
Scarlet Sky

When you look into the moon at 12am the sky that covers Earth becomes scarlet. This has been going on for centuries yet no human has been able to find out the meaning to this. Over the years the people of Earth started calling it “Scarlet Gods” and as time passes the name always changes but that name for “Scarlet Gods” has always been the strangest and the most longest. Gods, Demigods and humans will soon become one.

Ryoo · ファンタジー
2 Chs


*Isn't part of the story, only introduction and one shot stories."

Complaining about a world like this would probably be a sin, but being born as a lowlife with a rich surface would be worse then a sin.

Either way surviving in the slums would get you wind up dead or in debt for the rest of your life.

Imsety wouldn't complain, being a son of a woman who can't do anything but sell her body and a man who bets all day would make you like that. Complaining wasn't even his thing, he learned that a long time ago.

Growing up he loathed the rich kids who lived upon the surface who would get to see the scarlet sky, he knew nothing about them yet all he could do was hate them from underneath their feet.

He wanted money, love and to be someone who people had faith in, but that could never be him. He steals and robs… Sometimes even kills, he wasn't worth above the world were the rest were, instead with the sluts and scumbags who were always jumping at one another like dogs in heat. He was going to end up like one of them one day, what's the point of trying to avoid that?

Sometimes when he takes a smoke outside the streets were rats litter and squirm he imagines the world with a blue sky instead of black and grey, not to mention that all it does is rain all day. It's shitty even the "nobles" know that… Yet, its home.

It's home to a lot of people like him.


Imsety never liked his long brown hair, it was hard to cut and it always grew back the fastest when he got it cut so it was pointless.

He never liked his eyes. They were light blue with a mixture of green. It was like a very hot day in summer if you looked up at the skies. Even though he had never seen that most people who had gone to the surface had told him so.

He hated when people ever complimented his eyes. His dad said it always reminded him of his mothers so he grew to hate them and her. No matter what she did the one to suffer would always be him or his dad. That's always why his dad was always too busy paying off his and his mothers debt.

He never wore fancy clothes or too boring clothes, I mean who would care anyway? He stays in his house most of the time.


"You know what sucks other then living here?"

Imsety looked at his long termed friend, Israel. He hadn't seen him in months since his last job on the surface when he had robbed a nobles place thick and thin. Then getting beating black and blue and almost landing in jail when he had fucked his bosses daughter on the fathers balcony.

Israel was a man who would leave you for a couple of years and turn up when your dead but not feel any bit of guilt about doing so. Israel was tall and he had a few scars on his face, showing how many times he flirted with a man's woman or a fathers daughter. He always wore a suit that had always had the tie off or hanging off his body. He was a handsome man for being 18, he was still thriving Imsety could guess.

Remembering the question the said man asked, Imsety pulled out the half done cigarette out of his mouth, "No." He answered with a fake trail of confusion even though he knew what the answer was already.

Israel raised an eyebrow, probably expected Imsety to answer the obvious question. He puffed out smoke from his lungs from his vape before going up to Imsetys face and blowing the smoke right at him.

"It would be staying, but it would also be leaving."

Imsety huffed, he expected the answer like he expected to be dead when he reached 18, the answer was laughable and questionable but it made absolute sense if you were in their shoes.

Israel hugged Imsety. Giving the shorter boy a pat on the back before leaving Imsety to shake his head, already knowing the answer to what the man was going to do.

He was going to be alone again, he wouldn't see Israel for another year he guessed, honestly, this was getting boring.


Imsety once met the boy Israel had been looking after. The boys name was called Aphrodite, he was a slim boy with gold hair and wonderful pearl eyes. He didn't speak much and only nodded and shook his head. Imsety guessed he was mute but he was never gonna end up asking the question anyway.

Aphrodite was a weird name for the boy, seeing as he didn't even know the meaning to it anyway there was no harm in telling him or not.

Maybe it was a few weeks or months back when Israel had up and disappeared leaving the boy in his shadows to helplessly look for him. The boy had come to him, it was surprising but not unexpected, maybe or maybe not he grew attached to the boy. He really thought he deserved better then this dump, they all did.

Aphrodite was a nice kid overall. He just sometimes needs a little push in life but he would get through with it.

Imsety hoped so.


He didn't go to school. No one he ever knew except his mother did.

His father was too broke too get him into one and his mother didn't care enough to do anything.

His father always used to promise that he would try his best and get him into one.

He never did…


Back when he was 5 his father used to tell him stories about the surface and when he met the love of his life who didn't love him back.

It would always be the same stories yet it was always heartwarming and charming too listen to them at all.

His mother and father met when they were 12. His father fell in love first but was too much of an idiot to notice that mother had also.

His mother tried and tried to get his father to notice her but only grew short and tired in results. It wasn't until they were 14 until his dad noticed and my mother confessed.

They got married when they were 16 and had Imsety when they were 18. That's when their love grew short.