
Say Yes, Mr. President!

"DYLAN HAS A BOYFRIEND?!" This shocking news surprised everyone in Northwestern High School. Dylan, the campus heartthrob, is in his last year in high school. However this is only the beginning of the drastic change in his life. This very news made his world turn upside-down. There's no more girls approaching him. His own fan club became the club shipping him and his so-called boyfriend. And an identity crisis arises from within. His 'boyfriend'? It's no other than the student council president, Ulysses. Due to the curse he has, Dylan's romantic relationships only last for three months. Will Dylan and Ulysses break this curse?

Mingyan · LGBT+
11 Chs

Mr. President, This Heartthrob Will Help You!

Dylan leans on the back rest of the sofa. He just got home and tiredness is evident in his perfectly chiseled face.

Even though he's soaking with his own sweat, he still looks so handsome. In fact, this only made him look even hotter... at least that's what he sees in the mirror.


Denise noticed her brother's presence which made her smile playfully. She then headed towards him, even hopping at times.

Meanwhile, Dylan just looks at her with a straight face. He knows what she's up to.


Denise throws herself on the sofa, looking at Dylan as she rise and lowers her eyebrows several times.

"So, how was your afternoon with Ulysses?"


Dylan let out a deep sigh. Whether it's out of tiredness or disappointment, even him isn't so sure anymore.

"I swear, he's worse than women! He's hard to deal with!" He complains to his sister. "I am a guy too but I don't think I'm cheeky!"


"Well... you are cheeky!" She gave emphasis to "You are" because why not? Her brother really is cheeky. Boldly rude, impudent, and mischievous.

"But Ulysses is worse than you, you say? I don't see him like that though. In fact, he's a role model."


"Yeah, right. Whatever. You know what, Denise?" He stares straight at his sisters eyes with a solemn expression in the entirety of his face. "I think Ulysses really likes me but he's a tsundere."


"Oh, he is?" She giggles. If that really is the case, isn't their relationship cute? "That's adorable!"


Disbelief is written all over Dylan's face. He can't believe his sister finds it adorable when he almost lost his patience dealing with Ulysses!

"Heck no! What adorable? Are you meaning to say 'annoying'?"


With just his statement, it's clear that things didn't go his way. "Looks like it didn't end well, huh?" Denise forced a laugh. "So, what did exactly happened?"


"Ugh... I feel like I lost more than what I gained."

Dylan hates to recall what happened earlier.

It was already past thirty minutes after five o'clock in the afternoon. Birds starts to fly towards their resting place for the night. However, this SC president doesn't seem to have a plan of going home yet but it's fine for Dylan.

Even if they ended up staying until eight in the evening, he'll do so. All for the sake of gaining his yes.


"Done!" Dylan leans his weight on the chair's back rest, stretching his limbs.

Since Dylan insisted on staying in the Student Council Office, Ulysses made him help by inputting the handwritten data in excel using their lagging computer.

Good thing he's a little patient now than he usually is or else, he might have kicked the CPU a while ago. He can't help but to wonder how old is this computer set, and how many generations of student councils have passed since it's brought here.


They're in private school, for goodness' sake! Why does their facility sucks? Well, their school fees aren't that expensive but it's not cheap either. Where did it all go?

And this office too. Is this even considered as office? More like a hideout! It's location is not easily discovered since the Student Council Office is located right below a staircase.

His own bedroom is even bigger than this!


No wonder only two desks are inside. One for the president, and one for the secretary. Because a third one will make the office really cramped!

Dylan doesn't think they will fit if the whole student council officers gather here.


He thought, being a member of the student council sucks especially for the president and his secretary. They have heavy responsibilities and duties to fulfill yet this school doesn't seem to give them a good treatment. Well, don't they deserve a lot better than this after all they have contributed to the school?


Thinking all these made him tired. Dylan turns his head towards the Student Council President's table where Ulysses silently does his part.

"Let's go home."


Ulysses on the other hand didn't bother to look at him. He's still busy sorting out the documents. The student council must hand over these documents to their school principal tomorrow so he needs to finish this before the next day.

"You see that folder placed on top of the printer?"


Dylan looks up the printer above the computer's monitor. There is indeed a brown folder on it. "Yeah. What about it?"


"Each of those handwritten documents needs to be computerized. Type it in MS Word then print it afterwards."

Receiving the president's order, he reached for the said folder and opens it. What greeted him is the sight of 10 to 15 pages of legal sized bond papers. Those are handwritten reports.


Dylan's eyebrow twitched. Does he really have to input all of these? And using this lagging desktop on top of that?

"Why is these all handwritten? Why not input it directly in the desktop?" He looks at the papers, page after page with knitted eyebrows. "And this handwriting... it looks like it's written during an earthquake."


Mico, who's quietly doing his part stopped just to look at Dylan at a disturbing expression on his face.


Dylan is always sensitive whenever someone is staring at him so it's easy for him to notice Mico's gaze on him. He turns his head to look at the SC secretary. "Is this your handwriting? Just an advice from your senior, you should write properly or else other people won't be able to read it."


Mico didn't say anything. Instead, he shakes his head. He pouted his lips pointing at the SC president.


The moment Dylan looks towards the direction where Mico is pointing, Ulysses is already giving him a glare. "Do you have any problem with my handwriting?"

The truth is, the handwritten report in Dylan's hands are the one that Ulysses worked on last night, the time when Dylan bothered him and asked him to be his boyfriend.


"This is your handwriting?! It looks so distorted!" He exclaimed out of disbelief. The great SC President, Ulysses Lopez, has a bad handwriting?! Yes, it's still readable but you have to stare at it for a while before you can read it!

And then he remembers something. He should not make Ulysses upset for now or else, it would be harder for him to get close to him!

He immediately retracted his statement. "I mean... it's unique. Yeah! I like it. Ha. ha. ha. Very nice."


"Tch... who are you trying to please?" Ulysses slowly shakes his head. He continues whatever he's doing in his desk. "Do what I told you to do. Time is running."

"..." Dylan annoyingly turns his head back to the papers, then to the monitor of the lagging computer.

He doesn't want to do this but he doesn't want to stop here either. His pride won't let him. Didn't he told Ulysses that he'll make him fall head over heels to him? How will he do that if he give up now?

Waiting for the MS Word to open, he murmured to himself. "I'm not even a member of the student council. Why do I have to do all these?"


"Are you complaining?" Little did Dylan knows, Ulysses is being attentive to him.

Even though he is whispering in the thin air, the president can still hear a word or two from the other.


He replies with sarcasm evident in his tone. "Hmm? Me? No, Mr. President. I am not complaining. In fact, I really enjoy this damn job here."


"Mr. President." Mico asks for the president's attention which Ulysses granted immediately. "I'm done with my part here. Can I help you with something else?"


Ulysses opens his phone and checked the time. "It's already past six. You can go home now, I'll take everything from here."


The secretary looks hesitant. He feels like he must not go home yet.

"Uh... are you sure, Mr. President? It seems we still have a lot of things to do."


"Right, why are you shooing him away when he still wants to stay? Let him help so we can finish earlier!" Dylan can't remain silent anymore.

Why is Mico, a member of student council, allowed to go home and him, a mere good-looking student, isn't?


"He only walks his way home. It would be dangerous for him to go alone, especially that it's already dark." Ulysses said.

With a smirk, he looks at Dylan mockingly, "I'm sure, your mother won't get worried about you being late since you said that Denise got your back. So, you don't mind staying here for a bit, right? And besides, aren't you going to walk me home? So I'm not worried of going home late either."


"Fine." Dylan said defeatedly and goes back to work.

Then a mischievous thought appears in his mind. He playfully smiles as he turns his head to the president again. "You really feel safe whenever I'm around, don't you? I'm touched, Ulysses. That's great, there's no need to worry. I'll protect my darling after all."


"Ridiculous." He said with his face dark.

He feels like he wants to puke just by listening to his nonsense.


Mico felt his cheeks getting warmer and so he excused himself, "Well, then... I'll go ahead now, Mr. President, Mr. Cruz."

The secretary quickly picks his backpack and hurried to leave the office. The situation is kind of awkward. Better leave soon!