahogany table stood with a book resting upon it. The book's cover was a deep shade of red, possessing a simple yet weighty appearance. Upon closer inspection, intricate formulas, symbols, and combinations of letters adorned its pages, forming complex and enigmatic patterns.

The book's cover displayed four prominent words embossed in gold: Science and Technology Library.

"Science and Technology Library?" Chen Mo hesitated, then opened the book, only to find blank pages.


Just as Chen Mo was about to continue his exploration, a shimmering curtain descended from the sky above the library, revealing a figure in the open space behind him.

It was an old man, dressed in a gray robe, with gray hair and a face etched with wrinkles. His eyes emanated a wise light as he smiled, radiating a kind and gentle aura, much like a friendly neighbor's grandfather.

"Hello, sir. What is all this?" Chen Mo hesitated, seeking answers from the old man who didn't seem to pose any harm.

"Isn't it written right there? You're a lucky child," the old man replied, his smile widening as he looked at Chen Mo.

"Science and Technology Library?" Chen Mo pointed at the book's cover.

"Yes, this is the Science and Technology Library, housing an endless collection of advanced knowledge," the old man responded, his gaze drifting towards the seemingly boundless bookshelves stretching behind him.

Chen Mo hesitated, but curiosity got the better of him. As he scanned the books lining the shelves, his eyes widened in astonishment.

"Quantum Portal," "Super Alloy," "Gene Editing and Artificial Human," "Artificial Intelligence," "Ultra-Dimensional Mathematics," "Anti-Substance Extraction Technology," "God Particle Stabilization and Utilization Technology," "Human Potential Development Drugs," "Superpower Awakening Methods and Technologies"...

The bookshelf, towering a hundred meters high, held an extraordinary collection of technical books. It encompassed a vast array of high-tech fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, computing, mathematics, information, medicine, and military.

Each book represented a distinct technology. Chen Mo realized that any technology he laid eyes upon here could be transformed into reality, leading to fame, fortune, and boundless wealth right at his fingertips.

How much technology lay within this library? Chen Mo turned his gaze towards the depths of the library, where the end seemed elusive, and his heart trembled with awe.

Upon regaining his senses, Chen Mo reached out to grab the book, only to find his hand grasping at thin air. It became evident that these bookshelves existed outside his own time and space, beyond his physical reach.

He made several more attempts, each time futilely grasping at empty space.

No matter how hard he tried, Chen Mo couldn't physically touch the bookshelves; his hands passed through them as if they were illusions.

"Sir, am I dreaming? Why can't I reach these books?" Chen Mo questioned, a smile tugging at his lips. It felt like a golden mountain standing before him, yet he could only watch from afar, unable to grasp it. It was the epitome of the world's greatest distance.

"Child, you are not dreaming," the old man assured him, pointing to the dark red book on the table. "Once you inscribe your name within it, you shall become the new owner of the Technology Library."

Chen Mo walked back to the table, contemplating for a few moments, before picking up the black feather pen resting beside the book. Carefully, he inscribed his name on the title page.

As soon as he finished writing, a flash of golden light emanated from his hand, then quickly faded away.

"Chen Mo."

A resounding voice reverberated throughout the library, prompting Chen Mo to glance up, only to find emptiness.

"Don't look for it any longer, this is your proof of ownership within the library," the old man explained, observing Chen Mo's puzzled expression. He smiled warmly and added, "Henceforth, you are the rightful owner of this library."

The old man's words brought a smile to Chen Mo's face. He realized that he had embarked on an adventure of unimaginable proportions.

"Sir, may I ask for your name?" Chen Mo inquired.

"I am the guardian of the Technology Library. I don't possess a name. You may refer to me as the Administrator, or any other title you prefer," the old man replied, his satisfaction growing as he gazed upon Chen Mo.

"Is that so, As the administrator, you must have the privilege to read these books. Books gives you knowledge and wisdom, so i will call you Shu Lao" Shu Lao replied with a smile. "I didn't expect that I would also have a name. You can call me Shu Lao if you'd like." (note: Shu Lao means Old Tree)

"Shu Lao, as the library owner, can I retrieve the books?" Chen Mo eagerly inquired, his impatience evident.

"Why don't you give it a try?" Shu Lao chuckled.

Chen Mo reached out his hand towards the bookshelf, only to feel a sense of disappointment when he couldn't grasp the books.

"Why can't I retrieve these books?" Chen Mo asked in frustration.

"You don't have sufficient authority," Shu Lao explained, shaking his head. "Currently, your authority level is just [trainee]. High-level technologies are beyond your reach."

"What about the lower-level ones?" Chen Mo quickly seized on the possibility.

"Yes, with your [trainee] authority, you can get one random book at the apprentice level every month. because it's the first time, you are free to select one," Shu Lao clarified.

"What exactly are the trainee levels?" Chen Mo inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"You'll find the answer within the book itself. Take a look," Shu Lao gestured towards the dark red book resting on the table.