
"The Ruby Necklace"

"Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate my daughter's coming of age ceremony with us today."

Alexander spoke as he took two champagne glass and pass one to Eleanora after he finished speaking.

He raised his glass to toast everyone and then they congratulated Eleanora for her coming of age.

"Congratulations, Lady Dalton!"

"We wish you a happy birthday, Lady!"

"Long live our future empress!"

After the toast, it was time for receiving gifts.

As the person with higest status presents their gifts first, the emperor came forward with his aid Brayden following him from behind to present his gift.

Everyone's eyes was fixed on the big box in Brayden's hands.

Even Eleanora, herself was curious to know what gift he have bought to have that smirk on his face.

The emperor stood infront of Eleanora and Alexander tried his best to keep his expression normal by not frowning.

Cathain's lips curved up a little as he noticed Cedrick in the crowd not to far away and looking at them.