
chapter 52 - Quirk Analysis

[A/N: All credit to Collector Hero: Synthesis. As I copy and paste mostly everything from it.]

Aizawa recalled the detailed information about his quirk despite doing everything to hide from the public.

"Alright, problem child."

Aizwa said as All Might grinned at the students. He receives the message from Izuku regarding the past predecessor which unsurprisingly shocks him.

"If you're not being assisted by a teacher feel free to have young Midoriya analyze your Quirk if he's willing."

Izuku nodded to his idol, showing he was willing to help his classmates, and All Might gave him a thumbs up. Izuku almost squealed in happiness.

With that done Iida, and Ibara were called up first to show their teachers how they currently used their Quirks. The rest of the class, excluding Bakugo, Camie, Jiro, Itsuka, Momo, Todoroki, quickly gathered around Midoriya.

"Dude, check out my Quirk first!"

Kaminari said as he held up his hand and sparked electricity from it.

"Hey, haven't you ever heard of 'Ladies first?'"

Toru asked as she stood next to Tsuyu, Ochako and Mina.

"What!? That just sounds unfair!"

Kaminari cried out.

"It would still be good manners though."

Kirishima nodded with a smile.

"...Alright, you've got a point."

Kaminari agreed in defeat and Toru cheered at her 'victory'.

"Me first, Midori!"

Toru giggled and Izuku smiled at the bubbly invisible girl.

"From what I said yesterday your Quirk is actually an emitter Type, so I've had time to analyze it a bit already."

Izuku informed the girl.

"First, your Quirk is definitely Invisibility and not Transparency. You can clearly see both yourself and everything else, which wouldn't be possible if it was Transparency. Light would simply pass through the cone cells in your eyes. Your invisibility seems to come from the bending of light around your body, or perhaps more specifically, your cells. This renders you invisible but still allows you to see.

With some training and practice I'm fairly certain that you could gain some control of your ability to bend light and use it offensively. Perhaps you could learn how to refract light into blinding flashes. Also since refraction of light perhaps you'd be able to replicate lenses that react light to enlarge objects.

Though there is also the possibility that you may be able to shape the light as it bends around your body and cover a limited area with it. You could distort parts of the space around you or possibly hide items entirely."

The verdette finished, leaving everyone amazed at the complex breakdown of what they had assumed to be a fairly simple Quirk.

"Oh…Oh wow…."

Toru trailed off sounding stunned.

"I never even thought about 'why' I was invisible. Refracting light, bending light, could my Quirk do that?"

"I am fairly certain it will and my guts never failed me."

Izuku nodded to the invisible girl. He able to use the Asclepius quirk and see nearly everything about a quirk unless their too fundamental

"You're the best, Midori!"

Toru cheered happily as she moved over to the side next to Ochako. She was already musing on how she might gain some control over her Quirk.

"Alright, who's next?"

Izuku smiled and got a beaming smile in return as Mina practically bounced up to him.

"Me! I'm next midori!"

"Your Acid Quirk is very interesting, Mina."

Izuku praised the pinkette.

"I assume you've had to build up resistance to your own acids over time?"

"Yeah, I hurt myself a few times growing up by creating stuff that was too strong for me to handle."

Mina admitted with a sheepish grin.

"Then you'll need to keep building up your resistance. The stronger the acids you can make the more versatility you'll have in the field. Also you might want to study up on some chemistry with Momo. If you can freely control which acids you produce you could become invaluable in dozens of situations. As for direct applications I'd recommend focusing your control on both solubility and viscosity. The more control you have over your acid the less likely you are to harm someone by accident. Since it's a liquid you could also increase your effective range by learning to control the tension or pressure of your body. Or possibly by making a 'nozzle' with your fingers and palms? With higher resistance, free control, some extra knowledge, and different direct applications during use you'll be an amazing Hero, Ashido!"

Izuku grinned at the pink girl who had wide eyes at having so many suggestions given for her Quirk.

"Midori…that's so cool!"

Mina cheered as she hopped up and down. Izuku politely looked to the side instead of staring at what the jumping was doing to Mina's 'assets'.

"You're welcome, Ashido."

Izuku smiled as Mina skipped over to the other girls that had already had their Quirks analyzed.

"I guess I'm next, Izuku."

Ochako grinned cheerfully with a slight blush receiving the gaze of his harem.

"Looks like it, Ochako."

Izuku chuckled.

"Ready whenever you are!"

Ochako bounced on her heels a bit in anticipation.

"Your Quirk is an Emitter Type and works based on what you touch with the pads on your fingertips. You seem to have some nausea issues when you use your quirk on yourself. You told me your weight limit is currently three tons too. As far as your Quirk goes, you'll need to train it to increase the amount of weight you can affect. I'm curious if you couldn't eventually spread the effect from item to item so long as each item was in contact with the others. Though I believe it would still be capped at your weight limit. As for further developments I'd look into Support Gear that makes use of tethers or cables that could be attached to things you make weightless. Imagine making a car weightless, swinging it around on a tether or cable, like a flail, and then launching it at a rampaging Villain. At the last moment before impact, you return the car's weight and the full force strikes the Villain all at once!"

Izuku was off on a muttering spree in his excitement over her Quirk and its potential applications.

"That could be useful!"

Ochako looked amazed at the potential her Quirk could possess even with just a simple Support Item added to it. She kinda… froze for a moment then, her face became paler.

"….Though I'd have to only use it on really durable Villains…"

She poked her fingers together.

"I…don't think I'd want to see the result if I aimed wrong…"

Her voice steadily got quieter as she went, with Izuku became paler as well at the thought. She took a breath and shook her head, trying to go back to 'excited.'

"If I could overcome my nausea when using my Quirk on myself, I could even use a grappling gun type item to improve my mobility!"

Her eyes practically sparkled at the thought.

"On that note you might want to think about having your Costume altered a bit to put a bit of pressure on your wrists and neck. There are pressure points there that help with nausea. The biggest cause of your nausea probably has to do with the semi-circular canals in your ears. They help regulate balance and when they're disturbed – by a sudden loss of gravity as an example – they'll give you a case of vertigo. You might be able to train that weakness away, but some Support Gear could also help. Medicines such as motion sickness pills could also work, I think. I believe you'll be an excellent Hero, Ochako. Combat, Support, or Rescue, you'll be super helpful,"

Izuku encouraged the brown-eyed girl.

"Thank you, Izuku!"

Ochako beamed at him and Izuku felt his heart thump at how cute she looked.

"No problem, Ochako. Also, couldn't you do the reverse and increase the gravity of a person? I think with practice you'll be able to do it."

Izuku was certain that her ability wasn't just zero gravity but manipulating gravity itself.

"What? I haven't been able to do that before, are you sure I can do that?"

"Yeah, I believe you just need to mentally think about it and maybe when you first manifest your quirk something relating to floating occurred that had made your quirk what it is to do and just gotten used to removing gravity that you are unable to do the reverse. Like you made a mental barrier but thankfully just simple practice then I'm sure you'll do it."

"Okay, Izuku! I'll try my best."

Izumi smiled even as he fought to keep his cheeks from burning. Ochako happily went over to the girls to start discussing ideas.