

Ethan's POV


I didn't know where I was, but everything was green. I tried to look around to get a sense of my surroundings, but the green flashed by me at a dizzying speed and my eyes couldn't keep pace. I was running, but my legs didn't feel like they were moving. Was I flying? I didn't know I could fly. I should stop and get back home before I was gone too long.

Carefully, not really knowing what to expect, I stretched out my arm towards the blurred scenery to my right. Nothing, nothing at all. I didn't feel the wind whipping at my body. I didn't feel my hand connect with any trees or bushes. Where was I?

Before I could think too much more about it though, I started to slow down. I felt my feet touch the soft grass below me and everything around me stilled. Looking around, I recognized Jayden's clearing right away. The sun trickled through the leaves and the branches, making patterns of sunlight on the forest floor as the wind whispered and teased the wild flowers that wrapped around the clearing. It was peaceful and beautiful and very empty. Why was I here? Did Jayden ask me to be here?

My eyes continued to wander as I soaked up the quiet, looking for clues. Satisfied that there was really nothing going on, I turned to leave when a rustle in the bushes caught my attention. I stopped where I was and sniffed the air.... Nothing, again. So I watched, my eyes trained on the spot where I saw the disturbance. The minutes ticked by and nothing more happened. The breeze whispered more secrets to the flowers and still, nothing.

I needed to get more sleep.

Taking one more glance around, I turned my back and started walking away from the suddenly very mysterious clearing.

"Leaving so soon?" A deep voice asked from behind me, startling me a bit.

Glancing back, my breath caught in my throat as I stared at the new visitor in the clearing. He was standing tall, but had the stance of a hungry predator that hadn't eaten in days. His eyes glowed red and his extended fangs were dripping with blood. It flowed out of his mouth, down his chin, soaking into his clothes. But he didn't seem to care. He took a step forward and I shifted my body, taking a few steps back, wanting to get as far away from him as possible. His claws were extended and he was ready to pounce and make the kill.

"Please stay for the party," he practically cooed at me.

My stomach twisted at the sight of him. I felt disgusted and I honestly felt like I was going to be sick. I opened my mouth to talk, but nothing came out. He threw back his head, held his stomach, and laughed at me as I struggled to get my mouth to work.

The bushes on the other side of the clearing started moving and my eyes opened wide as a terrifying animal covered in white fur emerged. It was most definitely an animal, but it was walking around on two legs. Not only that, but it was holding two babies protectively in its arms.

What? What was going on here?

"Oh, my white wolf, so glad you could join us."

White wolf? Jayden? How? What the... wait.... Those are our babies! I opened my mouth to call out to him, to warn him to stay away, to get our kids out of here, but nothing came out. The words got caught in my throat and my tongue didn't want to work. I tried to move towards him, to protect him and the kids, but still nothing. I was frozen to the ground.

I watched as Jayden, put the babies gently on the ground, turned and fixed his eyes on Chris.

"You will never have them...." He growled. "They are mine! No one will have them!"

No one? He didn't mean.....

I started to panic as his words sunk in. He couldn't mean - no one? Right? The knots in my stomach twisted tighter, my heart started beating rapidly, and I broke out in a cold sweat. I tried to move my legs again, to get to my children, but I was glued to the ground. I was helpless to whatever was going to happen next.

"No one!" he roared into the small clearing making the trees tremble and shake.

Then it all happened so quickly, but I saw every single detail as if it was taking place in slow motion. I watched, helplessly, as he swiped his sharp claws through both of the little bodies lying on the ground.

'No.....' It was barely a whisper in my head as my whole world was ripped apart in less than a second. My whole body felt weak and my knees felt like they were going to give out, but I was frozen stiff and I couldn't move from where I was. I tried closing my eyes, but I couldn't even do that. I could only stare at their little bodies lying there motionless on the ground as their blood quickly soaked into the forest floor. It was so quick that they didn't even have a chance to make a sound. I didn't have a chance to say good bye.

I felt my eyes burn as they watered. I felt my heart clench tightly with heartbreak and betrayal. My world was crumbling around me and all I could do was stand there, seemingly strong, watching everything.

"Not even you..." Jayden looked right at me then and his body held so much hatred and anger. His icy blue gaze felt like knives digging into my heart, into my stomach, tearing me to pieces.

'Jayden...' I only heard it in my head. I wasn't sure if he heard it too.

In his distraction, Chris jumped on him and viciously ripped into his soft stomach with his claws. His white coat immediately turned an awful red as his blood dripped out and chunks of skin and organs hung out of his body.

'No.... please no.....'

Chris laughed as he sank his teeth into Jayden's neck and pulled. Jayden slumped to the ground right next to the small, lifeless bodies of our children. It was done and there was nothing I could do. My mate, my children, my family... they were all gone. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I felt nothing, just like the clearing. I couldn't even close my eyes to look away.

"And you're next ..." Chris said to me as he stalked forward, grinning sadistically with Jayden's blood splattered across his face and covering his body.

Yes, please... anything to be with Jayden again.


My eyes flashed opened and I sat up so abruptly that the room started to spin and tilt.

Holy mother of.... Oh God, I'm going to be sick...

Grabbing my head with my hands, I closed my eyes and started breathing slowly in and out through my nose, trying my best to stop the nausea and light headedness from taking over. As I became aware of my surroundings, I noticed I was covered in sweat. I felt it on my forehead, on my neck, dripping down my back.... I felt it soaking into my shirt and the waist of my pants.

That dream.... nightmare... oh God, Jayden, he was gone. I was too late. I felt the burn in the back of my eyes as tears threatened to spill over once again. Shaking my head, I concentrated on breathing slowly in and out, in and out, trying my best to slow down my breathing and racing heart.

I needed to eat. I needed a shower. How long have I been here?


Ignoring my rolling stomach, my eyes flashed opened again and they quickly landed on my sleeping mate. I breathed a sigh of relief. It was all a dream. It was all a nightmare. He was here with me. The babies were safe.

Leaning over, I placed a lingering kiss on his forehead.

"Come back to us, baby. I love you so much." Nothing. No response, just like every other time I spoke to him. Soon, it would be soon that he came back. It had to be.

Standing up, I stretched and quietly watched Jayden's even breathing. He was so beautiful and peaceful when he slept. A rare smile tugged at my lips as my body took me towards the door and into the hallway. It was like it knew I wanted to be in two places at once. Once outside Jayden's room, my eyes zoned in on the last door on the left at the end of the hallway. They focused on that one spot and didn't waver. That's where I was going. That's where I needed to be. I was so focused that I didn't really see the white walls of the clinic or the nurse that passed me without saying a word. I didn't see the sun shining through the windows or the colorful flowers sitting in the window boxes. My feet stopped and I looked into the room on the other side of that door. There they were, my babies, our babies. Opening the door, I stepped inside the room and a sense of comfort and peace and... home... washed through me. Another smile played on my lips.

They were all ok- no injuries, nothing. I walked in between the beds and looked down at each one of them. They needed names, but I would wait for Jayden to be here with me so we could decide together. I chuckled softly as I pictured him getting mad if I picked out names without him.

They were perfect, little tufts of hair, little noses and lips, all wrapped up in little blankets and the smallest of hats covering their tiny heads. They were bundled and warm and safe and my heart swelled with love as I watched them. They had so much power over me already and they were still so little.

Very gently, I brushed a finger along a pudgy cheek. It was so soft and squishy I just wanted to scoop them all up and hold them forever in my arms.

I eyed the rocking chairs against the wall and decided I would hold each one of them and show them how much I loved them already. Smiling, I scooped the first baby up into my arms and cradled him close to my chest. I watched as the smallest of hands with the smallest of fingers with full grown fingernails poked through the blanket. My heart melted as I watched this tiny miracle try to snuggle into my warmth.

I was just about to sit down on one of the chairs when I felt something close to panic and anger race through me followed closely by screaming and crashing. Then something that sounded like a growl and a roar echoed off the walls of the once quiet clinic. Jayden!

Jayden's POV


Manic laughter sounded behind me and I turned around quickly, trying to find the source. All I saw was green. I didn't seem to be anywhere in particular. The unnerving laughter came again, sending fear laced tingles down my spine. I couldn't see him, but I would know that laugh anywhere.

I didn't want to, but my body moved in the direction I last heard it, afraid of what I would find. Step by step, closer and closer.

All of sudden, the scene before me cleared as if someone suddenly whipped off my green blindfold. I blinked once, twice, three times. It's not real. It can't be real. I killed him, ripped him apart piece by piece with my own hands. But there he was, standing in the clearing, holding my babies. Blood slowly dripped from his exposed fangs, running over his lips, creating rivers of blood over his chin, and landing on his bare chest. It made the smile on his face look that much more sinister. His eyes were red and they had taken on an edge of crazy, matching the laughter I heard just moments before. He was looking at me like he was starving.


I was too late. And he had the babies.

He laughed again but I was too numb to feel anything. Ethan, my mate, my love... My knees wobbled and gave out as I sank to the ground. There was nothing anymore.

"Oh, and Jay, dear..." I couldn't even move. I wasn't sure I was breathing anymore. Why should I even bother at this point?

"I only need one!" I heard something that sounded like claws on skin and something thudding on the ground close to me. It rolled to me and stopped right against my knees.

His laughter echoed through the clearing as he left, leaving me there kneeling on the ground.

I only had to move my eyes to see what it was and as soon as I did, I knew I was in my own personal hell. One of the babies lay on the ground next to me, ripped to shreds. He... he didn't even have a chance at life. He would never know what love was. I carefully picked up the little body and snuggled it close to my chest.

My heart squeezed and pulsed as I held him close, trying to breathe, trying to hold it together. But I felt it. I felt my heart crumbling as the fractures grew larger. I stopped holding it together and let it crumble, letting the pieces fall where they may.

I breathed in and I could still smell that sweet baby scent, even under the blood and the dirt. My baby.

Holding the baby to me, I crawled over to where Ethan lay on the ground and laid myself next to him. This is where I belonged, forever. I closed my eyes, hoping to never wake up again.


I came to with a start and all I felt was a heavy weight against my chest. I couldn't breathe. My mouth opened before I could think it, trying its best to get some desperately needed air to my lungs. My whole body shook and shuddered as I came alive again.

My heart was beating out of my chest and I felt something wet sticking to me. Forcing my eyes open, I glanced down and saw the wet material of my shirt as it clung to my sweat covered chest. Where was I?

I tried to sit up, but my muscles protested. Instead, I closed my eyes again and concentrated on taking deep breathes and slowing my heart rate. The room was white and I heard a beeping somewhere. I took a moment to think and that's when everything came flooding back to me - the clearing, Chris, the babies, my strange half transformation, Ethan, Ethan dying.....

Wait..... I know I had a dream. But... but... Ethan only died in the dream? Right? Didn't he? I nervously glanced around the room as panic started to build in my chest. I remembered what happened, but I couldn't remember what was real. The room I was in looked like a small hospital room, but it was empty. Where was Ethan? Where were my babies? I took in long, deep breathes, trying to relax and think clearly, but it didn't seem to help.

Maybe Chris did win...? Maybe he was holding me here and was going to use me to ... breed more babies for him??! Maybe he actually needed more than one baby! Oh God! Oh fuck.....

I felt it and I couldn't push it away. Panic wrapped its merciless claws securely around my heart and lungs, laughing at me as I tried in vain to take in enough air.

No! Oh fuck....

"No!!" I felt my left arm lash out and I heard a crash in the background, but I didn't care.

I would find him and I rip him apart piece by piece while I laughed in his face. He would be begging for mercy before I was done with him.

I felt that now familiar anger sweep through me as it tried to consume me. I felt my gums tingle and my canines start to drop. No, I couldn't. Not right now. I needed to stay focused. Grabbing hold of the IVs in my arm, I yanked them out, not caring that my blood was now dripping down my arm and making a mess on the floor. My gown was next. I ripped it off my body, leaving the pieces of cloth to float to the floor in shreds as I proceeded to rip off the sensors that littered my chest.

I opened my mouth to cry, or yell, I honestly don't know. It came out as something mournful laced with rage.

"You're too late, my dear..." he sneered at me and looked down. I followed his eyes down and my heart skipped a beat and for a moment I forgot to breathe. Ethan was lying on the ground, his neck twisted at an unnatural angle, his blood was already pooling on the hard ground beneath him.

I lashed out and the remaining machines crashed to the floor, sending pieces flying everywhere. I flung my other arm towards the bed I had just been laying on and sent that across the room, leaving a large hole in the wall.

"I'm coming for you! Don't try to hide!!" I bellowed with as much menace as I could. It was like a heat coming from deep within me.

I felt my claws growing and tried with everything I had to hold back my wolf and hold back my shift. Not again. Not like this. I needed control. But I couldn't rein it in. I felt the hair start to grow as I stalked towards the door half out of my mind with fear, and rage, and sorrow.

I didn't even know what I was doing. I just knew I had to find him and get out of here. The door to the room went flying. I don't think I even touched it. Then I was in a hallway. I stood there for a moment seething, letting the rage consume me. I couldn't fight it. I wanted to, but it was too strong.


One of my clawed fists went through the wall in front of me and I let out another yell that sounded more like a howl.

"Jayden." It was a soft sound, but it cut through all the turmoil rolling through me, trying to take me under. I stopped and tensed, still fighting for control of my body and mind. Turning my head, my gaze settled on a beautiful man with short, dark hair and piercing green eyes.

Ethan..... I couldn't speak. I wasn't even sure I remembered how to speak.

"Jayden, come back to me, baby. I love you."

We stared at each other and he took careful steps towards me. I didn't move as I continued to stare at him. Is this a dream? I wanted it to be real so badly. I wanted to reach for him, to touch him, to tell him how much I loved him, will always love him. I just stood there watching.

He kept moving closer and closer until he was so close he could reach out and touch my arm. I wanted to go to him, but the anger consumed me and I didn't know how to respond or shift back.

In what felt like slow motion, I watched his arm move across the space between us and rest on the arm closest to him. As soon as he touched me a strong sense of calm washed through me. Tingles erupted from that one touch and spread throughout my body, warming me from the inside. I felt my body shifting back on its own accord. I felt my canines retract, my claws start to shrink, and the hair start to recede. The anger started to melt away, burning off in the wake of the warm, calming sensation that was sweeping through my body. I just embraced it and looked at Ethan, meeting his eyes.

My breath caught in my throat as I looked into his eyes. They were full of trust, strength, adoration, and love. I saw the tears that were starting to pool and collect in them, threatening to spill over at any moment.

Everything that had happened in the past few days caught up with me in that moment and it was just too much.

My whole body slumped and I felt strong arms catch me before I hit the floor. They wrapped around me and pulled me close to a warm, hard body. Ethan. I wrapped my arms around his wide shoulders, desperately searching for his strength, looking for any kind of contact I could get. I sniffed in his scent and I broke down in his arms.

The stress, the worry, the anger, the desperation, and my unwavering love all came spilling out in those hot tears. They ran down my face and collected on his shoulder, soaking his shirt. The snot followed the same path but neither of us did anything to wipe it away. I didn't care. I had him in my arms, next to me once again.

I cried and cried, my whole body shaking as he held me close to him, never loosening his grip. I didn't lose him. It was so close. I cried even harder, barely able to stand anymore.

I was so lost in myself, I didn't feel him pick me up and start walking down the hall. I didn't sense that we entered a different room or that there were three distinct new smells present. I didn't notice that we sat down on the couch in that room. I was only aware of his arms wrapped protectively around me. I felt something warm and wet on my forehead, on my temple, all over my face. I felt his large hands repeatedly rake through my hair while he whispered sweet little nothings to me, willing me to relax, and trust, and love once more. I felt his strength claim my body as my heart started to piece itself back together again. This was the man I loved. He never gave up, never lost hope, never left my side. Fresh hot tears started rolling down my face once again.

Then I felt a warm finger slowly dip under my chin and lift it up until I was staring right into beautiful mesmerizing eyes. His eyes searched mine and very gently, he lowered his head and pressed his lips to mine. It was a simple kiss, but it was more than just a simple kiss.

That one kiss held so many promises in it. I promise to love you no matter what. I promise to protect you. I promise to always be there for you and support you. My whole body melted into him and my hands moved on their own, resting on either side of his face. Needing his closeness, I pulled his face close to mine and kissed him back, trying to pour everything I felt into that kiss. Mouths opened and his tongue snaked into mine as he quickly dominated the kiss. He explored every inch of my mouth, letting me know I was his in every way. I wanted it. I needed it.

He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

"I love you Jayden- more and more every day. Forever." Oh my god. My heart swelled. I didn't deserve him.

"I love you too, Ethan. My mate, my love. Always and forever." I smiled as I watched him. I swear I just fell in love with him all over again.

"Come on baby, let's meet the babies."

He set me down on the couch and got up. Only then did I realize we were in the same room as the babies, our babies, our children. He didn't win. We won. I scented the air and caught the three distinct smells from each of our children. Our Family. I closed my eyes and thanked god that we were all here, together and safe.

I opened my eyes as I felt a hand on my shoulder. Ethan was there softly smiling at me with our beautiful baby girl in his arms. Reaching out, I carefully took the baby, making sure to support the head and neck, and gently rested her on my lap. I lifted my feet onto the stool next to the couch to get her at a better angle.

There she was, sleeping peaceful like nothing happened. Her little nose wiggled in her sleep and her full pink lips moved and sucked at the air before settling down once more. I ran a finger down her soft, pink cheeks, marveling in everything that she was. She was so little. She was a miracle, my miracle. She was my angel.

Ethan returned with the 2 boys and, sitting so our legs were touching, we rested all 3 babies on our laps.

"Ethan, they are so beautiful," I said softly as I watched them sleep. They all had dark tufts of hair and they looked so safe and snuggly wrapped in their blankets. I instantly felt calm watching them.

"Of course they are, we made them together." He planted a kiss in my hair as we quietly watched them.

"Our family...." I signed. I looked up and smiled at him. This is what we were fighting for over the past few days and it was definitely worth it.

"They need names"

"Oh.... Ummm"

"Let's start with the oldest boy"

"Ok. How about Düc...?" I looked up at him to see his reaction.

"Düc Allen?"

"Yeah. I like that. Düc Allen Davis." That's a good strong name. I looked at the second boy and noticed he had a birth mark right above his left ear. He would also need a strong name.

"Edan, for the second boy" I stated, raising any eyebrow.

Ethan made a sound that sounded like a grunt. I found myself wanting to laugh. It was a good feeling.

"Edan Kit Davis."


"Now for our princess. An Alpha's daughter. God help those boys." He snickered to himself as he started thinking of names.

I looked lovingly at the little girl in my lap. "You pick her first name." I said, turning my head up to watch his face. It scrunched up so cutely in concentration.

"Lacey," He said, raising an eyebrow as he looked down at me.

"Hmmmm. Lacey Lynn Davis?"

"Perfect, baby."

He made a sound of approval as he turned to watch our children sleeping peacefully. In that moment, with my head on Ethan's shoulder, his arm wrapped protectively around my body, the babies sleeping peacefully, and our whole family snuggled together, I knew I was finally.

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