
Scarlet princess (A naruto story)

-you could also see this on my quotev and Wattpad acounts too updates fridays ________________________________ Kireina is the the younger sister of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha, and youngest and only daughter of Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. loved and adored by people inside and out of her clan. what happens when one night she suddenly loses it all? will she follow the same path of her brother or carve a new one? what lengths will she go to in order to the little she has left? ....follow her adventures and find out

Eevee_san · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

(40) Suspicions and conspiracies part 1: The midnight conspiracy


- minor explicit 

-longer chapter



Tamaki's POV

        "Okāsan, I'm home!" I called out, I returned after a C-rank escort mission which, in my option was very uneventful and boring, Even my teammates think so, but you could also say that was a good thing as well.

"..." No response, I called again "Mama" heading towards the kitchen and setting my bag down, as expected there was a note on the breakfast bar. 'A late-night, huh?' so instead I deiced to go out for the night, she won't be back until late anyways. 

In town, I decided to go to the grill and as expected, I spotted their usual customers, team 10, and some other friends from their class. Team 8 excluding that one with the bugs, Sakura, and surprisingly Naruto, 'I could've sworn the blond's diet only consists of ramen.' I scrunched my nose and tilted my head at the slight unexpected events but quickly averted my gaze and turned my attention to my previous priorities, but not before I spotted diet Sasuke -Yes that's what I'm calling their new teammate- He gave the most fake smile I've ever seen.

That was before the blond jinjuriki took notice "Hey Tamaki-chan!" he practically shouted grabbing everyone's attention 

"Uh, hi" I sheepishly waved back not liking the unwanted stares of the other patrons, tho I think most of them were glaring at the blonde for causing the disturbance in the first place. I internally face palmed 

"Come, why not join us?!" even after all these years he still doesn't know how to use his indoor voice, I took notice that the others were glaring at the idiotic, loudmouthed blonde saying 'Stop, you're causing a seance' or something along the lines -everyone except Hana's cousin, Hinta I think her name was.

"I'm good. I'm just picking up an order." I mumbled 


"Naruto, the girl gave her answer leave her be." Sakura hissed with a slap to the back of Naruto's head "Sumimasen, he can be dense sometimes, very dense." she apologized with a slightly strained smile as she sent a glower at him.

I just shook my head "it's fine,thanks Sakura. Much appreciated." I replied with a small chuckle

"Oh" he said putting his hands up as he scratched his nape with a sheepish expression 'So now he takes notice…dense baka.'  I deadpanned  

Quickly recovering I ask "Hey Shiki uh, does your mother still have some curry leftover? Do you think you can spare some?"

"Late night again?"

I nodded "Not like that's nothing new, it's either 12 hour shifts or a ninja mission which is rare but its all the same." I complained with a sigh 

I heard him sigh his signature catchphrase before he spoke "I'm certain she won't mind sparing some."

"Arigatō. Your the best pineapple-kun" I muttered with a small grin. 

SHIKAMARU POV (SURPRISE! bet you didn't see that coming)

        "What was that all about?" Naruto questioned, "Why did she ask you about leftover curry?"

"The girl looked a bit tired if you ask me," Kiba commented 

"Perhaps she just got back from a mission." Sakura assumed "Nothing's more draining than a tough mission. What is she? Chunnin now?"

Team 7 and 10 are familiar with her as a close  confidant of Sasuke and Reika, more so the latter. I remember they both asked Asuma-sensei to help them train in wind style whenever he wasn't busy with us and he happily accepted those two as apprentices; And of course she is familiar with Sakura and Naruto because that was her best friend's brother's former team, tho I had feeling that she could care less for their sensei.

 "Do you remember seeing any blue-haired nurse during your time at the hospital with Lady Tsunade?" she gave a curt nod "Well that's her or at least her mother at least.." she made a small 'O' shape with her mouth and gave a faint nod.

"Oh I know her she was one of the doctors who help me and Akamaru" kiba cut in abruptly 

"Wait I remember who you're talking about Shikamaru!" Naruto exclaimed, "I remember that she was like the only adult -or anyone in that matter that Sasuke would ever show any respect for."

"Yeah" Sakura chimed "She always gives cookies to Sasuke, Naruto and I snatched a couple one time and they were horrible..." she trailed off a bit muffling a small chuckle with a snort as she reminisced on the past. turning a glance to her blonde teammate "Am I right?"

Naruto failed to hold his back and burst-ed into a small fit of laughter "Well its your fault for not liking dark chocolate." he retorts

"You didn't like it too!" she counters in a playfully mocking way "At least I wasn't the dumb 12 year old to eat one straight out of the oven" 

"So that's why you were running around town screaming like an insane person was about" Kiba commented with a snort and sly grin

"No that was cause in that batch she sabotaged it and made them with something extra spicy!"

"I guess Naruto can't handle spicy" Choji remarked making most of us laugh\chuckle

        "I don't know her too well but I know that she was a close family friend to them...well until you know. " I said not wanting to go into specifics but I'm pretty sure the rest caught on as they gave their curt nods in return.  "I know the daughter more than the mother if I'm being frank" I shrugged my shoulders lazily.

Choji was eyeing Ino's meal, she slapped his hand away before it could reach her plate and retorted "Eye your food!"

"She's right Choji, you can always get more which I can see is a vivid possibility." I added in my usually flat voice

all I know by the end of this one of our wallets is gonna be the nearly empty cause of him, 'what a drag'  Anyways we talked and caught up with each other since we all had been busy in our ways. These are the downtime I could get used to, but it's never quite for long for a life of a ninja. 

        When I got home my mother greeted my as I put my shoes by the door "Shikamaru your home. Do you realize how late it is?" she whisper-yells

I muttered 'troublesome woman' under my breath which enraged her more as she retorts something along the lines of 'You better not be saying what a drag again'  being terribly scary in the process. I just ignored her the best I could and proceed to ask why she was whispering for.

Walking into the living room I saw my dad reading a newspaper and next to him a certain blue haired girl half asleep. She pointed towards the young teen and said "I suggest you can walk her home. It's getting late and her mother would be worried that she's not home." I just nodded in return, not in a mood to really argue 

"No, I'm not *yawn* tired at all,"  she says in a dreamy voice as if she just woke up from a catnap she had

"Then do you want to sleepover? The option is still open if you want to." My mother asked again…assuming that they had a similar chat earlier.

"No thank you" she simply replied  

I sighed and muttered under my breath but didn't disagree.

        We were walking in the in the dead of night with a bit of an uncomfortable silence, I glanced over at the younger girl and sensed her distress and only raised a brow "What's the matter?" I asked

"What?! No!" she tried to brush off 

"I haven't even said what yet?"

"Well, whatever that's on your mind its not, everything's fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Why do you even ask? I thought that getting into other people's business would be 'such a drag' for you?" she retorts

"Normally yes. But you're not normally this distressed." I explained with a shrug

"Is it that obvious?" she asked defeated, kicking a pebble on the path aside. I replied with a curt nod "It's Reika, I mean I'm happy she's returning but-"

"Wait what?" I said as it caught me a bit off guard

"Yeah-" she nodded in confirmation "Tho I have a feeling it's not permanent. I wish tho." she said with a mix of excitement and disappointment. "Please don't tell Lady Tsunade. I know I should've when I found out, but Perhaps her leaving could be like some self-therapeutic that she needs to heal. I mean she's not doing anything wrong, right?! So she can't get punished because she didn't do anything wrong, right?" she adding, arguing with herself a bit in the process. 


"I mean probably you would but…What?!" She exclaimed bit surprise at my response.

"You are correct in that the fact that she doesn't want to face her fear quite yet and is instead trying to distract herself with something else…Or I assume that's the reasoning." I said putting the pieces together. A likely theory I had for a while now. "Plus she gives no real reason to turn her in." I shrugged, tho its still a mystery to why she doesn't want to be found out. I'll just chalk it up to her crazy imagination...for now.

"I sense a 'but' coming" she said warily

"No buts, just simply as that"

"I'm just worried, what if she changed so much that I don't even recognize my old friend. We've been friends for like forever but what if she doesn't think the same. I mean it's been almost 3 years since I last saw her…" she trailed off, ranting 

I rolled my eyes, muttering "troublesome girl. You worry too much you're gonna give yourself an anxiety attack."

"I'm just worried. Maybe I'm worrying for nothing and just blowing this way out of proportion! I mean its not like antagonizing the leaf is on the top of her to do list."

"Yeah, let's go with that" I shrugged


        When we go to the door of the house I thank the pineapple haired Nara and then retrieved the spare key under the rug, entering the house "Mom, you home? I got food! Mrs. Nara was kind enough to spare some of her curries, I know it the last time." I searched the kitchen, empty. "I know you're probably tired, even sleeping but..." Her bedroom is nothing. Weird. I mean if she was gonna work a double shift she would at least say that in the note. 'Maybe I just beat her home. I'll just wait then, maybe spend some time in my room watching some TV or catching up in the library.' I thought to myself not that tired to the point that I want to haul myself to bed. I did take that nap earlier.

I walked by the study hall and heard hushed voices. So what do I do? Well, I concealed my presence and then put my ear up to the door; eavesdropping. 

"....I believe that there are pressing matters to attend to first." an old-sounding voice said

"What are you getting at?!" she asked irritably "I'm a tired mother that just wants to go to sleep. So make it quick." She snapped, I couldn't see it but I felt the tension rise from the other side of the door "I have no time for your mind games!"

"Ah, your daughter perhaps. I believe she is out, is she not? Well that just makes it easier, now does it?" he questioned rhetorically in a calm tone... to calm, to the point of eerie and unsettling.

"Yes" she replied stiffly "Because if you touch her then predict my knife lodged in your jugular." she threatened

 'Awe, she loves me' I internally cooed 

"Be careful how you talk to me Nakano, remember who holds the cards here." and from what I could get the man means no funny business, dead serious.

"And must I remind you Lord Danzo that I am no longer an Anbu so that means I don't take orders from you anymore? And I don't care, I can talk to you however I want to." she hissed with a hint of sass. but how she said the guy's name, she said it with a mouth full of venom like that name was some type of poison to her.

 "Just hear my offer. I wish not to do this the hard way" he feigned a sickeningly sweet and sympathetic tone, it's sicking if you ask me. 

I then had a bright idea, so I quietly crept-ed away, hustling to my room and grabbing my video camera -in case anything goes sideways then I'll still have evidence for the occasion- then jumped out my window, using my chakra to stick to the side of my house and tracked to the window leading to the studies and hope not to get noticed. 

Watching how the rest of the conversation would play out. I was shocked by the fact that the two were talking about something close to home, bringing her up.

"Lady Tsunade will never let that happen!" My mother sneered as her face contorts and scrunches up in disgust 

I shortly realized that the suspicious-looking man is this Danzo fella that my mom was weary about. I also remember she said something about him being a scarily good tactician and the power-driven guy which isn't a good combination especially if he was an enemy of hers. She always says 'we may live in the same village but that doesn't make us allies. Only convenience is why I even tolerate him' And getting a closer look at this figure, I could agree. But one question ate at the back of my mind 'What does he want with mama?'

MATSURI POV (bet you didn't see this coming)

[15 minutes before]

        I got home and the lights were off so I thought Tamaki was already in bed for the night; that or she was staying over with friends for the night. So I grabbed a cup of coffee and made my way to the living room and watched some late-night Television. Maybe like 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door 'Who could be visiting at this late hour?' I questioned getting up to answer it. My bored and tired expression broke for a brief moment to one of surprise "What an unusual hour to be up and walking around" I feigned curiousness

"Indeed, but I hope it's not too late to have a chat" I had a weird feeling that wasn't out of the norm with him "May I come in?" I knew by the tone he wasn't asking, making me narrow my eyes ever so slightly and subtlety 'He is up to something, but what?' I mused

"Of course" I politely replied  with a fake smile plastered on my face "Tho I do have to ask, what is so urgent that they need to speak so late?"

"It's about one of your charges, the princess," he said as he trotted into my house

'Lil Reika!? What does he want with her?!' I felt a pang of sympathy 'She's gone through so much too soon, she doesn't need this too.'

"What about her?! What are you getting at!" My eyes narrowed, my maternal instincts kicking in.

"I believe that there are pressing matters to attend to first. And one of these issues happens to be concerning the princess." I narrowed my eyes I knew that he wanted to use Reika to his advantage one way or another, a part of me was happy that she fled because there were always shadows lurking not too far. I'd be a bad parent\guardian if I let those forces us her like that, I wouldn't have that fate befall either of them. 

"What are you getting at?! I asked a tad irritable "I was pretty busy uh let's see, doing just the opposite of this." I snapped with a hint of sarcasm deadpanned expression, my manic insomniac mood getting the better of me at the moment and my mind coming up with half-baking a believable lie.

"Ah, your daughter perhaps. I believe she is out, is she not? Well that just makes it easier, now does it?" he questioned but I could hear the underline threat behind it. I was a bit perplex on why he would suddenly shift gears from her to my daughter, either way I don't like it.

"Yes. What does it have to do with her?" I replied a bit stiffly 

"Well we don't want her to interfere, now do we."

"If you touch her then predict my knife lodged in your jugular." I threatened but even tho I know I can't defeat him head-on -Because he would most likely cheat- It be the wiser choice to not engage in a physical fight even tho I want to. I'm not that impulsive 16 year old anymore, instead, I'm a responsible 20-something woman, and most of all the last thing I need is some people getting under my skin. But I'm afraid he got something else up his sleeve, he always does.

I was mindlessly twiddling a lone thin senbon between my fingers half minding the thought. But I reassured myself not to be too rash.

I don't know if it was my maternal protectiveness or something, but I admit some part of me missed this adrenaline filled feeling that you don't really get in the hospital.  But on the other hand, we may live in the same village but that doesn't make us allies. Only convenience is why I even tolerate him. Even then...

Now it was his turn to throw out a threat "Be careful how you talk to me Nakano, remember who holds the cards here." a dark aura was radiating making me flinch in the slightest.

"And must I remind you Lord Danzo that I am no longer an Anbu so that means I don't take orders from you anymore? And I don't care, I can talk to you however I want to." I countered with a small sneer, venom laced into my words as I stood my ground. 'I don't care if this gets me killed at least it's on my terms.'

 "Do not underestimate me. You may be retired from action, but don't think I have my ways of persuasion that you might find insisting." he calmly replies "You know I'm not a patient man, so I'd be wise not to test it if I were you." with a small hiss, anger, and irritability behind each word of that subtle treat basically 'Do what I say or else.' I don't really want to find out the or else part the hard way to be honest.

"Lady Tsunade will never let something like that happen!" I spat through the subtle pain, I gripped the needle between my fingers that I felt the points start to dig in my skin, thin streams of blood seeping out and ultimately splattering onto my carpeted floors where I stood. "If you think you can just undermine her word then you're a fool!" The only reason there's no search parties out for their heads is because of her; I should thank her for that at least when have the time to. 

He dryly laughed "No. She is the fool, a naive one at that." he said distastefully "To let a high-risk threat slip through her fingers, not once but twice." To my dismay, it wasn't empty. At the same time, I got an unsettling feeling in the back of my mouth as it started to tingle. I could tell patience is slipping away slowly but surly "To let valuable assets to the leaf run off like that. she is not fit to be hokage-" he shakes his head and chuckles darkly 

'What does he want?! It won't help nothing if I'm as limp as a sack of flour laying on the ground'

"-but now is not the right time." It sounds so cryptic but from what I interpreted was that he most likely has something shady up his sleeve still. Going to play by the rules, waiting for the right opportunity.

"If you're talking about Sasuke and Kireina then think again. You may have everyone else trapped in your...web of lies...But I know the truth, that you ordered that slaughter of an entire clan out of spit. They may have conspired but...that doesn't give you the right or power to authorize something of that scale. ...You undermine the third and trying to with Lady Tsunade!" I spat

It was not until after that I unconsciously flickered a kunai in his direction that I felt my body begin to really start to paralyze and stiffen up as my will to resist the pain dwindled away, the cursed seal really starts to work its vile magic. Could you really blame me, I harbor my hate and for this guy to waltz in and try to rope me into some ploy for him to gain power one way one way or another

"Careful what you say, Nakano." he warned giving me a dirty look with his good eye, then burst-ed into a dry humorous laugh, looming over me "I mean it's not like you can confess those words outside this room without consequence." To his amusement, I bit back the rising sensation because a faint smirk appeared. The pain was on the rise making me bite harder to the point that if I bit any harder I swear I'd put sores or two in my mouth. I think I was shaking, not from fear but from pain and my will holding back the cursed mark for as long as I could -Which wouldn't be for much longer.

'Darn it I almost forgot about that'  I thought dropping to my knees

Something that I wish to hide from my daughter, the last thing she needs to know is of her mother's past checkered with less than satisfying thing, controversial even and the dark stuff that comes with it. I just want her to see the awesome nurse that, in her words 'could be considered a miracle worker' at points; Mentored by the slug queen herself, what she looks up to and aspires to be. Being a parent, caring for another life, they change you. Because you know that another depends on you to be safe, to know that there is someone else that they can rely on.

"If you think I'll just give her up?! Then damn you! You'd have a better time jumping off a cliff then trying your tricks." I retort with a thick layer of sass, one of the last things I spat before I lost all resistance and finally collapsed fully on the floor

"Your humor ceases to amuse me," he said with fake mirth.

"Good to see you starting to come around and see things from my perspective." the senile old man said in a sicking sweet tone that I grew to hate. Grinning down at me a malice-filled and sicking grin.

I gave a small irritable scoff "Go to hell" clenching my teeth and sending a glare back at him. All that's on my mind now is to keep the girls safe for as long as I can, the young Uchiha would be a fool to waltz back to the leaf if she knew what was going on behind the scenes. He knows that Sasuke isn't as easily manipulated and bends to his will so he is ready to label him a rouge;  Reika, on the other hand...


Tabemono o arigatō = thank you for the meal

Mondainashi = no problem 

How did you like the Shika/Tamaki bonding moment(s)? I wanted to show more of they're relationship (NOT in a romantic sense. Relationship don't JUST have to be in that sense) and bond they share as friends and even in a bit of siblings sense.

I'm gonna elaborate on other relationships with some other friends in the next chapter as it'll focus a bit more on Reika/Tamaki/ Hana dynamic  

Oh, something brewing What's that sneaky weasel up to you think and what does he want with Mitsuri? What else is mother hiding from daughter? How do you think Tamaki is reacting to all this while watching from the shadows? But I will say this, she'll have a but load of anxiety after taking all this in.

It's been fun writing for these charters and crafting this more complex past for Mitsuri, and just love how I gave her a motherly nature but can kick ass when needed. I'll give her some action in the future for sure.

The time this chapter's taking place is just before the arch with Hidan and Kakazu. 

Hope you like it. Make sure to comment, Love hearing all your beautiful opinions
