
Save Them All

Mason Clarke was forced powerlessly to watch his friends, loved ones... and soulmate die. Years have passed and in pursuit of strength, he has somehow become the strongest being supernatural or otherwise. After decades of fighting his last 'hope' proves to be false. In the end, he chose to settle his matters once and for all. Slaughtering all of his enemies, having them die by his hand. Killing them does not however provide him with any satisfaction. Screaming into the dead of the night, he decides to reunite with those he lost, ending his life by his own terms. Fate, intervenes. And doesn't allow for his story to end just yet. Instead, he awoke moments later to find that he had reincarnated into his past-self. Armed with his experience and knowledge of future events, he sets out to live his life anew. And this time he will SAVE THEM ALL.

CountSpankula · ファンタジー
9 Chs

What am I?

Morning comes, and I stretch myself awake as I can hear the water running.

Dad must be getting ready for work again.

Rolling out of the covers. I slowly sit up an stare at my room's ceiling for a few moments.

Before I sleepily make my way to my feet and slowly take out something to wear from my wardrobe.

A couple of seconds later , I hear my dad's yell from the Kitchen, "Mace! Breakfast is

ready, come on. You'll be late!"

How I missed him , his nagging and overprotective care.

I seriously have mixed emotions right now. One part of me is screaming with Joy while the other is filled with fright.

I still don't know how to face him. I mean I love my dad. But he did lie to me for all my life.

I never knew about my family's history until he was long gone and a letter came from the

Council asking out appearance.

Why did he hide it from me? Did he think I wasn't strong enough? Did he want to die with me not knowing that I could have saved him? And that it really was my fault mom died?

"Mace! The time!" He shouts again

Glancing at my room's clock I'm pulled away from my idle thoughts.

"Sh*T Sh*T I'm late!"

I hurriedly rush to the bathroom as I was my face and brush my teeth giving me a quick wipe


5 minutes later, Dad yell's my name again "Mason Clarke, Get your ass downstais! Don't make me come up there!"

"Coming dad, coming now" I say as I rush down the stairs.

"Took you long enough" He complains, as he sees me busy stuffing my bag with things, as I stumble into the kitchen

"Morning Dad. So you mentioned something bout breakfast?"

"Yes I did. Now sit down." He points to the table, where there is a plate of pancakes ready for

me. The dad special, it's not the best but it's pretty good.

Reminds you of home you know.

Sitting down, I take a bite and savour the taste, as he puts his plate down and is about to cut

into it when he frowns says, "The test results came back. I have no idea how wolf hair got in

to the wounds…."

Slamming the table out of frustration. I thought I would be able to control myself better but

his lying straight to my face.

F*ck it, if not now then when.

"Mace everything okay buddy?" He asks concerned

Nervously, I gather any courage, I have remaining as I slowly try to get the words to come

out of my mouth.

It's finally time for the 'talk' ay. Not so much about the birds and the bees but rather folklore and myth. Perfect over the breakfast table conversation if you ask me.

"D-Dad….. I've ….. changed" I say as I watch the entire room literally freeze in time. My

dad's knife and fork crash into his plate sending a sharp metallic like noise reverberating

through our home.

Shocked, "Mace… how did you? Did you? Wait…. You know?" He's unable to put a complete sentence together.

Relying on my investigation in the past life, I will tell him bits of what I know.

I've never quite been able to figure what type of supernatural I exactly am.

All I know is, that I'm rare. Really really rare.

"A few weeks ago, I was looking into martial art dojo's. And came across one site, called Mystic Hills History which said they'll teach me how to fight vampires."

My dad is looking at me like I need to hurry up, so I do, "I then find myself doing some research into Mystic Hills seeing its nickname was supernatural haven, especially since there was a supposed vampire infestation before the town exploded and was rebuilt 20 years back.

Anyway it's the upcoming founders Party and it had a list of family names.

One of which was Clarke. I then look through old photo's online and see if I can spot someone who looks like Clarke.

When bam the founder Party in 1930.

There's a picture of someone who looks just….. like you dad and you are standing next to

this guy named Salvatore.

I was able to trace this find proof of this Salvatore guy from 1880's-2007.

So either all his children just look the same or his immortal.

I know crazy right but digging a bit further, I was able to find that the salvator family, is connected to Sylvanus

The first immortal being.

It might sound crazy.

It probably is.

But something happened a couple nights ago, and I feel like I've ….. changed ….into

something else. Something no longer human"

I took up a whole 10 minutes formulating a believable change of events other than…'Marty I'm from the future' (Back to the future reference in case you guys don't get it).

My dad takes a moment to collect himself before dropping all pretense of the goody goody

small town cop.

His eyes turn cold, "I was hoping to have this talk with you only after you transitioned, if you ever did. See you are usually born with some gift. That then gets unlocked/ unwrapped later in life which gives you control.

Mine was teleportation/or space magic.

You saw all those holiday travel pictures your mom and I have.

We never had to pay for

airfare once. You … on the other hand never showed any signs.

I thought it was a good thing. That you can live an ordinary life. Something I … Something we wanted for you….. But it seems, like that won't be happening anymore. What happened ? What caused the transition?"

'Transition' so that's what he calls the change. That's fitting considering the feeling is as if I

had just shed my skin.

"Hold up Dad, you have space magic?"

"Used to" He corrects me as his eyes dim, "Tell me what happened"

Still in my stupor, I answer truthfully " I was bitten … by a wolf"

He thinks for a second before putting 2 + 2 together "An Alpha bite. Well considering the rule is if it doesn't kill you, it changes you. I guess its to be expected.

If you had to undergo the normal way which is a coma, you'd probably have missed an entire year or two" Dad tries to lighten the mood at the most inopportune time.

"Alpha? What's that?" I ask pretending to be shocked

"A type of werewolf"

"WEREWOLF? Like Twilight is real?" A shocked expression forms on my face. Good Job Mace.

That's Emmy award winning acting right there

"Dad!" I continue, fake nervously asking "W-What … am I ?"

Noah's chin point's up as he scratches his throat softly, "Well that's a difficult question… you are a special one tyke."

"What do you mean Dad?"