
Scarlet princess (A naruto story)

-you could also see this on my quotev and Wattpad acounts too updates fridays ________________________________ Kireina is the the younger sister of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha, and youngest and only daughter of Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. loved and adored by people inside and out of her clan. what happens when one night she suddenly loses it all? will she follow the same path of her brother or carve a new one? what lengths will she go to in order to the little she has left? ....follow her adventures and find out

Eevee_san · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

(33) Orochimaru, team 7, and rin...and then there were three


she flashed in between Sasuke and Naruto, slipping in unnoticed and delivering a rough roundhouse kick sending them both a few feet apart; And managed to knock Sasuke's sword out of his hand, disarming him momentary 'yes I'm awesome thank you very much' she mentally gloat as catching said katana. 'Hmm, what a beautiful sword we have here Orochimaru may be a psychopathic pedophile but I got to hand it to him that his sword-making is quiet....unique, to say the least' she studies the sword 'Sturdy, durable and an effective katana' she grinned widely a Cheshire grin "cool"

"And who are you? Are you one of them?" Yamoto demeaned, cut the young girl from her trance as she glanced blankly at him

"hmm, Why should I tell someone that's holding a blade up at me." she tilts her head innocently "Threaten me all you want, it's pointless." she retorted nonchalantly "Hostility won't get you nowhere with me." she taunts

"Stop playing around, we won't let you get away," he said holding the kunai closer to her neck

Sasuke narrowed his eyes in the slightest at Yamoto in a somewhat protective way 'how dare those leaf shinobi threaten her. I'll kill them if they hurt a hair on her head'

"We can help you giving you a way better life than under Orochimaru's rule" Naruto suggests to which the younger Uchiha burst into laughter as she holds her stomach from how hard she was laughing. Leaving the group confused and dumbfounded by her reaction.

"You r-really think I'm with s-someone as creepy as him" she retorted through her laughter "As if...I work for no one especially that creep" she said as her laughter died down

"What are you talking about? If you're not with him, then who are you?" Naruto questioned slightly confused "Why are you here?"

"As I said, I work for no one and don't intend to...Naruto"

"How-" he asked with shock written on his face

"Know your name?" she finished "Easy, your a jinjuriki, a host for a tailed beast if I'm not wrong. I heard rumors about your kind" she half lied, smirking under her hood

"How do you know?!"

"Hmm" she softly hums, reappearing on top of a piece of rubble as she observes intently "That's a question for another time" she teased "Now then, let the show continue" she exclaims jokingly "Let's see if you succeed this time, or fail miserably trying" she taunts with a small chuckle

"Alright that's it" Yamoto said, holding out his palms "wood-style!" wood grew out of his palms shooting towards Sasuke

'Big mis-ta-...impossible!' the young girl stared wide-eyed at the awestruck scene "Now this is getting interesting for sure" she grinned

Sasuke channeled his chakra throughout his entire body, he took his Chidori infused Katana and stabbed Yamoto with it, pinning him against a large piece of rubble

'Wow...I didn't know you can do that with chakra?!....insisting.' she grinned as she continue to observe the fight

as the three waited for Naruto and Sasuke, Sakura helped up Sai and Yamato. Kireina was humming to herself, keeping a close eye on the two.'The blonde has gotten strong, I will say that he would be strong too if he stop fixating on the fact.'

"How do you know who Naruto is? And how do you know what's inside of him?" Sakura questioned

'Didn't she hear me earlier! She's dumb' the young girl thought "Oh, Pinky, always slow to catch on" she said tauntingly "Why might be the reason your here?"

"To bring back Sasuke-Kun of course" Sakura states in a 'don't ya know' tone, which the younger female scoff

"ah, yes, the infamous Uchiha Sasuke. You'd have better luck with training a hamster than this" Reika said tauntingly as her smirk turned into a mocking smile

"How dare you compare Sasuke-Kun to a hamster!" Sakura retorts loudly, blushing madly the bluish-black haired girl lets out a small giggle at the pinkette's reaction

As Naruto and Sasuke returned from Naruto's inner conscious and back to the real world, Yamoto started to make hand signs and pushed out the sword, freeing himself. He made more hand signs "Wood style: wood dome" wood grew from the ground, surrounding the two Uchihas. At first, confusing the young Uchiha.

Sasuke quickly escaped and jumped on top of the cliff.

The next thing they see is a blur of orange flames incinerate the other dome seeing the girl covered in cinders with small spirals in her eyes "note to self: never use in enclosed spaces" she said bit dazed then shaking off the confusion

"....Kireina-chan!" Naruto and Sakura exclaimed, slightly surprised

"hey! What was that for! Am I the antagonist here?!" she exclaims\yells "NO!"

Yamoto glare became more intense, studying her "so you're the infamous Uchiha princess" he notes

"Well I wouldn't say 'infamous' but I guess that's right" she states, shrugging the notion off "I think my brothers are quite more famous-or infamous than I am" flashing a mixture of an innocent smile and mocking smirk "..don't you think, hm."

"Kireina-chan we missed you. Where have you been?" Naruto exclaims

"training" she quickly replied "needed a change of Scenery"

"Wait are you here to get Sasuke back too-" the blond assumed "You don't need to worry about that, just rest your head, We'll have him back in no time, Dattebayo"

"Hn. You don't need to make everything your problem you know" she simply replied with a bit of an annoyed expression "you should learn not to get into matters that don't involve you" she waves

"Of course it is!"

"and what will happen if you do manage to drag him back, hn? Things magically go back to the way they were." she glances down in thought "Well they're not!" she retorts slightly harshly than intended "t-that's reality" she muttered

"tell me, are you still gonna do it?" she muttered, shooting a brief glance Sasuke's way, faint tears brimming; She quickly seethes her tears, closing her eyes stopping them altogether.

"Are you going to still....kill him" calmly says as she opens them again but this time the blood-red orbs of their clan staring directly into his same ones. "because if so I won't let that happen...Not until it comes to the light of truth"

"I see you still hold onto your childish dreams" he notes blankly "ignorant to the truth"

"They're not childish and I'm fully aware of the circumstances." she huffs with a small tick mark forming "But I will not let it come into fruition, not just yet. I will change fate even if that means that I'll oppose you in the future" she exclaims in a serious tone. pointing an accusing finger at him. "...The both of you" her eyes narrowed, a faint flame flickering within her deep black orbs.

'she is willing to fight me...? Even tho I'm doing her a favor'

".....hn, so be it." Sasuke muttered, narrowing his eyes slightly

"hn" kireina bites the side of her cheek as she pressed her lips into a half frown "-I see, even if I wanted to, I couldn't change such a stubborn soul like yourself." she pointedly concludes, dryly chuckling and shaking her head

'I really wish for once he would listen to reason for once' she mentally sighed

There was a small pause before she spoke again "You got such a troublesome predicament here, Naruto. But some advice: You really want to know the why...? First know the who" she said from where she was sitting "I may not like how my brother goes about things but I can sympathize the reason, to a degree." she mutters

"Well, I'll get going. To be honest I just use this as an opportunity cause you made it so easy" Reika says with a hint of mockery

"I can see that our paths will cross once again, so when that is I say farewell," she said hopping off the piece of rubble she was previously perched on

"Wait!" Naruto called out, making her stop mid-step and her crane her neck, and glance over her shoulder "Yes" she hummed

"Don't tell me you deserted the village too. Does lady Tsunade know your absent?"

"yes, she does" the girl swiftly lied, see the young girl was acting rash and forgot to tell Tsunade about that entirely "Don't worry Naruto. I just need some time to myself. ... another word, don't bother coming after me, I can handle myself, just trust me ok. Its my decision, respect it." she says calmly with a soft pur in her tone, pulling up her hood and disappearing into a cyclon of jade feathers.

sorry for the long wait but I decided to focus on some of my other stories and working on several stories can get a but tiring ya know, stay healthy. mental heath is real, ya know.

QOTC: What was your favortite part?

what do you think our lovely mc is up to?

put your predictions below and more you want to see of her and the rest of the cast