
School Me

A year ago Sabastian Delroy left Liston Hills and a heartbroken Dainy Hallow with it but now he's back. Only things are not quite as he left it. Seems like Ms. Hallow isn't up for the taking but fear not, a Delroy always gets his girl. Follow the lives of Liston Hills Elite in this twelve-part series as they learn that money might make the world go round but it doesn't guarantee you happiness. But hey, if you're lucky, it just might buy you a whole bag of hurt. Meet the jock:- I am fucking Reagan Orniel. What I want, I get, and I own it. I am the captain of the football team because I want to be. I am heir to the Orniel fortune because I'm born to be. I am a full platinum package. Women love me. Kids look up to me. Even grown-ass men inspire to be me. But this time I got something I didn't want. I owned something I didn't fucking want to own, Dainy Hallows virginity. Meet the Cheerleader:- I am Dainy Hallow after all. The girls in school either fear me or want to be me. Unlike the rest of them including my brother, I don't need the fancy surname. I hold all the important titles, head cheerleader, A-grade student, and your worst nightmare if you ever dare to cross me. A fair warning- don't cross me. Now meet Delroy, Sabastian Delroy:- The bastard must be feeling all smug and shit, he finally got her where HE wanted her. Had a taste of that which others have taunted him with for years. Only he knows now that the stories were lies. Made up tales, to throw in his face. A silent fuck you Orniel. Reagan has always been a friend, a good friend. But I share something far more than friendship with Dainy, we had a connection when we dated. She felt it. I felt it. We couldn't understand it, because we hated each other so much. It was dangerous what we brought out between the two of us. I backed off because she was young, I was young, but I'm back now, and it's time Dainy Hallow started paying attention.

Shan R.K · 都市
38 Chs


I am a man.

A red-blooded, adrenaline junky, panty-dropping man.

It's the explanation of why I do what I do.

The heartbreaks, the fights and the late-night partying. It comes with the package, it's my life.

I am who the fuck I choose to be and for the past four years, I fucking ruled.

There was never a second that it crossed my mind to stop and think.

I am fucking Reagan Orniel.

What I want, I get, and I own it.

I am the captain of the football team because I want to be. I am heir to the Orniel fortune because I'm born to be. I am a full platinum package.

Woman love me. Kids look up to me. Even grown-ass men aspire to be me.

But this time I got something I didn't want. I owned something I didn't fucking want to own, Dainy Hallows virginity.

I woke up this morning with regret, it was the first time that shit has ever happened to me. Who knew she was a virgin. All those times when she got dumped or did the dumping, I felt sorry for the blonde. I was thinking she was just a god awful lay, especially when my team mates kept going on about how easy she was.

Unlike her dickhead brother who never stood up for her, I always liked Dainy.

Now when I think about it, I understood his reasons. Aiden knew all those rumors were bullshit and regardless of what most people think, Aiden is so far from stupid. He makes my B’s look like E’s.

At school, I was dreading the public confrontation between Dainy and me, but when Lucan told me she didn't show, fuck, I felt like shit.

I never feel like shit. Then to top it all, some new girl shows up in Eco today.

Normally I would've been already balls deep in her before practice, but the girl threw me for a fucking touch down.

She was breathtaking with blue eyes, black waist-length hair and an appealing sense of humour to go with legs that carried on to Mars.

She invited me for dinner at her place. I really wanted to go and I said I will but I found myself outside Dainy’s house ten minutes after I left the practice.

Now here I am staring at my forbidden fruit and fuck my blue balls if I don't want another taste.

Dainy squeaks my name and that dominant part of me is thrilled that she's nervous maybe even a little scared. She should be scared. If the girls at school found out she was a virgin she'd be screwed, fuck, most of the guys on the team would be too.

Groaning at the thought of all that fucking drama, I stare into those small brown eyes. For the first time I notice that her blonde locks are wet and has fallen out of that messy bun she loves to put it in after she jumps out of the shower.

A single hair falls as she masterly secures it again.

My gaze follows the wayward hairs descent to the floor.

I take in the cut off denim she has practically tattooed from the top of her thighs stopping at the flesh of her hip bone that peaks out from the blue tank top that's sticking to her flesh.

Some distant part of my brain is telling me to stop it, stop noticing, cut it out, you have a sexy girl waiting for you.

Yet, my eyes slowly rake up her stomach, following the direction of her toned pathway until I'm finally staring at what got me into this mess, those perky rounded gems.

It's only when I hear her throaty sound, I look at Dainy's face. Her flushed round cheeks and slightly scrunched nose are enough for me to realize I'm ogling her like some sick twisted prick.

“Dainy,” Her name rolls off my tongue like some sappy pup and I cringe.

Shaking my head, I do myself a solid and focus on why I'm here, “We have to talk about last night.”

Her plump top lip becomes wet as her tongue glides across it.

I try, I really do, to muster the control I need to stop me from doing something that I know would land us in a gallon of regret when reality comes knocking.

"We can't, Aiden's here and my parents are on the way."

"Tonight, leave the window open."

Though she seems reluctant she nods, and just like that, I'll be alone with Dainy tonight. I head back to my ride while my mind recalls the first time, I saw Dainy.

I’d never forget the day when the Hallows moved in, my best friend Lucan and I were ten. We were flying my helicopter around my house. It was Lucan’s turn when he tripped over one of the fountain rocks and lost control of the remote.

The helicopter went over the fence and got caught in the tree next door. Lucan was inspecting his bruised knee, that was going to swell up like a roasted marshmallow. I’d never say a thing about it though, it wasn't our way, we were boys not sissies.

I left him alone to go get the helicopter and stopped short when I saw a tiny girl with open waist length light blonde hair already climbing up the tree to fetch it.

Waiting at the bottom, I scratched my head and watched her steadily climb up the thick trunk.

When she got my helicopter, I expected her to throw it down, I even lifted up my hands ready to catch it, but she didn't. Surprising me she stuffed it under her t-shirt. More than half of the body didn't fit, but it was enough to secure it until she got back down to the ground.

My friends would've teased her by doing that but I was raised differently. My dad taught me to always see the bigger picture and I did. The girl was smart.

When she landed a few feet away from me, she pulled my toy out and turned to face me. She had to look up ‘cause I towered over her even then.

Her brown eyes were small and her chubby cheeks were all pink and flushed.

I stuck my hand out for her to give me my helicopter so I can go, but she took my hand in her free tiny, dirty one and shook it, “I'm Dainy Hallow, nice to meet ya.”

“Reagan, ah, Reagan Orniel.”

Her curious stare made me blush, even then she was so confident, making her sound older than I thought this tiny girl was, "How old are you Dainy.”

“Eight n a half, and you?”

“Ten, can I have my helicopter back.” Her smile was way too bright when she handed it back to me.

Then I noticed we were still holding hands and quickly took mine back.

I walked away that day without a backward glance and stopped only for a sec when she yelled, “It was nice meeting you Reagan.”

I didn't respond but shook my head smiling, the helicopter dangling from my hand.

The sun seemed to shine brighter when I got back to Lucan sitting in the same position, I left him, “What you smiling at?”

I laughed at my best friend’s grouchy face, shaking my head, “Nothin’.”

He got up from the floor, dusting out his shaggy black hair and frowned at my smiling blue eyes, “Don't nothing me Orniel spill it.”

I looked over the fence at the tall tree shaking my head, “Nothin’ let's play.” And that was the first time I met Dainy Hallow.

Jumping into my Rover, I drive the one minute it takes to get to my front gate. The three-meter-high bronze gate opens when I press the button attached to the driver's door.

Going around the mermaid fountain, down the driveway which splits into a four-way fork, I carry on straight toward the main house. The vibration in my pocket doesn't go unnoticed as I sling my bag over my shoulder slamming the door with my size ten Jordan's.

Without checking the I.D, I bark, “What,” to the other end of the line.

“Hey, Reagan, It's Lizzy.”