
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

Read_and_Chill · アニメ·コミックス
278 Chs

Chapter 129: Shall We... Try Dating?


Danzo was imprisoned, Dan was about to become the new Hokage's assistant, Konoha issued a warrant for Obito, and declared war on Amegakure and Akatsuki.

Each of these events alone would be enough to make headlines in Konoha.

But now, they all happened in one day.

Konoha had just experienced an attack from Akatsuki, and the villagers were generally in a state of panic and fear. With such dramatic changes, the atmosphere was even more tense.

Whether it was having an Uchiha as the Hokage's assistant or declaring war on Amegakure, neither was good news for the villagers of Konoha who just wanted to live peaceful lives.

For the entire day, the village was in chaos, with everyone discussing non-stop, filled with deep unease and worry about Konoha's future.

Uchiha Clan District.

In the turmoil that swept through Konoha, the Uchiha clan had not suffered any casualties or damage to their buildings.

So the clan members had all returned to their homes, resuming their normal lives.

The shops on the street had also reopened, creating a lively scene.

However, despite making a big splash and emerging as the only winner among all the forces, the Uchiha clan did not let their guard down.

They remained on high alert.

The elite ninja of the clan took turns patrolling, guarding the clan district as tightly as a drum.

After all.

The Uchiha clan had never let their guard down against the higher-ups of Konoha, always wary of a second attack from Obito and Akatsuki.

In the meeting room of the Medical Corps.

Dan, Fugaku, and Shisui held a small high-level meeting of the Uchiha clan.

"According to the information provided by the Anbu ninja, Tenzō, Obito has taken back his left eye from Kakashi, completing a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan. This could pose a significant threat to us," Fugaku said with a grave expression.

The power of Kamui was too terrifying, even among all the Mangekyō Sharingan abilities in Uchiha history, it stood alone.

Obito, with both eyes, would not only have a complete Kamui, but his ocular power would also skyrocket, making him even more difficult to deal with.

"There's no need to worry," Dan said calmly, producing Obito's real left eye.

This is...

Fugaku and Shisui were taken aback, only learning the truth from Dan's explanation.

It turned out.

Dan had asked Tsunade to perform an eye transplant surgery on Kakashi, secretly swapping Obito's Sharingan.


Kakashi had said that his left eye had sensed the existence of Obito's right eye and could even share the same field of vision with it.

In other words.

This left eye was like a radar. As long as Obito appeared nearby, it had a certain chance of sensing him.

They just needed to find a new owner for it.


The choice of this person was something Dan needed to consider carefully.

After the meeting.

Dan went to the equipment area, took a look around, and suddenly noticed that Samui was not there.

He casually asked a clan member and learned that his sister, Mikoto, had just come by and invited Samui to go shopping.

He frowned and left the Medical Corps building.

On the main street.

Uchiha Mikoto and Samui were walking hand in hand, chatting and laughing as they shopped.

Over these days.

After spending more time with Samui and getting to know her better, Mikoto was increasingly satisfied with this potential "sister-in-law."

During their shopping trip.

As usual, she subtly probed Samui's thoughts and kept hinting at her, hoping to see Samui and Dan's relationship progress further.

In response.

Samui had done her homework and was adept at pleasing Mikoto, earning more and more of her trust.

When they arrived near the small park in the clan district.

Samui's eyes flashed, and she suddenly feigned urgency, telling Mikoto: "I'm sorry, Mikoto, I need to use the restroom."

"Oh, go ahead, I'll wait for you here," Mikoto replied with a small smile. She was a bit tired from shopping and decided to sit on a bench to rest for a while.

The opportunity had come.

Samui was delighted and immediately left Mikoto, hurrying towards the park's restroom.


After she entered the restroom, she didn't stay for a moment but slipped out the back door and went to a small grove deep in the park.


Samui looked around to make sure no one was nearby, then performed a hand seal and summoned a ninja hawk to deliver information.

She tied the information to the hawk's leg and watched it fly away until it left Konoha and disappeared into the distant sky.

Samui finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

But just then.

There was a "crack" sound from behind her, as if someone had stepped on a branch.

"Who's there?!"

Samui turned around abruptly, her eyes sharp as she looked at the intruder.

But the next second.

Her sharp gaze turned into fear, and she looked panicked, stuttering:

"Da... Dan."


The person who appeared in front of Samui under these circumstances was not someone else, but the man she least wanted to see— Uchiha Dan.

"I was passing by and saw something flying out of the grove. It seemed suspicious, so I came to check it out."

Dan said as he walked towards Samui, "By the way, what are you doing here?"

This is bad.

Upon hearing this, Samui's body stiffened, and her heart sank.

Was she... discovered?

Watching Dan approach step by step, under the pressure of his imposing figure, Samui's heart pounded harder and harder, growing more and more nervous.

Should she try to escape?


The moment this thought crossed her mind, she dismissed it, knowing she couldn't possibly escape from Dan.

She could only cling to the last shred of hope.

Praying that Dan was just passing by, just asking casually, and didn't really suspect her.

"Why are you trembling?" Dan came up to Samui and noticed her unusual state, asking with some surprise.

As he spoke.

He extended a hand towards Samui's shoulder, as if to check her condition.

At this moment.

Samui was terrified.

In her eyes, Dan's hand was like a mountain, and if it landed on her shoulder, it could crush her at any moment.

To save herself, she had to do something.

She couldn't just sit and wait for death.

In her desperation.

She took a gamble.

Samui gritted her teeth and suddenly leaned forward, collapsing softly

against Dan's body.

"Dan, I don't know what's wrong, I suddenly feel a bit unwell..."

Her face was pressed against Dan's chest, speaking weakly. If it weren't for leaning on Dan, she seemed like she could fall at any moment.

This move was called selling her charm.

Although it was a low strategy and probably wouldn't work on Dan, Samui couldn't think of anything else at the moment.


Dan seemed to fall for it, his attention successfully diverted by Samui's beauty.

"Oh? Have you been overworked because of all the things happening at the Body Modification Department?"

Dan allowed Samui to lean against his chest, asking with concern, but a hint of mockery flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"Yes, I think so."

Samui responded, following Dan's words, "I wanted to rest well today, but Mikoto invited me to go shopping... I just came out of the restroom and felt a bit dizzy, and I accidentally twisted my ankle. Luckily, you came, Dan..."

"Is that so? My sister really doesn't know better. I'll have a word with her later."

Dan frowned upon hearing that Samui had twisted her ankle and offered to carry her back.

Seeing this, Samui was surprised: "Dan, actually, my ankle isn't that bad, I should be able to walk back by myself. Besides, you're about to become the Hokage's assistant, how can I let you demean yourself by carrying me?"

"Stop talking and get on."

Dan said as he squatted down, "I've only carried one person in all these years, and that's my nephew, Uchiha Itachi, because I love him the most. But you, as my most outstanding employee, hold the same place in my heart as Itachi."

Such heartwarming words.

However, they made Samui shudder, her face turning even paler.

When Dan said he loved Itachi the most, did he mean he liked to raise his fists and beat his nephew for no reason?

How many people could bear such heavy love?

Looking at Dan's broad and sturdy back, Samui hesitated for a moment but didn't dare to refuse his kindness. She leaned her body against him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Dan also placed his hands on the bend of Samui's legs, supporting her thighs as he stood up.

Then they walked out of the small grove.

As soon as they stepped outside, they were spotted by Mikoto.

"You two..." Mikoto saw Dan carrying Samui on his back, and her face was full of delighted surprise.

"Sis, Samui isn't feeling well, and you still dragged her around shopping."

Dan sighed and complained to Mikoto, then started walking forward.

"Really?" Mikoto looked surprised, then quickly caught up, expressing her concern for Samui. After learning that Samui was not seriously hurt, she finally relaxed.

Along the way.

The clan members on both sides of the street, seeing Dan and Samui on his back, either bowed to Dan or smiled and whispered to each other.

"Dan, Samui, did you hear that? Everyone says you two are a perfect match."

Mikoto said with a grin, her eyes curved into crescents.

"Mikoto, that's not..." Samui immediately blushed and lowered her eyes in embarrassment.

Dan, on the other hand, remained expressionless and didn't respond.

Seeing her brother's reaction, Mikoto frowned slightly, becoming a bit anxious, and offered another assist:

"Dan, you and Samui are not getting any younger, why don't... you listen to me and try dating each other?"

Upon hearing this.

Samui's face turned even redder, and she quickly said, "Mikoto, you're overestimating me, I'm just an ordinary person, how could I possibly be worthy of Dan?"

"There's no such thing as unworthy!"

Mikoto encouraged Samui, even using her own love story as an example.

At first, she thought Fugaku was a serious, rigid, and boring man, but after trying to date him, she discovered many of his good qualities, and they eventually became a happy couple and had two lovely children.

"Samui, you should give it a try. Maybe you'll find that Dan is not as bad as you think."

Mikoto continued to persuade Samui, and then turned to Dan, "Dan, you should also give it a try. Samui is a good girl, and she's very dedicated to her work. You should know this better than anyone else."

Dan remained silent for a moment, then finally spoke, "Alright, I'll consider it."

Hearing this, Mikoto was overjoyed, and Samui was also a little surprised. She didn't expect Dan to agree so easily.

But at the same time, she also felt a little uneasy.

Because she knew that Dan was not a man who would easily agree to something, especially something as important as a relationship.

Did he really agree to consider dating her, or was there another reason?

Samui couldn't help but feel a little worried.

But for now, she could only put her worries aside and focus on the task at hand.

She had to continue to play her role well and try to gain more trust from Dan and the Uchiha clan.

Only in this way could she complete her mission and ensure her own safety.