
scents of love

smileychettry · 歴史
2 Chs


"ah this is so boring " said a young lady. " Chen ziyi don't slack off" said a middle aged man. " Father but I don't want to study literature it's boring." Chen ziyi was being taught by her father , the emperor of Chen kingdom. She is the youngest child and has a older brother , the crown prince chen yiming. Suddenly, a middle aged beautiful women came inside . Ziyi stood up hurriedly and hugged her " mother , tell father to stop here. I don't want to study anymore". Dear stop it now , she is tired. Ziyi go and call your brother now" her mother said. Ziyi eyes sparkled and she hurriedly ran outside , holding her dress. " Didn't you say she is tired??. She doesn't seem so emperor asked. On the other hand she was just outside her brother yiming's room , fixed her hair and dress and put a lovely smile on her face . She opened the door and bumped into someone . She lost her balance " aah! what I didn't fall??. Someone grabbed her in half air