
Scent of desire

Lyra's a quiet writer that enjoys solitude meets her new literature professor at basqan college. She feels a natural pull towards this charming but easily irritable man. Jonathan Sinclair is the alpha of the niela clan, due to circumstances beyond his control he is forced to work at basqan college.

jennyo · ファンタジー
2 Chs

2: Unintended connections

After the coffee incident, Lyra decidedmore or less to give Professor Sinclair some space.Its not like he was exactly jumping at opportunities to talk to her. She couldn't shake off the embarrassment of spilling hot coffee all over his papers. She really hoped he had copies or at the very least not that important or urgent.

After two grueling long weeks without coffee, the thought of even buying the addictive beverage had her recoil from embarrassment. She finally decided to Look for a new fix maybe less addictive, Lyra wandered the campus, her mind still replaying the mortifying scene over and over again, The mind had a tendency to replay unfavourable memories. Lost in her thoughts, she stumbled upon a flyer pinned to a notice board advertising a new club: "Astrology and Astronomy Society – Explore the Mysteries of the Cosmos!"

Intrigued, Lyra decided to give it a try, the next day she attends the club's meeting that evening. As she entered the room, she was greeted by a warm atmosphere and a group of friendly faces. Little did she know there was a member that would have running from the warm environment soon enough, one that also happened to be the club's advisors.

As the meeting progressed, Lyra found herself captivated by the discussions about the stars, planets, and the wonders of the universe. She didn't feel a sense of belonging among the enthusiasts who shared a passion for the cosmos but the way they discussed about it made her grow a fascination that she was sure would be backed by her spending hours in front of a computer gathering information so she would at least not look completely lost the next meeting. Yes! She was coming for another meeting

Throughout the meeting, Lyra couldn't help but notice a familiar presence. She glanced across the room and locked eyes with Professor Sinclair, who offered her a friendly smile. Despite her initial embarrassment, Lyra felt a flicker of curiosity stir within her.

After the meeting adjourned, Professor Sinclair approached Lyra, his demeanor kind and welcoming unlike his irritated and somewhat hostile behavior from their last meeting. "I'm glad to see you here, Lyra," he said, his voice warm with genuine sincerity. "I hope you enjoyed the meeting."

Lyra nodded, returning his smile. "Yes, it was fascinating. Thank you for welcoming me."

As they chatted about their shared interests in literature and her newfound love for the cosmos, Lyra realized that perhaps their accidental encounter with the spilled coffee wasn't the end of their story—it was just the beginning of a new chapter filled with unexpected connections and cosmic wonders.