
Save My Baby

Dolly and Joe teenagers fall in love. Dolly is faced with being homeless teenage pregnant girl while Joe is in prison. Their baby is kidnapped from the Hospital and sold in the Black Market. Joe is released from prison and searches to save his baby. While searching for his baby, he discovers a Human Trafficking Organization.

Sylvia_Russell · 若者
7 Chs

Chapter Three

Joe was caught with the cell phone he used to call Dolly. He was taken into captivity for having a cellular device. He was not allowed to make phone calls. Possession of a cell device in a correctional facility is a second-degree crime punishable by up to fifteen years in prison, fifteen years on probation, and a fine of ten thousand dollars.

Prisoners' possession of cellular utensils has long been a constant security and security issue in prisons around the world. Dangerous inmates are known to use illegal cell phones to direct criminal activity during prison. Such criminal activities often include threats against officials, planning of escapes, drug trafficking, extortion of funds and intimidation of witnesses/victims. In some cases, other violent crimes such as murder are known, which were ordered in prison with mobile phones. Joe is now confronted with possible external allegations.

If Joe receives external charges, it will lead to more time in prison. Joe didn't care about the cost of saving his baby. Joe sends Dolly a letter. No forwarding address was returned to the sender. A million thoughts ran Joe's head. What could be wrong with Dolly? Did she get the abortion anyway? It's why she doesn't talk to me. Joe left questions unanswered. The only person who could help him find the answers was Amy.

Joe wrote Amy a letter and asked about Dolly. The only thing Amy knew was Dolly abandoned at night and never returned. She had no idea where to find her. Amy spoke to her parents and was told, "She ran away at night. We are not where it is. We don't know why she left." Her parents would never admit that they knew she was pregnant.

Amy didn't know where to start looking for her. Joe was stuck in prison and couldn't look for her. Joe asked Amy to please keep looking for her. Please don't let them hurt my baby. I've never heard a heartbeat. I never saw the baby. Ever since I heard that Dolly was pregnant, I loved her and the baby. This baby means the world to me. It's a part of me. Amy, please help me.

Amy continued to search for Dolly everywhere. She visited the homeless shelters in the area. She contacted the Red Cross to ask for help. She called the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Amy searched for weeks. She eventually found Dolly in the Second Chance Home in Panama City. Amy was glad to know her, and baby was fine. Amy wanted to ask her about Joe but was afraid it would upset her. She had run away. Amy wasn't the reason she ran away.

Amy spent the night with Dolly, who offered her comfort and camaraderie. Dolly needed someone to talk to. Amy was the only real girlfriend she had. Amy would understand. Amy offered to call Dolly's parents. Dolly to cry. She said my parents don't want me or my baby. Dad threw me out of the house. I had to leave in the middle of the night. Amy to cry. She asked how you found this house? Dolly explained that she was on the street without leaving. A homeless lady told her all about the house.

She was welcomed at home with open arms. This is a wonderful place to be. They let us finish our education. Teach us how to take care of a home and a baby. Amy was grateful for the friends' house. The other girls here are in the same situation I'm in. Several girls decided to give up their baby for adoption. The home will help them find a good adoption agency. They ensure that we receive medical care. They are there to answer all questions. The housekeeper is there all the time. We give lessons on parenting, childbirth class, childcare and other things to help us find a home for our baby. They will also help us find a job after we graduate from high school.

Dolly wanted to keep her baby. The housekeeper spoke to Dolly about how hard it would be for a single parent to raise a baby. There is a possible risk if you have a baby during a teenager. The baby could be born prematurely. Adolescents in general have a higher risk of premature birth, which is often associated with low birth weight. The baby is at a higher risk if medical treatment is not supplied early in pregnancy. It is important that the mothers take their prenatal vitamin. The vitamin provides mother and baby with the right nutrients. Now Dolly has the baby to think about and care for.

Dolly wakes up from pain in her back. The water is on the ground. She is afraid that the baby will not be due for two months. Her water was broken, and Dolly was in labor. She shouted that the nurse should come to her room. She injured her back very badly. The nurse examined Dolly and explained to her that she was in the works. The pain was contractions. The ambulance was called. When Dolly injured so rigorously, she asked for a painkiller when she arrived at the hospital. The doctor explained Dolly did not give her enough time to give her a pain pill. She would have a natural birth.

Dolly gave birth to a beautiful little boy. Dolly called him Tommy. Tommy weighed two pounds. He was so tiny and premature. When she first saw Tommy, she couldn't hold him. The doctor let him flee alive to a neonatal ward. Dolly was devastated. She was in a hospital and Tommy was in a hospital two hours away. The doctor gave Dolly a sedative to let her sleep. That night, the phone rang, and Dolly replied. It was children's hospital neonatal facility, Tommy had emergency surgery. Tommy's lungs collapsed and surgery had been performed. Tommy had the best doctor you could wish for. Tommy had been attached to many tubes and machines to his small body.

Dolly was discharged from the hospital. The first thing she did was see Tommy. Tommy was in critical conduction, and the doctor wasn't sure if he would survive. Dolly fell to her knees in prayer. Lord, please save my baby. When she told it and looked at Tommy, her eyes were filled with tears. She could not contact him. The doctors worked hard to save his life. Tommy remained in the intensive care unit for five months before he could be moved to the step. Tommy was persuaded to resign; she was able to hold him for the first time. She felt a sense of relief just holding Tommy in her arms.

Tommy was born with Respiratory Destress Syndrome, a breathing disorder associated with Tommy's immature lungs. It occurs because the lungs of premature babies often do not have a surfactant, a liquid substance that allows the lungs to remain dilated. Artificial surfactants can be used to treat these babies, along with a valve or to help them breathe better and keep sufficient oxygen levels in their blood. Chronic lung disease is used to describe babies who need oxygen for several weeks or months. They tend to grow this condition as their lungs grow and mature. Tommy was also born with apnea a temporary break more than fifteen seconds in breathing, which is common in premature babies. It is often associated with decreased heart rate. When Tommy was discharged from the hospital, he was sent home on a heart monitor.

Tommy needed constant care. Dolly had to feed him two ounces of formula every two hours. Tommy stopped breathing when he slept. The heart monitor will alert. Dolly should encourage Tommy to make him breathe. Sometimes it was enough to just tap it on the floor. Sometimes Dolly had to pick him up. It was an incredibly stressful time for Dolly. She was a young mother with a sick baby. Dolly was able to stay in the Second Home. The nurse on duty aided Dolly in caring for Tommy. Dolly prayed everything "Lord please save my baby. Let him be okay. "Dolly discovered the true meaning of faith. Dolly put all her trust in the Lord to take care of Tommy. Dolly knew that only God could help her take care of Tommy.

After Tommy got home, Dolly called Amy to tell her about Tommy. Amy asked for a picture of him. Dolly was proud of Tommy and wanted to show him to everyone. She sent a picture to Amy. Amy wrote Joe a letter telling him all about Tommy. She sent him a picture of Tommy and told him about the disease. Dolly had accepted that Joe was in prison. She would have to raise Tommy on her own. She had people who really cared about her and Tommy. The people in the home were like a family. They treated her better than her own family. They supported them. They understood them. They were the ones who helped with tommy. Help her get her high school diploma. They were the ones who took them in when the world was against them.