

J.Y.J high school is know for it's excellent teaching all around the city .Tan Kabra is known as the Ace of J.Y.J high school . Lian Dias is an intelligent girl chasing her dream of becoming doctor. Four years ago they were the best friends but now can't even stand each other's face in one school. As the story proceed , readers will experience unimaginable twists with comedy , love and conflict. For this enroll your selves now in School 2021

Apurva_Dhanawade · アクション
28 Chs

Did you like cool poeple?

Place - J.Y.J high school CLASS 12- C

Date 2/11/20

" Next ..... group no. 3 " said Mr. Lee who was checking the projects .

" What's with you guys ? How was working to-gather ?" said Mr. Lee looking at their sad faces.

" Sir, We ... made the project but ..... it was spoiled ." said Tan hesitantly .

[Short Flashback ]

Last evening after immense hard work and arguments finally the project was made. But in morning when Ren was ringing the project model into school he meet a small accident and it was spoiled . Ren was hurt at his head and legs a bit so he was sent to school's clinic .

[ Quick end o short flashback]

" Oh! What a misery ? After all , so much debate your project was wasted .HAHAH. BBY the Ren are you ok now ? Be careful next time the streets."

" Sir , can you give us one more day for project? " pleased Lian.

" No, Rules are rules but...."

" But what sir? We will do anything you want ?" said Ren who didn't knew the consequences of this sentence .

" Whatever I want ..... OK then meet me staffroom today. And those who don't want to they are getting zero . It's all up to you'll." said Mr. Lee.

" Next group please come out."

Twins brought some trash and put it in front of Mr. Lee to which he was completely surprised .

" What is this ? Where is your project model ?" said Mr. Lee

" Sir, Our topic was ' pollution ' and this is our models . Real polluted trash picked from river because our sub - topic is water pollution." Said Zayn confidently .

" Get out now. You'll also meet in recess."

Period - History .

" Ma'am , do you like cool peoples ?" asked Rayn to Ms. Lopez out of blue .Ms. Lopez was completely surprised to hear such question.

" What are you saying Rayn ?is this some prank or thing going on here ?" she said .

" Miss, please answer this question ." Pleased Zayn.

" I will but you have to pay attention during my whole lecture and then only at he end o lecture I'll answer you ."

Twins agreed with it . During , whole lecture they stood straight and attentive whereas 75 percent of the class was sleeping .

At the end of the lecture Ms. Lopez answered them ," Yes." When she left from there , they went to Ren and said ," Ren , just now we asked If Ms. Lopez likes cool people she said 'Yes' Do you know what does this means ? She really likes Mr. Lee."

" But Mr. Lee is not only cool person in the world ?" said Ren which 100 percent makes sense .

" But Mr. Lee is only one who can make her laugh and he is only the coolest tin our school ." clarified Twins their point of view .

" Let's talk about this in chat at night ." said Ren who couldn't jump to conclusion easily . I see RRZ were on their fastest speed working on their mission .

Place- Staff room.

" So, You'll were the only students who fail to submit project today." exclaimed Mr. Lee.

" Sir, We did." said Twins .

" Yeah! and it was trash ."

" Exactly 'trash' from the polluted river . we special went for fishing trash to the river ." said Zayn like he had done a great job.

" What you guys went for fishing trash ? " asked Tan .

" Yeah! bro. And you knew how had it was to chose the right trash . We worked so hard." explained .

" Now, Shut up! You guys are real dumb or act it . By the way our school's nursery section has story day on 5 /11/20. And guess what you'll are acting in it."

" What we are acting ?" repeated astonished Aria .

" Yeah! And this is only way to het your marks for science internal. So hurry up." said Mr. Lee.

Everyone didn't had any other choice so they agreed . Lian and Tan were going to play Grapes an the Fox where Lian will act fox and Tan Tree cause he is tall meanwhile , Aria and Ren were playing HARE AND THE TORTISE where Ren was hare and Aria was tortoise . And last but not least Twins were host for the show .

[ Practice time ]

STORY- Fox and grapes .

Lian- Oh! This grapes are to sour .

Tan - HAHAH. It suits you so well.

Lian - You are a tree and trees don't speak . So shut up.

Tan - As usual you are dumb fox .

"Hey. You guys started again. And Tan , Lian is right there is no dialogue for you . " said Mr. Lee.

Story - Hare and the tortoise

" Arai you were suppose to lose .You don't have to win - You are hare . Tortoise has to win it . You have to take nap. Don't you remember the story." said Mr. Lee who was fed of them.

" But Sir, It's against my pride. I can't lose to Ren ." said Aria.

" What should I do with you guys ? Here tree is taunting in Fox and Grapes and Hare wins the race in Hare and the tortoise . Are you guys nuts or something?"

" By the way, Sir, do you think you are cool?" asked Zayn in middle of scolding's .

" Here, I am trying to say something and you are asking me Weather I am cool? You guys are going for social duties now . Aria and Ren First floor window cleaning , Rayn and Zayn after school classroom and Tan and Lian school ground cleaning trash ."

Mr. Lee had lost his cool today completely . And therefore he punished them with social duties . When they left , Ms. Lopez approached him who just came after class.

" Mr. Lee , you look furious today?"

" Yeah! This kids always keep fighting no matter what . I put them in one group they started debate . I put them in one show they argued . And now I have send them for duties to-gather don't know what they are going to do now ." said Mr. Lee who was trying his best to bring them along to-gather but was frustrated by the failure every time .

" Mr. Lee , Calm down . Relax . If you want them to-gather then give them tasks to-gather . They'll come along with the time ."

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