
Say Yes, Mr. President!

"DYLAN HAS A BOYFRIEND?!" This shocking news surprised everyone in Northwestern High School. Dylan, the campus heartthrob, is in his last year in high school. However this is only the beginning of the drastic change in his life. This very news made his world turn upside-down. There's no more girls approaching him. His own fan club became the club shipping him and his so-called boyfriend. And an identity crisis arises from within. His 'boyfriend'? It's no other than the student council president, Ulysses. Due to the curse he has, Dylan's romantic relationships only last for three months. Will Dylan and Ulysses break this curse?

Mingyan · LGBT+
11 Chs

Mr. President, Are You Some Kind Of A Chick?

So, Dylan decided that he will ask Ulysses out.

But how can he ask him? He glares at him every time their gazes met. In fact, Ulysses was acting like this the whole day!


Dylan throws himself to his bed.

He looks at his phone. Since Ulysses can't glare at him through chat, he decided to send him a message.




After a couple of minutes, he receives nothing. There's no sign of him replying anytime soon even though his status shows that he's currently online. Ulysses seen the message and chose to ignore it.


This made Dylan annoyed. He's used of being the one ignoring the chats he receives from the girls. And now, this person dares to ignore him? The great Dylan, himself?!

And so, he spammed him with messages.












After a series of messages, Ulysses got imitated. He was busy with student council matters. And this stupid campus heartthrob keeps on bothering him.

He picks up his phone and calls him instead through video call.


"Oh, shoot!" Dylan's phone almost slipped from his hand.

Good thing, he got a hold of it before it fell down on his face.


The screen of his smartphone shows, "Ulysses Lopez is requesting for a video call. Accept. Reject."

Dylan thinks about it for a while. "Should I answer or not? Ulysses... I just want a DM. Why are you calling me now?"

In the end, he answered the video call.


The first thing that Dylan saw is Ulysses wearing a long face. He said nothing, and just glared at him.

Turns out he wants a video call so that he can glare at Dylan even though they can't personally see each other at the moment, it still enabled the president to look at him with his pair of sharp eyes.

Dylan retracted his thoughts. This guy can still glare at him without seeing each other face-to-face!


Since the other doesn't seem to talk any time soon, Dylan initiated, "Um... you busy?"


[Yes, I am. So please don't bother me.] Then Ulysses hanged up.


Now, this is too much for Dylan to bear. He's the one who usually hangs up first, and not the other way around!

Annoyed, he calls him back. Surprisingly it didn't took Ulysses much time to answer.


[ What?!] Ulysses exclaims while frowning, [I told you, I'm busy.]


"Yeah, but this is important." Dylan said. "Don't hang up!"


Ulysses sighs from the other line. [What could be more important than these reports?]


"Me!" Dylan beams a wide playful smile.


[Just who do you think you are?!] Ulysses massages the bridge of his nose, trying to calm himself.

[That's it. I'm hanging up.] He was about to hang up again but Dylan stopped him with his most unreasonable request.


"Be my boyfriend!"


Ulysses froze. Did he heard him right? He wants him to be his boyfriend? What kind of a joke is this? It's not even funny.

He regretted that he didn't turn on his screen recording. He could have leaked that to the broadcasting club to prove that it is actually Dylan who's pestering him.


With a blank expression on his face, Ulysses said, [Save your pranks to someone else. If you won't tell me what your intentions are, I'll hang up now.]


Dylan pursed his lips. "Really, I want you to be my boyfriend."

He hates this but since he's at this point now, he better just do it.


[Ridiculous.] Ulysses was about to tap that red option but Dylan stopped him again.


"I'll tell Denise that you have a crush on her if you won't agree with me!"


While Dylan looks desperate, Ulysses, on the other hand, is wearing a poker face. However, deep inside, he's annoyed to the bone.

[Why are you involving me in your nonsense requests? I don't know what you're trying to achieve but don't use me.]


"Come on, dude! Just three months. Just three months and a day. After that, we'll break up."


Ulysses annoyingly scratches the back of his head. [Just what are you planning to do?]


Dylan forces a smile. "Well, I'm trying to break this curse that's casted on me."


The other's eyebrows raised. [Curse?]

For goodness' sake, this is the modern times! Are curses still rampant these days?


Dylan saw how the other's face becomes unreadable so he tried his best to explain. "I know that this is hard to believe but I can prove it! I really am cursed! My past relationships only lasted for three months! I was thinking, if the curse only works when I'm in relationship with girls... maybe I'll be able to break it by dating a guy? If I'm unlucky with women, maybe it's a different case if you and I go out together! I promise. Just three months and a day! After that, we'll break up."


[Aish... And why does it have to be me?]

Ulysses doesn't really believe this absurd story. Dylan is a playboy so it's normal for him to have short-term relationships. Was he even serious about his past relationships? Mr. President doesn't think so.


"Because if you won't, I'll tell Denise that you have a crush on her. Would you rather get exposed than do me a small favor?" Dylan casually blackmails him.


Ulysses' face is now even more unreadable. He doesn't want to get exposed yet he doesn't want to involve himself in this stupid and unreasonable demand either.

And since Dylan is being unreasonable, it's only fair to act unreasonable as well, right?


[Alright.] Ulysses starts to grin. It's clear that he has something in his mind.


"You're okay with it? You're my boyfriend now?" Dylan asks for confirmation.

Why does it sound too good to be true. It's much easier than he expected. There's no catch behind this, is there?


Ulysses smirked wickedly. [Of course not. You should court me first. Make me say, "Yes".]

His every word in his every sentence are emphasized.


"What?! Are you some kind of a chick? You're not pretty for me to chase!"

Dylan knew it! This SC President would not agree that easily.


Ulysses leans on the back rest of his chair and says, [Then, it's a no.]


"Do you want me to expose you to my sister? That you have a crush on her?"


Instead of getting anxious, Ulysses just gave him a smirk. [Then, tell her. Thanks for relaying the message.]

The reverse psychology that Ulysses used seems to work on Dylan. The later looks very annoyed facing the screen of his phone.


"Fine! I'll pester you until you fall head over heels for me."


[Yeah, you sure talk big. Go on and try me.]