

Confused and dazed, Saya wakes up in a post apocalyptic world with her grandfather's sword in hand. With Giant robots, Murder happy mages and mythical creatures who would be more than happy to erase her existence, Saya must embrace her darkness in order to challenge her destiny. The moon calls.

Chibueze_eze · ファンタジー
9 Chs


"So, what do you think?"Alice asked her she showed saya her room.

The room surprisedly had a comfortable bed with soft linens and pillows.

It also had a cozy reading nook with being back chairs and a small bookshelf.

And of course the room had a few pieces of decor that reflected Alice's interest which serves to prove that the room was once Alice's .

"nice huh?"Alice added

"Yeah, it's nice I love it "saya said as she starts on the mattress in the side of the room.

"Don't worry about the clothes tomorrow we're going shopping. You remember what shopping is right? "Alice act jokingly.

"Yeah "saya smiled.

"So uhm sutera academy, you're trying out for it too right? Saya asked.

"Yeah it's kinda scary when I think about it "Alice said sitting down on the mattress beside saya.

"What's it really about anyway? "Saya asked.

"Okay it's story time. "Alice yelled.

"Why did you yell? "Saya asked.

"Three ", Alice held up three fingers syndicating three.

"Two"Alice held up to fingers syndicating two.

"One "Alice held of a finger syndicating one.

"Did someone say story time? "Nero yelled bursting into the room.

"Yeah sis, saya wants to know what the sutera academy is all about. Saya answered.

"Ooh, I'm telling it "Nero said as she sat between saya and Alice.

"As we all know there are six major continents in our side of the world." Nero began.

Alice nodded.

"I did not know that."Saya said raising her hand.

"Well I don't want to bother you with their names yet so, all you need to know is there are three human continents two demi human continents and one demon continent , the demon continent being the largest." Nero continued.

"The six continents used to live in war , each trying to prove they were more superior than the other but then , a new force arose and quickly became a new power ,they were the mages." She added ominously.

"Now they weren't your typical mages. No they were able to draw power from Aether and Bane the primary aspect of Abel and Cain." She continued.

"Who are they?" Saya asked.

"The God of light and the God of darkness. it's also the name of this world." Nero answered

"That's not a name , that's two names with 'and' in the middle." Saya was confused.

"Well you're correct , according to the stories, in the beginning Abel , the god of light and Cain , the god of darkness came together to create this world. In order for the world to sustain life both gods breathed on it . Abel breathed the energy of Aether into the world and Cain breathed the energy of Bane into the world. Those two energies would come together to create life... To create mana." Nero smiled.

"Whoa " Saya was astounded.

"Now back to the mages. They developed from one of the human continents. A certain mage had figured out how to access the raw energy of Aether and Bane. The result was groundbreaking , it granted him unimaginable power but all power comes at a price. Aether and Bane were basically the essence of Gods . They quickly corrupted him but he couldn't care less , he quickly gathered followers around him to start their own force eventually becoming their own country." Nero resumed.

"They quickly overcame all oppositions standing up to different continents . When they realized just how strong they were, they started getting ideas trying to overthrow all six continents . What was even scarier was that it was not impossible , they were just too powerful."

"The six continents quickly realized the threat that the mages posed and decided to work together to eliminate them."

"After putting their heads together they were able to access and contain the power of Aether and Bane into seven weapons."

"The weapons could draw power from the primary aspects of mana but without the drawbacks of corruption."

"With those weapons in hand the war unfolded and it was devastating the mages realizing that they could no longer afford to control the continents decided to destroy all oppositions . Three continents were annihilated however the mages were defeated."

"Which continents were left?." Saya asked.

"A single human continent , a single demi human continent and the demon continent." Nero answered.

"With the defeat of the mages , another issue arose , the weapons had become too powerful. The leaders of the continents were afraid the weapons could cause more destruction if left unsupervised so they decided to destroy them but when they attempted it they realized that the weapons could not be destroyed so instead they split each weapon into three and hid them around the world."

"I believe your sword is one such weapon." Nero ended her tale now facing Saya.

Saya could not help but draw her sword gazing softly at it's blade. She ran her hand down the flat of the blade. The markings calling out her. Her eyes glowing green.

"The Moonslayer Lightless saber."