
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

Read_and_Chill · アニメ·コミックス
278 Chs

Chapter 126: The Self-Destruction of Danzo

Hello everyone, translator here.

Man it has been a rough 2 weeks of reading and rereading the same 5 chapters over and over again with new strategies and translations prompt scripts until I finally got to something that I was able to enjoy reading.

I will be posting 5 chapters to day and seeing how the community overall responds so I can gauge if this book still worthwhile to translate.

Personally I am still liking where the book is going and would like to see where it goes but I am also trying to avoid burnout after bashing my head against a wall until I found a solution so please do forgive any slow down in the release schedule this week while I reset and recharge.

As always, if you find any errors or areas in need of correction please leave an in paragraph comment and I will address it as soon as I can.

Book reviews, chapter comments, and stones are greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone and have a great week!


The Uchiha Reflection.

This is the power of the Uchiha Gunbai.

Not just a mere Wind Release jutsu, even a Tailed Beast Ball could be reflected back.


Danzo was taken aback, never expecting his trump card jutsu to be reflected back at him.

He couldn't dodge it.

Danzo only had time to form the Rabbit, Boar, and Sheep hand signs before he was hit by the Vacuum Sphere, lifted off the ground, and sent flying backward.

With a loud bang.

Danzo crashed into the barrier, spewing blood from his mouth. He was also burned by the flames of the Four Violet Flames Formation, eventually falling down like a rag doll.

After twitching a couple of times, he died on the spot.

Did they win?

The Uchiha clan members outside the barrier were stunned when they saw this.

The Hokage's assistant, Danzo, was taken down in one round by the Director.

That was too easy. They hadn't even had their fill of the fight!

"I didn't expect Dan to master the use of the Uchiha Gunbai so quickly."

Fugaku sighed with emotion.

Back in the day, Uchiha Madara wielded this Gunbai, using the "Uchiha Reflection" to kill countless strong enemies on the battlefield.

Danzo's death was not unjust.

But at this moment, an unexpected change occurred.

Inside the barrier.

Dan, holding the Uchiha Gunbai, walked over to Danzo's corpse.

Under his gaze, the latter's body suddenly became transparent and quickly disappeared into thin air, as if it had never existed.

"Director, watch out behind you!" The Uchiha clan members outside the barrier shouted in alarm.

Dan turned around to see Danzo charging at him, throwing a punch that hit him in the abdomen.


Danzo looked horrified, feeling as if his fist had hit not a human body, but a large bronze bell.

Dan was unharmed, and a counter-shock force emanated from his body, traveling up Danzo's arm and paralyzing him on the spot.

Taking advantage of Danzo's immobility.


Dan reached out and grabbed Danzo's right arm, pulling it off with a violent yank, causing blood to spurt out.

Danzo's entire right arm was ripped off by Dan in a bloody mess.


Dan swung the Uchiha Gunbai, sending Danzo flying again, crashing into the barrier for the second time.

He died again.

Dan picked up Danzo's right arm, watching as it gradually became transparent before his eyes until it disappeared, his gaze becoming focused.

And Danzo, once again appeared unharmed not far away, as if his repeated deaths were just an illusion.

What was going on?

Tsunade, as an observer of this battle, should have seen things more clearly, but she was frowning.

The chakra she sensed from Danzo was only one, indicating that the two Danzos killed by Dan were not shadow clones.

Could it be that Danzo possessed an immortal body, capable of infinite resurrection?

Was this Danzo's real trump card?

Fugaku and Shisui exchanged glances, also seeing the surprise in each other's eyes.

Both of them had activated their Mangekyou Sharingan at this point, seeing more clues than Tsunade because they sensed the flow of dojutsu from Danzo.

The dojutsu of the Sharingan.


Both of them thought of a jutsu, could it be...

Inside the barrier… "Uchiha Dan, don't waste your energy. Your attacks are useless against me because I am invincible. And I only need to kill you once."

Despite being killed twice by Dan, each time more gruesomely than the last, Danzo remained calm, as if everything was under control.

Is that so?

Dan didn't think so.

He had noticed early on that Danzo had activated Izanagi when he formed the Rabbit, Boar, and Sheep hand signs.


In a very short period of time, it transforms all the disadvantages, including injuries and even death, into illusions.

At the same time, it brings all the advantages, such as the caster's attacks, into reality.

It's an ultimate genjutsu that controls the gap between illusion and reality.

So Danzo was able to change the reality of being killed by Dan, returning to his pre-hand sign state time and time again.

But what Danzo didn't know was.

Dan had intentionally let him activate Izanagi. Otherwise, Dan would have used "The World" to stop time and kill Danzo right away.

Dan's goal? Naturally, it was to see the effect of Izanagi firsthand and test the principle of this jutsu.

It was indeed harder to deal with than he had imagined.

Izanagi seemed to continue to activate after Danzo formed the hand signs. During this period, no matter how many times he was killed by Dan, he would return to an uninjured state.

In other words.

Even if Dan activated time-stop now and tore off Danzo's arm containing the Sharingan, it wouldn't stop Izanagi.

Once this jutsu is activated, there is only one way to break it.


Wait for Izanagi's duration to end.

Any Sharingan that has used Izanagi will permanently lose its light and can never be opened again.

The duration of this jutsu is also very unstable, varying from person to person, and can last for several minutes at most.

As far as Dan knew Danzo was not an Uchiha, and couldn't bring out the true power of the Sharingan, so each time he used a Sharingan, Izanagi could only last for one minute.

Dan couldn't determine how many Sharingan were on Danzo's right arm at this time.

But what he could be sure of was that as long as he actively attacked Danzo and kept killing him, he could speed up the consumption of Izanagi.

With this in mind.


Dan stomped on the ground, and like a cannonball, he charged at Danzo.

Ten meters, five meters, one meter.

In the blink of an eye.

Dan had already reached Danzo.

But at this moment, he suddenly stopped, as if he had been hit with a paralysis jutsu.

It turned out.

At some point, a black curse mark had emerged from Dan's abdomen, spreading instantly to his entire body and immobilizing him.

The Self-Curse Seal.

This was what Danzo had left behind when he punched Dan earlier.

In the original story.

Danzo had easily bound Uchiha Sasuke with this curse mark.

"Uchiha Dan, it's over."

Seeing Dan fall into the trap, Danzo coldly declared.

He then unhesitatingly activated a suicide jutsu.

Wood Release: Tree Root Burial.

In an instant.

A giant tree grew out of Danzo's right arm, swallowing him and about to swallow Dan as well.

At this critical moment.

Dan's pair of pitch-black eyes remained calm.

Danzo seemed to have forgotten one thing.

Was he the only one who could use Izanagi?

Of course not.

When the Uchiha attacked the Mountain Graveyard, they found the scroll of Izanagi there.

Dan had read it immediately and mastered this jutsu.


Unlike Danzo, who needed to form hand signs to activate Izanagi, Dan could activate this jutsu without forming hand signs, and its duration would be much longer than Danzo's.


Dan had no intention of using Izanagi. He wasn't foolish enough to waste one of his eyes here.

A better way was—

The World!


The long-lost power of time-stop was activated, and the whole world turned gray. The growth of the giant tree also temporarily stopped.

Dan had five seconds.

In the original story, Sasuke broke free from the Self-Curse Seal with the divine power of Susanoo.

And Dan, blessed by the God of Muscles, had divine power in his formidable physique.

It took only one second.


With the explosion of Dan's physical strength, his Yang Release chakra broke through the curse marks on his body, making them all disappear.

Regaining his freedom, Dan disappeared from the spot in a flash.

Time resumed its flow.


The Tree Root Burial jutsu was completed, and the violent Wood Release chakra filled the entire Four Violet Flames Formation.

Danzo's figure appeared out of thin air again.

Seeing Uchiha Dan swallowed by the giant tree, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The outcome had been decided.

The battle just now had also taken a considerable toll on Danzo, especially after consecutively activating Izanagi and performing the Tree Root Burial.

His chakra was nearly depleted.

So, panting, Danzo formed a hand sign and said, "Release!"

As soon as his words fell.

"You voluntarily deactivated Izanagi, saving me some time."

Dan's voice suddenly rang out behind Danzo, making him shiver as if he had fallen into an ice cave.


Danzo turned around abruptly, no longer able to maintain his composure, and formed hand signs with a look of horror on his face.

He wanted to activate Izanagi again.

But Dan wouldn't give him a second chance. He stepped forward and punched.

Hum, hum, hum.

Dan's fist vibrated at high speed, creating an illusion that made Danzo momentarily dazed, and his hand signs faltered.

Yin Release: Phantom Body Technique.

Before Danzo could recover from his daze.

Rip! Dan tore off Danzo's right arm again, then kicked him in the chest, sending him flying like a sandbag and crashing to the ground in the distance.

When the cat doesn't want to play with the mouse, the mouse has no chance.

This time.

Danzo didn't disappear out of thin air like before, nor could he get up from the ground.

Drip, drip, drip.

Dan walked over leisurely, stepped on Danzo's chest, then bent down and lifted the bandage over the latter's right eye.

In that eye socket, there was only a grayish-white eyeball left.

A blind Sharingan.


Outside the barrier, the members of the Root finally reacted.

At the command of Tatsuma, the four members of the Root immediately deactivated the Four Violet Flames Formation, and all the members of the Root rushed up together, trying to rescue the dying Danzo from Dan.

"Stop them!"

Seeing this, Fugaku ordered, and the Uchihas all rushed forward, their crimson Sharingan eyes locking onto the enemy.

The members of the Root were deterred and hesitated to move forward.

Under the gaze of everyone.

Dan lifted his foot off Danzo's chest and looked down at him, his eyes cold and emotionless.

The battle was over.

The Uchiha clan had won.

The Root was defeated, and Danzo, the mastermind behind the Uchiha Massacre, was dead.

The Uchiha clan members outside the barrier let out a cheer, their eyes filled with excitement and relief.

Fugaku and Shisui exchanged glances, both seeing the joy and relief in each other's eyes.

They had avenged their clan.

Tsunade, who had been watching the battle, sighed softly. She had mixed feelings about the outcome. On one hand, she was relieved that the Uchiha clan had won and that the truth about the Uchiha prejudice had been revealed.

But this was the world of shinobi.

There was no right or wrong, only winners and losers.

And today, the Uchiha clan was the winner.

Dan lifted Danzo's right arm, slowly unwrapping the bandage that was wound around it.


Everyone present gasped in shock, their pupils constricting.

"That is..."

Tsunade immediately recognized the familiar face of Hashirama Senju on Danzo's shoulder.

Moreover, Danzo's arm was grotesquely implanted with several Sharingan eyes, which was a chilling sight.

"One, two, three, four."

Dan counted and found that there were four Sharingan eyes on Danzo's right arm, two of which had permanently closed due to the use of Izanagi.

Adding to the blind right eye of Danzo, it perfectly matched his three instances of death.

This arm must be the masterpiece of Orochimaru.

To forcibly extend the duration of Izanagi, Orochimaru had created this Hashirama arm for Danzo, with up to ten slots for the implantation of Sharingan eyes.


Danzo apparently hadn't collected that many Sharingan eyes yet, which was why he was so eager to annihilate the Uchiha clan.

"See, this is the evidence."

Dan held up Danzo's arm for all the Uchiha, several Anbu members including Tenzo, and the police force members including Hyuga Hizashi to see.

"The higher-ups of Konoha have never given up their inhumane human experiments in their pursuit of studying the cells of the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju. They have killed countless innocent people. When the matter was exposed, they even pushed all the blame onto Orochimaru. The results of the research, however, became the personal property of high-ranking officials like Danzo."

This accusation shook everyone present.

It was well known.

Before Orochimaru defected, he had joined the Root and served as Danzo's guard. This suspicion raised by Dan perfectly matched the known facts.


Among the people present, Tenzo was the only survivor of Orochimaru's human experiments. A little investigation would reveal the truth.

But that wasn't all.

"The higher-ups of Konoha have been suppressing and persecuting the Uchiha because they covet the Sharingan. They want to incite the entire village to annihilate the Uchiha clan. Danzo, the Hokage's assistant, is doing just that."

Dan raised his voice, publicly revealing Danzo's evil plan. He then looked meaningfully at Shisui, "Your ancestor, Uchiha Kagami's Sharingan, might be on this arm of Danzo's."

Shisui trembled all over, disbelief written all over his face.

Was it... really like that?

The members of the police force, led by Hyuga Hizashi, looked at each other. They realized that they had been used by Danzo.

The Uchiha, on the other hand, were beyond furious.

According to the bet between Danzo and Dan, if Dan won the battle, Konoha would no longer use various excuses to hold the Uchiha accountable.

But now it seemed that such a bet was far from enough.

"We never thought that what the village higher-ups really wanted from the Uchiha all along was our eyes!"

"Even if the Uchiha survive today's crisis, they will come again tomorrow. They will never leave us any way out until they take every Sharingan of our clan."

"All of this... is it all orchestrated by the Third Hokage? To hell with Konoha!"


At this moment, the anger of the Uchiha clan reached its peak.

"Let's go!"

Dan picked up the barely breathing Danzo and strode forward. The Uchiha clan members followed him, their eyes blood-red and their aura fierce, heading towards the Hokage building.

The Root ninja wanted to save Danzo, but they didn't dare to confront the Uchiha directly. Under the leadership of Tatsuma, they kept their distance and followed the Uchiha.

This was bad.

Tsunade watched this scene, her heart sinking. What she feared the most had finally happened. If a civil war broke out, Konoha might be destroyed.


Faced with the evil deeds committed by the higher-ups of Konoha against the Uchiha, Tsunade couldn't find any reason to persuade or even stop the Uchiha clan.


The fate of Konoha was really at its end.

"Quick, make way for them." Hyuga Hizashi saw the Uchiha coming and quickly ordered the police force not to block the Uchiha's way.

Because the next thing had nothing to do with the police force or the Hyuga clan, it was a personal grudge between the Uchiha and the higher-ups of Konoha.

Just as everyone walked out of the Uchiha clan's gate.

"Dan, listen to my explanation!"

With an old and urgent voice.

The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, finally arrived, albeit late.