
School Princess is a Mafia Leader

In a world of Mafia's, spirits and martial artist a young girl has secretly become the leader of one of the top five Mafias where does her fate lie.

OnikunStudios · アクション
9 Chs

Back to School

"How's Mei Mei?" Yuli asked, her back to the men who were standing attentively.

They looked at each other before responding, "She's fine Boss."

"That's good," Yuli sighed before she entered a black Range Rover. Her attendants were standing outside it, confused expressions on their faces about what to do next.

"Tell the others to get rid of those bodies. Disgusting fools like them don't deserve a proper burial," Yuli ordered as she opened her phone.

"Yes, Boss!" They replied before driving off.

[ "Yuli when are you coming back to school?!! ] A girl on the phone yelled, frustration filled her voice.

"I'll come back to school next week, don't worry," Yuli laughed, a warm smile on her face.

"You better because I miss you so much and daddy won't let me visit you!" Mei Mei whined.

"Maybe he has his reason," Yuli stated understandingly.

"My greeting to your cute little sister," Mei Mei giggled.

"You know she won't accept it right?" Yuli laughed as the car drove off into the night.


It was an early morning as the sun was starting to rise, light slipping through the window sills. Yuli was lying down, enjoying a nice sleep before she opened her eyes, yawning.

"Morning Already, what a bummer," Yuli cried as she got up from bed. She groggily made her way to the bathroom, reaching the sink where she then proceeded to brush her teeth.

"Rose, please wake up," Yuli said as she patted Rose gently.

"I don't wanna wake up. I wanna sleep more!!" Rose complained as she used her bed sheet to cover herself.

"Get up already, I don't want to be late for school because of you!!" Yuli yelled as she pinched Rose's cheeks.

"Okay, okay, stop I'll get ready for school," thirteen-year-old Rose yelled as she got up from her bed frowning before dashing to the bathroom.

Yuli quickly bathed and got dressed up before preparing a lovely breakfast for her and Rose. After they finished she prepared lunch boxes for both of them.

"Yuli," Rose called out as she dashed towards their dining table.

"Yes Rose," Yuki answered as she smiled at her little sister.

"Can I have katsu curry with rice and meat for dinner," Rose asked with pleading eyes.

"Stop, you'll make me laugh. Of course, I would prepare any food you want," Yuli answered with a smile.

"Yaayyyyy!!!" Rose was beaming ear to ear, "My sister is an excellent cook so I always brag about my lunch to my friends," Rose smirked, a proud expression on her face.

"Big sis you should become a chef," Rose suggested, "I don't want you to be fighting and killing anymore," Rose pouted.

Yuli had a serious expression in response, "I don't want to be a chef. I learned how to cook just to feed my beloved sister. And I need to fight to protect you."

"People in school think that you don't treat me well since they barely see me hanging out with you. I always tell them that it's not true that you're the best sister I have and you always protect me from bad people," Rose looked down sadly.

"Hmm I'm forgetting something, yeah, I'm late for school!!!!" Rose yelled as she slurped her noodles before dashing out of the house.

Once Rose left Yuli then heard someone from outside calling her name.

"Yuli hurry up we have to go or else we would be late," Nacy jumped around excitedly. While Jennifer used her phone.

"Coming," Yuli responded as she quickly finished her breakfast before taking her bag and rushing out of the room, but she remembered to put on her glasses.

"Okay let's go," Yuli said as she began to walk with them.

Yuli then chatted along the way as they walked to school together.

Once they reached school Yuli then turned on her phone to see the last message from Mei Mei. She wasn't going to come to school again since her father has moved her to a school for the rich in Canada.

Yuli then looked up to see a sign board that wrote, Dermot Highschool.

It's a normal school, for normal students in Ghana. It's not very popular, but it's affordable and a lot of young students attend there.

After they both reached the school they headed straight to class since they were almost late.

*During the rest of the day classes began*

After Lessons Bell rang as all the students hurriedly left the class before the teacher would try and make them stay even though it was break.

Yuli then walks out of her seat, feeling like she has been drained.

"Finally lessons are over," Yuli groaned due to being stressed out from the classes.

"Yuli," Jessica waved her hands around trying to catch Lotus's attention.

Jessica is one of Yuli's childhood friends, since kindergarten. She's 15 years old and

She appears as a fair girl with dark brown hair with light purple eyes. A bit tall and slender. She has fair milky and smooth skin. More likely considered average looking but cute. Has a jolly and kind personality. Loves music and cooking, and hates bullies.

Yuli is not very sociable so she only has a few friends.

"Hi Jessica," Yuli greeted.

"Oh Yuli, classes are finally over for now," Nancy sarcastically smirked and giggled.

Nancy is also a friend of Yuli. She's Age 16. Appears as a girl with brown skin and little curly hair, brown eyes, beautiful slender legs, and a medium-sized chest.

Most of the time behaves like a tomboy. Loves anime and video games. Hates working. Her family is not all that rich, but enough to keep them going.

"You're a very beautiful girl but you always were in those ugly classes," Jessica said as she looked at Yuli.

"It's sad," Nancy agreed silently as she dramatically gave fake tears.

"If I was beautiful like you I would have had a boyfriend," Nancy chuckled.

"Yeah," Jessica agreed.

"But I like wearing glasses," Yuli defended with a droopy voice.

"And I don't need a boyfriend," Yuli added.

"You know my experiences with guys," she reminded them.

"Yesss!!!! It was hilarious," Jessica blurted out laughing.

"You always get a proposal 5 times a month, from both guys and girls pffftt," Nancy joined Jessica in laughter.

"And it was so annoying when I used to go to school looking all cute and pretty," Yuli toned down her voice so others won't hear.

Jessica and Nancy just looked at each other before looking at Yuli.

"They just like to stare at my chest and face," Yuli started burning in rage as she remembered those times.

"No worries, the one that was funny was when you confessed to Mei mei's twin brother instead of Mei-mei," Jennifer started laughing as she patted Yuli on the shoulder.

"It's not funny," Yuli frowned as she pinched Jennifer's cheeks.

"Well it is an embarrassing situation, confessing to her twin brother, and what's more he rejected you," Nancy added as she looked at Yuli.

"Who knew they both shared the same locker?!" Yuli mumbled with a frown, "Well that's all in the past."

"But you never told Mei-mei too huh. Now she's gone to a new school," Nancy stated as she stared at Yuli with doubt.

"Mei mei's brother told me she's into Korean guys," Yuli answered with a hoarse voice. The person whom she liked isn't even interested in girls so she might as well give up.

"Well no worries there are many guys and girls out there, if you like I don't mind dating you," Jessica said as she patted Yuli on the shoulder.

"Like hell, you would!!" Yuli yelled as she stepped away from Jessica.

"How mean of you," Jessica pouted.

"Let's go for lunch before the bell rings," Nancy said as she grabbed both Yuli and Jessica's hands dashing to the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria, numerous students were gathered each holding trays and taking their food from the counter. Yuli, Nancy, and Jessica also took their food and headed toward a table.

"Thank you for the food," Yuli clasped her hands as she chomped down her food.

"Wow, Yuli slow down! No one is chasing you" Jessica chuckled.

Yuli turned to look at her, some food still in her mouth, "But I'm hungry."

"What's more you know I live by myself, so cooking is stressful," Yuli continued.

"At a young age like this…." Jessica was about to speak but no words could be uttered.

"Well, shall we eat," Jessica said with a bright smile.

"Yes," Nancy replied as she too began to eat.

"Yuli, I heard the Hosachi Cooperation is makings as a new clothing store here in Accra," Jessica beamed as she chewed a burger.

"Mmfm mmfm mfm," Jessica stated as she was chewing her burger.

"Eat first before you talk!!" Nancy yelled as she knocked Jessica in the head.

"Ouch, Nancy…..well can't wait, I heard they always make a section where beautiful clothes are available for sale at a good price for those who don't earn a high amount of money," Jessica said happily.

"That's not surprising, they've made all sorts of companies during the last 5 years around the continent of Africa. And they're the richest company in Africa with over 6 trillion pounds thanks to their new Boss," Jessica explained calmly as she looked at Yuli and Nancy.

"Jobs have skyrocketed so everyone is able to live a good life," Nancy added as she nodded her head.

"You know, I heard from some sources that 5 years ago before their new Boss was announced, their businesses were declining and no one even knew of them. But when their new Boss came everything changed. They became more popular in every business industry one could think of," Jessica explained with burgeoning excitement.

"Mmm, that's interesting," Yuli muttered curiously.

"Yes, they specialize in clothing, beverage production, restaurants, banks, furniture production, food production, clubs, casinos, shopping malls, real estates, BLA BLA BLA. There's just so many," Jessica listed as she counted her fingers.

"I heard our school is even owned by them. I bet their Boss is some rich handsome man," Jessica said happily with dreamy eyes.

"How would you know that?" Yuli asked as she stared at Jessica.

"Well their Boss has never shown their face to the media before so it remains a mystery," Jessica answered.

"I bet their Boss is a woman," Yuli stated with a smirk.

"Well we'll never know until their Boss decides to reveal themselves someday," Nancy chided in to stop any early agreement of if the Boss is a man or a woman.

Once the break was over Yuli went back to class with her friends as they continued their classes until 3 pm before the school closed.

"Let's go for karaoke Yuli," Jessica suggested with a smile.

"Sorry I have to work, so I'll see you guys later," Yuli rejected politely.

"Okay, do your best," Nancy cheered.

"Yeah," Jessica added with a smile.

"Thanks, girls," Yuli said as she hugged them before leaving.

Jessica and Nancy both watched Yuli run off to work.

"I feel sorry for Yuli," Jessica groaned as she watched Yuli from a distance.

"Yeah to lose both parents at a young age and working for herself to feed her sister and pay for school fees," Nancy added.

"She's a strong girl," Jessica said with a smile.


Yuli dashed as she grunted, "Damn I'm gonna be late."

After some minutes Yuli finally reached the shop.

"Madam Sana's Cafe," those were the words written on a board above the cafe.

"Sorry I'm late," Yuli yelled as she looked at Aunt Sana and at the empty store

"There's no need to worry, I just wonder why you come to work here every day even though you're a trillionaire?" Sana sighed as she was setting up some tables.

"Same goes for a billionaire who also works here," Yuli rolled her eyes at Sana and smiled.

"Well I have my reasons," Sana retorted.

"Same goes for me," Yuli said with a smile.

"The cafe would be opening in an hour so we must get ready the other even shift ladies would be coming soon," Sana glanced at Yuli as she wiped her hands.

"Okay," Yuli responded as she left to change.

Sana sighed as she watched Yuli. She remembered 8 years ago when Yuli lost her mum she always looked tired of life and would only smile when Rose was around. Unfortunately, she heard no news about her best friend's death until she was informed recently. She offered to adopt Rose and Yuli but Yuli refused and made a deal with Sana. She would work for Sana and get Paid. Sana had no way of dealing with this stubborn child so she agreed.

Since her business was far overseas she decided to retire and open a Cafe to stay and watch over Yuli. Even though she took Yuii under her care, Yuli was stubborn and always worked. Then the year they met the Hosachi Mafia Yuli moved out with Rose and started to live on her own, but she would always come and work in the cafe when she had time

sorry my friend didn't edit today so my writing would be a bit crude.

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