

Jayden's POV

It has been 3 days since I have been sick and so far I get sick every morning and sometimes even during the middle of the day. It is terrible but for once I am glad that Ethan is gone. I get enough worried looks from pack members who notice me running for the nearest bathroom. Each time someone asks me what's wrong I always tell them I ate something bad.

I have already been sick once this morning and then forced myself to eat all of my breakfast because Hadley decided that she is taking me shopping. I really don't feel like shopping with her today. She takes shopping way to seriously. The only reason I agreed to go is because my skinny jeans feel a little tight. I've been trying to convince myself that they probably just shrunk but they have never done that before so I know that I'm just gaining weight which makes me feel bad about myself.

"Come on slow poke! we have to get to the mall before all the good stuff is taken!" Hadley shouts as she tugs on my arm for me to run with her. I stumble along behind her as I roll me eyes.

"You know they keep a stock of everything right? That means they won't run out of a specific thing in just a few hours." I explain sarcastically. She groans and spins around to face me while pointing at my face like she's disciplining a small child.

"Yes that is true but what if they run out of my size or what if I don't get the absolute best one huh? then it will be all your fault for dragging your slow butt! Now get in the car before all of my precious clothes are sold to someone else!" she demands as she points at the car. I chuckle and roll my eyes for her to see and a mock shocked expression crosses her face.

"Oh you did not just do that to me!" She exclaims while trying to stope laughing.

"Oh but I did. And I can do it again." I reply sassily. I manage to cross my arms as I smirk at her.

"But you won't because if you do I will tell Ethan that your extremely ticklish." She threatens. I hold my good hand up in surrender and back away from her.

"Ok ok you win! I will get in the death trap of a car. Just don't tell him my weakness!" I plead as I laugh and walk the rest of the way to the car.

"That's what I thought." She says smugly as we buckle up and she starts the engine. I just smile as I turn on the radio and begin looking for something good on. Problem by Ariana Grande began flooding out of the speakers and I turn it up while Hadley smiled widely at my choice. I know that this is her all time favorite song for now. I smile as I watch her sing along and nod her head along to the beat.

The trip to the mall takes about an hour and a half and about halfway there I began to feel a little sick. I'm not sure if it's because of how I've been sick lately or if it's from car sickness. But I began to take shallow breaths and close my eyes tightly praying for it to pass. I finally determine that it's just from being in a car so long since it won't fade.

"Pull over!" I gasp out as a wave of nausea rolls through my stomach. She glances at me quickly and began slowing down and edging toward the side of the road as I frantically hit the unlock button. As we come to a stop I throw the door open and stumble away from the car before I fall to my knees to be sick. I hear a door slam and then Hadley's soothing hand is rubbing circles on my back to help ease the heaving.

My stomach gives a painful squeeze even though it has to be empty. I sit there gasping for breath as Hadley goes to the car and comes back with napkins and a water bottle. I use one napkin to wipe my mouth and then I take a large mouthful of water swishing it around before spitting it out. I repeat his until the foul taste is just a fading memory. I take a few small sips of the water that was left to try and settle my sore stomach.

Hadley helps me to my feet and walks me back to the car where I collapse into the seat.

"Are you ok Jay? We can go home if your getting sick." She says soothingly while brushing my hair back to check for a fever. I weakly smack her hand away as I turn my head away from her worried expression.

"Don't worry so much Hads. I just get car sickness. We can stop at the next town to get a few motion sickness pills and I'll be fine." I assure her and she smiles sadly as I use her old nickname I gave her back when I was little. That was before I stopped talking. It's been years since I've called her that and it seems to out her at ease as she kisses my forehead and walks back to the drivers side.

I love when she gets like this. It reminds me of how my mom used to be. Everytime I was sick my mom would kiss me on the head and make me some soup and cuddle with me as I ate. After she died and my dad changed I began going to Hadley's when I was too bad hurt or sick. Hadley began to do the same thing my mother had done for me.

She always knew when to act like my happy random best friend and when she needed to act like a caring mother for me. I guess that's why I stay her friend when she annoys me to death. I rest my head against the cool window as I wait for us to come across a town.

I open my eyes and glance around as the car comes to a stop. We were at a small gas station that didn't look very busy. Hadley turns the car off and hands me a twenty dollar bill.

"Prepay that on pump 3 then go find your pills." She orders as she gets out of the car. I slowly get out and shuffle over to the store. I walk up to the counter nervously and hand the man the money while quietly telling him which pump it was for. I still get nervous when it come to talking to strangers. But al least I could talk to them now.

I browse around where the small over the counter medicine was carefully reading each packet. They all basically gave the same warnings.

Caution may cause drowsiness do not drive or operate machinery while one this medicine. Talk to your doctor before taking this medicine if you have heart problems or are pregnant as this medicine may cause side effects. Do not take this medicine on an empty stomach.

Well it's worth the risk of being sleepy if it stops me from puking my guts out in the car. If I get sick in her car Hadley would surly kill me. And I don't have any heart problems that I know of. Plus I'm a male so I don't have to worry about the whole pregnancy thing. But I guess I better grab a snack cake and a drink so that I don't take it on an empty stomach.

I grab a mellow yellow and a honey bun before checking out. Hadley was waiting in the car for me as I slid in and buckle up. I rip the package open before taking a bite of the honey bun.

"So did you find something?" Hadley asks. I nod and pull out the packet to show her before I swallow to explain.

"Yeah I found these. All of them said something about making you sleepy and that you need to eat something with them which is why I got this." I explain and then wave my food for her to see.

"Ok well hurry up and eat then so you can take them." She orders as we pull out of the parking lot. After I finish my food I take out one pill saving the other two for the trip back and take it. The drowsiness hasn't kicked in by the time we got to the mall luckily and I hadn't felt sick since I've taken it. Hadley insists that we stick together so I had to follow her around for 3 hours as she ran from shop to shop buying all the clothes and shoes she could.

We ended up making four trips to the car to drop off her bags when it got too much for us to carry. The pill was starting to make me sleepy after the first hour and a half so by the time it was my turn to shop for clothes I was practically asleep on my feet. Hadley dragged me to different stores shoving clothes in my hands and making me try them on. In the end I bought 5 new skinny jeans all bigger than what I used to be able to wear.

I ended up wearing two sizes bigger than all my old ones. I could have squeezed into only one size bigger but it just made me look fatter. I also bought 4 sweat pants since I will probably wear them more than my skinny jeans. I got 7 different shirts all with graphic designs. My favorite was of two wolves. One had green eyes and one had golden eyes. (A/N Like the cover of the book)

We stopped to get a bite to eat and I managed to eat a whole hamburger and all of the fries since I was too tired to care about gaining more weight. I took the last two pills as we got in the car. It was almost night and Ethan should be home before we get there I thought as I felt myself drifting off to sleep.


Ethan's POV

I groan as I stretch and pop my back. I sigh as I rub my face and head toward our bedroom. Jayden is probably asleep by now. I was a little later than normal. I hate being away from him so much. I can only see him late at night and most of the time he is asleep. Just as I'm about to head up the stairs Luke stops me.

"Ethan can we talk a minute? It's about Jayden." I perk up at Jayden's name and follow him into the betas office.

"What about Jayden? Is he ok?" I ask worriedly.

"Don't worry too much. He's out with Hadley. She took him shopping. And what I'm concerned about is he has been getting sick lately. He has also been skipping meals and he still seems to be gaining weight. His scent seems to be changing slowly. Do you know the rest of the legend of the white wolf? Other than it bringing peace and power to it's pack." Luke questions. My breath hitches as I realize what he's talking about.

"Wait y-you mean the part where the white wolf will give the pack an heir?" I question wearily.

"And the heir will have untold powers." Luke finished while nodding.

"But Jayden can't get pregnant can he?" I ask nervously.

"It's entirely possible I guess. We have never meet a white wolf before let alone a male one. His wolf stayed hidden for so long and only him being threatened by vampire venom brought his wolf out. Either way we need to keep an eye on him. I don't think we should tell him yet either."

"Why? It's our child! he will probably be happy about that!" I exclaim.

"But.... what if it isn't your pup?" Luke asks quietly. My breath hitches and I feel like the world has collapsed on me.

"I-I don't know. I d-didn't think of that." I whisper as a saddened look crosses Luke's expression.

"Will you keep it? or will you try to kill it?" he asks cautiously. I froze as thoughts began swimming through my head.

What if it isn't mine? Will I that monsters offspring? Of course I would! But it's also part of Jayden. Would Jayden want to keep it if it was part of him? probably. He couldn't hurt anything especially a baby. But what if it looked exactly like that monster? Would Jayden be able to stand seeing his own child look like that or would he go crazy from the bad memories? What if it looked like Jayden? Would I be able to stand it knowing that it belongs to that monster and yet still looks like my precious Jayden?

My thoughts are cut off as Hadley walks in the office and smiles when she noticed me.

"Ethan! Just who I was looking for! I need you to go get Jayden out of the car. He took something for his car sickness and it made him really tired. I can't seem to wake him up." She rambles as we fallow her out to the car. Luke and Hadley grab a few bags of clothes as I pick Jayden up from the passenger seat.

"These are all his clothes. We will bring them up to your room for him." Hadley assures as we head back into the house. Now that I'm aware of it Jayden does feel slightly heavier. He's still really light of course but I can tell a difference. He groans as his face scrunches up a little and he snuggles up to me. I smile at how cute he looks scowling in his sleep.

I lay him in the bed and kiss his head watching as his scowl fades away and a small smile touches his lips. He sighs contently as I remove his shoes and change his jeans for some sweats. I leave his shirt on since I didn't want to risk waking him up.

I should take a few days off from looking for the vampires and training for alpha to spend with Jayden. I also need to figure out this whole pup thing before I tell Jayden. I hope he doesn't panic when I explain it to him. I really hope it's my child. I don't know what I will do if it's not mine. I also can't be certain of what my wolf will do even if I choose to accept it.

Please for the sake of Jayden let the child be mine. I don't want him to get hurt if I end up hurting the pup. He may never want to see me again and I won't be able to live without Jayden.


So what do you think of the chapter? I had slight writers block while trying to write this so it may not be the best... anyway..

Please VOTE & COMMENT!!!