
Say Yes, Mr. President!

"DYLAN HAS A BOYFRIEND?!" This shocking news surprised everyone in Northwestern High School. Dylan, the campus heartthrob, is in his last year in high school. However this is only the beginning of the drastic change in his life. This very news made his world turn upside-down. There's no more girls approaching him. His own fan club became the club shipping him and his so-called boyfriend. And an identity crisis arises from within. His 'boyfriend'? It's no other than the student council president, Ulysses. Due to the curse he has, Dylan's romantic relationships only last for three months. Will Dylan and Ulysses break this curse?

Mingyan · LGBT+
11 Chs

Mr. President, She Misunderstood!

Dylan's phone notifies. Someone messaged him in his messenger account.


"Ulysses Lopez." He reads the name that flashed in the notification.

He smirked. He thought, "This guy is really into me."


He was planning on ignoring it at first. He assumed that it it's someone from that fan club again. But when he confirmed that it wasn't the case, he finds it interesting. It's his first time that a guy confessed his feelings to him.


He opens the conversation, and reads the message sent to him from the SC President. However, this message made him frown.

It says, [Don't tell Denise about it.]


Right, he forgot that Ulysses wanted to confess to his twin sister, and not to him.

He replies, [Don't tell her what? That you're gay for me?]


He decided to mock him. to be honest, it still hurts his pride that this man didn't give his chocolates to him.


It didn't took too long for Ulysses to reply. His chat says, [Are you out of your mind? I told you, those chocolates aren't for you.]


"Tch." Dylan frowns even more.

He types his reply to him saying, [It's you who clearly gave it to me! Don't tell me you just mistakenly offered it to me instead of Denise?]

Dylan follows that chat with another stating, [It's true that we're identical twins but its clearer than the day who is male and female between us.]


The plan is that Dylan will make fun of Ulysses and mock him. However, it turns out that he only got annoyed.


Meanwhile, Ulysses doesn't know where to start explaining. It's a little complicated and saying it through chat makes it even more complicated. It's obviously just a misunderstanding!

But as he thinks about it, why the hell should he explain himself to this stupid heartthrob?


He types to reply, [Whatever. Think about what you want to think. I don't care.]


Receiving the reply, Dylan's lips starts to curve upwards, forming a grin. Maybe he should try again?

He types a reply to the other, [Okay, I'll think that you really are gay for me. I can't blame you, I'm good-looking after all!] He sent it first then types another one, [So... what is it about me that attracts you?]


The SC President seen the messages.

Dylan waits for a couple of minutes but still got no reply, and didn't see any signs of him replying.

Ulysses, on the other hand, slowly shakes his head. "This scum is nothing but a plain stupid. I can't believe that Denise has a brother like him."

He stares at his screen again and reads the last message once more. "What is it that made me attracted to Denise?"


Now that the topic is brought up, he doesn't know either.

Does it really need to have a reason to like someone? He likes her as a whole, for who she is in general.


Dylan was about to chat him again but a sign of Ulysses typing for a reply shows in his screen. After seconds of further waiting, the message is finally delivered to Dylan.

It says, [Everything about you.]


"Oh? Not bad." Dylan remarks after reading the other's reply. "But not good enough."

Unsatisfied, he chatted him again, [Give me a specific answer!]


Ulysses, receiving this demand, snorted. He really took this nonsense like a career.

"Fine." He mumbled to himself.


Since he lost the chance to confess to Denise, he decided that he'll just let it all out and tell everything through this conversation.

He breathes in deeply. Ulysses knows very well that the person he's talking to isn't really Denise but still, he's somehow anxious. Oh well... whatever. After this school year ends, they wouldn't be seeing each other again.

He types, [I like how you're so kind to everyone in class, even to me despite the fact that we are never close to begin with. It's also amazing how you can brighten up a dark atmosphere. You're a sunshine.]


Dylan whistles after reading this message.

For some reasons, this makes him wonder if he's being sincere or not. No matter how he thinks about it, he really didn't notice that the SC President has a crush to his twin sister.

He was... He was normal. Like he really doesn't feel anything when he talked to Denise all these years. Well,,, it's not that they interact always.


Without giving it much of a thought, Dylan replied to him saying, [Are you sure you don't want her to know this?]

It's not that Dylan is supporting him to pursue his sister. If he did, of course, the twin brother will be the biggest obstacle he'll need to go through.


Ulysses didn't took too much time to reply. [She doesn't need to know. Just keep this matter between us.]


Now, Dylan doesn't know what to say. He feels bad because whether he'll admit it or not. He's part of the reason why the other didn't manage to tell his twin sister what he truly feels.


[Alright.] Is the last reply he made before he turned of the connectivity of his phone to the internet.

He thought, President Ulysses doesn't look like a bad guy or anything. He's studious, responsible but doesn't talk much. All in all, he's okay.

But the big question here is that; Is he even Denise' type?


Despite being the so-called called "campus crush" she never had a boyfriend ever since. Not that her twin brother made it hard for her suitors to come close to her. It's just she's not having thoughts of getting herself into a romantic relationship yet. She's too focused in her sports activities after all.

Dylan doesn't think that Ulysses will be able to change her mind. Maybe their encounter in the school yard is a blessing in disguise, for the president not to get hurt of the truth.


Dylan closes his eyes. Oh, well... it's not that it's his business to get nosy about it.


He fell asleep fast. He's a deep sleeper so he didn't notice that Denise came to his room.

"Dylan, can you send me a message? I think my teammate already sent me her reply but I didn't receive it yet."


"..." No response. Still asleep.


Denise clears his throat and speaks in a deep voice, imitating her brother. "Sure. Go ahead and send yourself a message."

After saying so, she grins and picks up his phone. "Alright! I'll be using it now!"


She doesn't know her brother's password to unlock his phone. However, his phone's face recognition function is activated. Since they have the same face, the phone unlocked itself after scanning Denise' face.


The moment his phone got connected to the internet again, a notification appeared on the screen. It's a message from Ulysses, the SC president.

She wonders, does his brother involved himself with trouble at school? Or is it because of what happened at the school yard earlier? Now that she thinks about it, didn't his brother had a word with Ulysses? They even looked like they had an argument.


Worried, she opens the conversation. However, Ulysses' message says, [Thanks]

Thanks? Thanks for what?

She scrolls up, reading the whole conversation. The longer she reads, the more complicated her face becomes.


Ulysses: [Don't tell Denise about it.]

Dylan: [Don't tell her what? That you're gay for me?]

Denise paused. Ulysses is gay for him?! Even though she still didn't get herself over with that big revelation, she continues to read the conversation.

Ulysses: [Are you out of your mind? I told you, those chocolates aren't for you.]

Dylan: [It's you who clearly gave it to me! Don't tell me you just mistakenly offered it to me instead of Denise?]

Dylan: [It's true that we're identical twins but its clearer than the day who is male and female between us.]

Denise subconsciously covers her mouth with her palm. "Ulysses is being denial! How cute!" She thought.

Ulysses: [Whatever. Think about what you want to think. I don't care.]

Dylan: [Okay, I'll think that you really are gay for me. I can't blame you, I'm good-looking after all!]

This made her grin. This statement of his sounds so arrogant but she won't argue with that. Arguing with that matter means she thinks she's ugly!

Dylan: [So... what is it about me that attracts you?]

"Right!" She snaps her fingers. Just what is it that made Ulysses gay for her brother? She turns to her sleeping brother and gives him a thumbs up. "Good question Dylan! Nice one!"

But what Ulysses answered made her chuckle. He says, [Everything about you.]

Look at this cinnamon roll!

Dylan: [Give me a specific answer!]

"Owss... demanding! I like it!" She suppresses her laughter while reading it.

The next chat is a little longer than the rest.

Ulysses: [I like how you're so kind to everyone in class, even to me despite the fact that we are never close to begin with. It's also amazing how you can brighten up a dark atmosphere. You're a sunshine.]

Denise screamed internally. The SC president is so sweet!

Dylan: [Are you sure you don't want her to know this?]

Ulysses: [She doesn't need to know. Just keep this matter between us.]

Dylan: [Alright.]

Ulysses: [Thanks.]


Denise looks at his sleeping brother and said, "Dylan, why are you guys trying to hide it from me? I don't mind you to in a relationship. In fact, I'll support you two for that!"


She took screenshots of the whole conversation and sent it to her account via messenger. She grins looking at these pictures.

"Thanks for lending me this, my dear brother."