

This chapter will have mature content. It will not exactly be smut but close. It should stay pg13 so it should be safe but I have rated this story R. I will put *** before and after the scene if you wish to skip it.


Ethan's POV (2 weeks later)

"Ok now please raise your arm as high as you can." The pack doctor commanded Jayden gently. Jayden slowly struggles to raise his arm and is finally able to lift it to shoulder hight before letting out a small whine and dropping his arm back down to be cradled against his chest.

"That was wonderful! you were able to raise it higher than yesterday. Ok now open your hand and grip this sponge ball. Then I want you to squeeze it as tight as you can ok?" The doctor holds the ball out to Jayden and Jayden reluctantly moves his left hand to reach for the ball. His hand hovers over the ball as he tries to force his hand to open enough to grab it.

His fingers finally open enough even though they are very shaky. I press a gentle kiss to his head and he glances at me and a small smile forms on his lips. And he manages to finish the exercises. He has been having therapy for the last week that he's been here. He gets frustrated easily because he cannot make his left arm or hand work the way he wants them to.

He has exercises like this twice a day with the doctor and I am always by his side to praise him when he's done. His arm has been improving but the doctor is worried he won't have full use of his arm.

"I have to go to the b-bathroom." Jayden says softly, bringing me out of my thoughts. That's another thing when he finally started talking he had a few days where he tried to slip back into his usual muteness but I managed to keep him wanting to talk to me. It was just a few days ago that he finally spoke to the doctor to answer his questions. I was so proud and happy that he was starting to feel comfortable to speak to others.

And his stuttering has gotten better the more he speaks too. His voice has gotten slightly louder and now he can talk slightly above a whisper. If he has improved this much in a few weeks I can't wait to see how he will be in a few months.

"Ok Jay, hold on I will help you." I told him as I give him a reassuring smile. He returns it as he takes my outstretched hand with his right one. I place my other hand on the small of his back and gently help to lift him to his feet. His stomach has healed a lot but it still hurts him when he tries to stand, bend over, or sit down. He can do it on his own but I don't like to see the small pained expression on his innocent face.

"Thank you." he says when I he is standing.

"Your welcome." I reply as he shuffles off to the bathroom. I turn to the doctor as he sighs.

"Jayden gets to go home tomorrow but he will have to come here once a week to continue therapy. His father has already been informed and he will be here to pick him up before noon." He explains with a solemn expression. I feel my heart sink in my chest at this news. I wasn't ready for him to go home yet. We just started to be together. I was going to ask him out tomorrow. Every night since the kiss I have slept in his hospital been cuddling him and sometimes sharing small kisses.

"Are you sure? Maybe he should stay here one more week. He might reopen his wounds and get an infection or he might be in pain. He can't go home yet." I plead desperately. The doctor looks sad about my outburst and shakes his head slowly.

"There is no way we can keep him here any longer. He actually could have went home sooner than this. It would be very difficult for him to reopen his wounds this far into healing. Remember his wolves blood, though not as potent as ours, is still enough for him to heal quicker than the average human. I will give him some pain medicine incase the pain gets too much." He tries soothing me. It did help some of my worries but I was worried about why he cuts and how he had those bruises I saw before.

The doctor walks out of the room as Jayden comes back in. I help him into bed before laying beside him. He rests his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes as I run my fingers through his soft hair. It probably needs a haircut soon but I don't mind. His hair is so soft and the color is perfect. I don't know what I will do without him sleeping next to me at night.

I inhale his sweet scent before pressing a kiss to his forehead. He looks at me with a wide smile showing his perfect white teeth. I smile back sadly and his smile fades away into a concerned expression.

"What's wrong? Are y-you ok?"he questions worriedly.

"Yes I'm fine. I'm just a bit sad." I reply quietly.

"Why?" he asks and a small smile makes it's way to my face as he reminded me of a curious puppy or a little kid.

"Because you have to go home tomorrow." I explain. I see something flash in his eyes but I can't identify it as it disappears as quickly as it appeared. His eyes become slightly blank as he turns away from me.


Jayden's POV

No I can't go home! I know I will get beat for causing him trouble. But if I try to stay longer then it will only be worse. I fight to keep tears in as I keep my face carefully blank. I can't let Ethan know about my dad.

"What's wrong Jay? Don't you want to go home?" He asks me while eyeing me carefully.

"Yeah I really want to go h-home. I just don't want to go b-back to school. Daniel and his friends a-always beat me up." I lied. It wasn't a complete lie they do beat me up but my father beats me worse.

"Don't worry Daniel isn't here anymore and his buddies won't touch you I promise." Ethan reassures me gently. I sigh a breath of relief that he seems to believe me. "Come here. I want to ask you something." I gulp worriedly as I scoot closer to him and turn my head where I can see him easily. He just smiles at my nervousness.

"Don't worry I wanted to ask you tomorrow but you are going home tomorrow so I will go ahead and ask." He explains I wait for his question and he just continues to smirk at me. Finally the suspension gets too much and I have to do something.

"Well what the hell do you want to ask?!" I try yelling at him. Of course my voice isn't loud enough yet but he gets the idea and he chuckles softly at my impatience. I slapped his chest with my right hand as he continues to remain silent.

"Ok ok I will ask you!" he laughs as he holds his hands up in mock innocence. "Will you go out with me?" my breath catches in my throat and as I remain silent his expression become worried.

"I shouldn't have asked you that yet. Oh no I ruined it. You will never l-" I cut him off by pressing my index finger to his lips signaling that I wanted him to shut up.

"Ok first you didn't a-ask early enough and second, y-yes of course I will g-go out with you!" I tell him happily then I lean up and capture his lips in mine.


I run my tongue along the seam of his lips and he opens up and gives me dominance of the kiss right away. I take my time exploring his mouth then I let the kiss become more heated. I moan as his hand slides down my back and rests right before he reaches my butt.

He smooths his thumb over the dip at the small of my back and I feel myself twitch at this small movement. He flips me on my back gently as he takes over the kiss. He nudges my legs apart so that he can rest between them. I keep my useless left arm cradled to my chest while I put my right one behind his neck to keep pull his lips closer to mine. We break apart to breath and he begins kissing my neck and to my collar bone.

I throw my head back against the pillow as I moan softly. He hooks his hand under my thigh and pulls my legs open further before lines our crotches up and begins to grind against me. Pleasure shoots through me and I try to catch my breath to tell him to stop. I don't want move this fast. He just asked me out and now we are practically dry humping.

"St-stop." I gasp breathlessly but he only begins to grind harder and quicker. I look into his eye and I notice that they are practically glowing. His wolf has taken control.

He pauses his grinding and I sigh in relief but I also miss the pleasure as I think that he has finally gotten control of his wolf. But no I was wrong. He quickly undoes his pants and kicks them off. He pulls his boxers down enough for his erection to spring free before crawling back onto me. He hooks my legs over his shoulders and begins grinding again.

He picks up speed and begins to groan in pleasure. I really want to push him away but I also love the pleasure he is bringing me. I also know that Ethan isn't in control right now and he wouldn't have let it get this far. I shouldn't have started this but there is defiantly no stoping. My hips begin to move on their own accord and thrust up to meet his thrusts. I feel the tingling and tightening in my stomach right before I release into my boxers. I continue to buck into him though my orgasm and then he reaches his peak as he grunts out and begins to spill his seed all over my crotch and stomach.

While he is still spilling his seed on me he leans down and bites my shoulder. I scream and release again as pleasure instead of pain shoots through me. He rides out our releases and then collapses onto my chest.


He licks the bite he gave me lazily and I watch as the glowing in his eyes disappear.

"Are y-you back E-Ethan?" I ask quietly as he blinks slowly. He shoots up and jumps off the bed as he rakes his eyes down my disheveled body.

"Did I do this? please tell me I didn't rape you!" he exclaims as he looks panicked. He runs to the bathroom and returns with a damp cloth that he hands me to clean myself off with.

"It's ok E-Ethan. Your wolf was in control and I shouldn't have k-kissed you like that. And you didn't r-rape me but y-you did b-bite me." I assured him. He looked so worried about what he did to me and like he didn't believe me about the rape. I pull the hospital gown up after he pulls his pants back on. "S-see I'm still wearing m-my boxers." He looks relived and he brings me a new gown. I blush as I realize that I need new boxers since I kinda ruined the pair I have on.

"U-um.. can y-you get me some new b-boxers please?" he looks confused before realization hits him and then he glances at my crotch quickly noticing the wet stain before he looks away blushing.

"S-sure." He hands me the boxers and helps me stand up and turns away while I quickly change I shuffle over to the trash can and toss the soiled boxers away. He helps me lay back down and then he sits in the chair making sure not to get too close.an awkward silence fills the room and I try not to fidget.

"So why d-did your wolf bite me?" I ask to break the suffocating silence. He clears his throat before he begins to speak.

"Well you remember how I explained that we have mates?" I nod for him to continue I do remember he said that each wolf has a soul mate and that they will be connected for the rest of their lives. "Well.... you are my mate. I have known since that day I talked to you at lunch. And when a wolf finds it's mate the male typically marks it's mate to warn others away. And I have been forcing my wolf down for too long so when you kissed me like that I guess I just lost control. It's my fault not yours I should have let my wolf out for a run more often."

"It's ok I d-don't blame you. Now are y-you in control of your w-wolf?" I ask.

"Yes, now that he has what he wanted it's not hard for me to keep him controlled." He says ruefully while looking down at his feet.

"That c-come here and lay down. I w-want to take a nap." I demand with a pout. I can't be upset with him. It was his wolf that was in control and I obviously liked it even if it was a little too early. He smiled and crawled in bed beside me and I drifted off to sleep listening to his strong heartbeat and feeling his fingers run through my hair. The only reminder of what waits for me tomorrow buried deep in my mind by the love that Ethan has shown me really does exist.

Maybe there is hope for me in the future or maybe my father will find a way to kill the hope once again.


Third person POV

A shadowy figure steps into an ally 3 hours away from where Jayden is sleeping peacefully in the arms of Ethan. There are 3 other figures waiting for the shadowy man to show up one figure walks up to the man and drags him deeper into the darkness. The other two figures move to block the entrance of the ally.

"Where is the boy?" the figure asked the shadowy man.

"I will bring him tomorrow at noon. Where do I drop him off and pick up my money?" The shadowy man asks. The figure hands him a slip of paper with something written on it.

"These are instructions of what must be done before handing him over and an address of where to drop him off. Do not copy this or take photographic evidence of this paper. Bring it with you when you drop the boy off so that we can burn it. Don't tell anyone who we are or we will have to kill you. We will give you your money when we receive the boy. Now tell me, what type of blood does he have?" the figure tells him.

"I believe he is type O negative." The shadowy figure answers calmly.

"Good. That is very good indeed. One more question and you will be free to go." The figure assures.

"Ok what do you want to know?" the shadowy man asks.

"Is he a virgin still and how old is he?"

"He is 17 but he turns 18 the day after tomorrow. And yes he is still a virgin." The shadowy man answers with a smirk and the figure chuckles happily.


Sorry I have decided that Ethan is going to be 18 already and Jayden will be 18 in two days.

And I'm sorry if the smut scene was terrible.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed that chapter and sorry for the cliffhanger! Who do you think it is? And what do you think they want?

Please VOTE & COMMENT!!!!!