
Saving a life of lies

most of Sasuke Uchiha's life has been a lie he spent years training to kill his brother to avenge his clan only find out Konoha forced Itachi's hand he had killed Danzo and was going to fight on obito's side but after he and Itachi fought kabuto his goals changed he fought with the alliance and helped seal kaguya however he did it all just so he could change the world his way but he was beaten and talked to by his former teammate he had a kid with Sakura and left to investigate what Kaguya was afraid of and it all led to this Sasuke was dying a hole in his chest he reflected on his life realizing so many things in his final moments he failed to bring back his clan while he loved sarada he never made a effort to father enough children that would guarantee the survival of his people he wasted his life trying to fight his brother instead of investigating all aspects of the massacre he hadn't tried as hard as he used to as his eyes closed he hoped there was a reality where he could see through the lies The Sage of six paths heard his wishes and pulled a soul from a different afterlife that could make his dreams reality

hoifzf · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

chunnin exams: forest of death

the passing teams of the first exam made it outside a dark dense forest with a gate around it Anko cleared her throat "welcome to the second exam which is a team battle royale one team will have the heavens scroll and the other an earth scroll your goal is to get them from other teams and make it to the tower with your whole team you have a three day time limit,oh and before you say this'll be a peace of cake this forest is called the forest of death!...now are they're any questions?" she asked smirking at the fearful faces of a few teams as the wind whistled blowing by. Sasuke clenched his fist shaking a bit not because of the forest but because of the person he's been thinking of in the back of his mind disguised as a rain ninja in plain sight Orochimaru. 'He's right there just waiting hiding that same malicious intent but someone as experienced as me knows the how to see through the facade he thought as a few chunnin were passing the waivers one of them tapped his shoulder he flinched making the chunnin sweat drop " hey you ok kid?" he asked but Sasuke stayed silent and took the paper and the chunnin awkwardly walked away. He signed the paper and handed it to the other chunnin who collected it before every team was given their scrolls.


"all right Naruto and Sakura here's the plan first team we see we knock em out and take their scrolls if they don't have what we need we'll leave them to the nature" Sasuke ordered "are you sure we could just beat them and take the scroll with them conscious enough to defend themselves" Naruto suggested to Sasuke who gave him a bored look "your too soft maybe a little deadly experience will make them give up and go back warning their friends to think twice before becoming a ninja" he said before he took out 2 blank scrolls and quickly painted them to look like the original "when we go in far enough I want you to make some clones of us to carry the fakes while we do our thing it'll throw them off a bit" Naruto took the scrolls and put them in his pouch "leave it to me they won't even know what hit them".

the gates opened as everyone rushed in and split Naruto made 6 shadow clones that used the transformation jutsu taking the fake scrolls before splitting up. Sasuke smirked knowing it'll distract the low level teams but lost it as he knew Orochimaru isn't so gullible.

~Sasuke's POV ~

I knew was going to face someone out of my league though I could say I was in a different class compared to the original Sasuke Uchiha with Kakashi not being lazy and all but goes without saying I easily adapted to this world of supernatural ninja since I was an anomaly myself minus the chakra so unlike some average person who'd understandably freak out being like "I'll never see my family and friends again" or "I'm so fucking dead" I feel determined because unlike before I will be the master of my own fate no matter what.

We were forced to stop as Naruto had to take a wiz so I made my own shadow clone to look for a certain red head before he showed up. I gripped my sword in a flash I pulled my blade and blocked the kusanagi wielded by the disguised snake but knowing who he is I decided not to put him right away as I knew he would probably try to end the fight sooner and I wanted to test my own progress.

"Who the hell are you? I've noticed that you were different from everyone else taking this exam" I asked as he jumped back landing on his feet.

"don't worry yourself on that I'm surprised you were able to block my sword it must be made with some fine material to not be cut like butter" he said sounding a bit surprised.

"hn well my sword isn't exactly ordinary" I replied before activated my sharingan as Orochimaru rushed at me I copied his movements blocking each strike but due to his strength I was pushed back I jumped midair charging my sword with lightning chakra as orochimaru jumped up as we clashed his blade wasn't even chipped by the lightning charged blade.

"your very impressive Sasuke I think you deserve a gift"

Before any of that I Naruto came in with a kick which he blocked flipping onto the forest floor.

"it's about time you showed up"

"I was swallowed by a huge snake but anyways who is this guy?"

"I don't know but we have to stay focused"

~POV change~

Orochimaru bit his fingers using the summoning jutsu to summon a giant snake but Naruto stepped up making 20 clones that all went through the same handsigns.

"wind style: gale palm!"

all of them jumped and slammed the snake with they're attacks pushing it back as orochimaru jumped off only to be met by a fireball which slammed into him sending him flying as his disguise was melting off.

"Oh yeah you definitely got him Sasuke le-!" Naruto was cut off as orochimaru appeared Infront of him and with one hard punch to the face he was slammed inside a tree knocked out cold.

"that's one taken care of" he said before turning around and in speeds that Sasuke couldn't register he had already been bitten.

Sasuke bit his lips drawing blood feeling the shooting pain as his eyes widened.

'he didn't waste as much time as before could it be Naruto's difference in power or does he have less time than before?'

Sasuke's eyes started to get heavy before he closed them and collapsed with Sakura just now recovering from her fear of Orochimaru.

to be continued


(hope you enjoyed comment your ideas vote and peace)