
Save and Load Ninja

Naruto/ multiverse fanfic. Your classic tropes of isekai, rebirth, and golden finger. With the twist of not being super op at the start. Heavily researched naruto lore… like a lot..like write a history book a lot, so I’ll try not to info dump too much. *Insert disclaimer about Naruto IP here*[I only have rights to my OC and all that]

Alexdmercer · アニメ·コミックス
79 Chs

Gengetsu Hozuki

Eventually the wait to meet the Mizukage ended. Karatashi came out and guided us into the office. Once we were lead in he immediately exited.

Walking into the office together with Tsunade I was admittedly a bit tense. For all my bravado with Tsunade I didn't have a clear understanding of the man known as Gengetsu Hozuki. The strongest Mizukage of the Hozuki clan. That was the extent of my knowledge. Sure I knew his signature jutsu during the fourth shinobi war but l had little information overall. He died mutually with Mu. His political choices, life story, and so on however were completely different.

Bullshitting my way out of a fight or tugging on his personal desire wasn't a reliable option. Kakuzus case was unique in that sense. This guy was a full fledged Kage who rose in one of the most politically turbulent countries in this world. I was completely prepared to use thunder god to flee if this meeting went poorly. Didn't hurt it was a good excuse to hold Tsunades hand.

In the room stood Shuichi Kaguya and seated was the man of the hour himself. Gengetsu Hozuki.

" (laughing) Hello young ones. It's great to finally meet my famed nephew Prince Zuko and his beautiful wife Mai Shimura."

" ( Slight bow) The pleasure is all ours lord Mizukage."

" Don't bow Mai. I'm still not convinced I'm related to baby whiskers over there. ( pointing at Gengetsu)"

Shuichi started sweating. Gengetsus smile immediately cracked. Tsunade visibly reddened. Ren was praying this worked.

" Seems I'll have to teach my nephew some manners." ( deadpan smile)

Gengetsu appeared before me in a flash. Immediately at the same time a punch came in on my side. A punch I knew had to connect. For the first time in years I took Tsunades punch without Hydrification.


The imprint left in the wall of the Mizukages office was very me shaped.

" Apologize Zuko."

After pulling myself out of the imprint and brushing off the dust.

" Just let me have my fun Mai."

Pulling Shibuki out of my storage scroll.

" Here's my apology gift. ( thrown to Shuichi) Now lets fight baby whiskers!"

"…. We'll head outside."

As Gengetsu calmly walked out, I followed behind. Tsunade and Shuichi soon followed after.

The interaction seemed silly but when fighting Shuichi I sold my identity as someone who was a battle junkie. A jackass who craved battle. This would differ from the report he likely received from the emissary on how I handled Kakuzu. So I had to reinforce this ideal. The interaction with Kakuzu would soon be written off as me being too lazy to fight a bounty hunter.

As we stood in a clearing ten feet apart. Gengetsu asked the question.

" Why do you wish to fight me?"

" Shuichi claimed we were related because we have the same technique. A technique I self created. We'll see if he's right or not."

[ Self created? So the Hydrification technique wasn't stolen? If that's true it would be very impressive.]

With the words exchanged soon the fists followed.

Gengetsu was clearly faster than me. He was holding back. My flurry of punches and kicks were blocked but he refused to use Hydrification. The fucker was testing me.

Pulling back I fired a set of water gun shots at him. Shots he dodged casually. Naturally I fell back on to my most used technique. Performing a partial release of the hundred seal, I unleashed my favorite water jutsu with a clap.

Water Release: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave.

" (laughing) Silly little nephew you rely on your water release too much."

[ Releasing such a tremendous amount of water is impressive. Not bad.]

" Little is your mustache baby whiskers!"

I started my new attack by unsealing my chakra blade and triggering the third breath of Seven Heavens breathing, then immediately opening up to third gate of the Eight Gates. I consolidated my strength and was staring daggers at Gengetsu.

Holding my blade steady I slowly opened the fourth gate. I had been working on that one for a while and it finally paid off. I could feel my muscles tearing. The strength of the heavens breathing also amplified the rate of my physical harm. A level of damage the body revival technique was nearly not keeping up with.

The amount of pain my body was in was nothing new. Dear old mom had done far worse. My only real concern at the moment were my tenketsu rupturing, normally I would monitor it with Byakugan. Even using the hundred seal was kind of going overboard but using the Byakugan would only be killing my disguise.

I rushed to once more engage Gengetsu in close combat.

The fourth gate amplified speed. For the first time in my life I displayed a Kage level of speed. Low Kage but Kage nonetheless. My arm strength was at its greatest so with a heavy two handed over head swing I brought down a powerful blow. I made impact with Gengetsus shoulder and he finally used Hydrification.

The man only lost his arm which immediately reformed from the water around us.

As soon as the sword swing finished I returned to my previous location and deactivated all the physical enhancement jutsu.

Breathing hard I could only say " Maybe we are related."

" We'll see."

In a flash Gengetsu once more appeared before me. The kick he sent my way was met with my hydrification technique. My body exploded in half.

After a few seconds I reformed.

" What the hell. How are you physically stronger than Mai? What are you?"

" (laughing) You shouldn't compare me to your wife little prince. As for what I am? Well it seems I really am your uncle."

" Teach me."

" Why?"

" I want to get stronger."

" Why?"

" I want to be able to fight strong people… and if you say why again I'll pee on you."

"…." Tsunade and Shuichi sitting on the outskirts of the battle were dumbstruck. Gengetsu on the other hand began belly laughing.

" Funny kid. What would peeing on me do? You're such a sore loser. Ahahahaha" he was almost really rolling on the floor laughing.

" Teach me, or after peeing on you I'll hit you hard enough you use hydrification. Once you reform your limb it will be made of pee water."

Gengetsu stopped laughing. That might actually work. He needed to be more careful when absorbing water for the Hydrification technique it seems.

" (deadpan) There's no need. I'll teach you. Stop pulling down your pants you sick little brat!"

" Really?"

" Yes."

" Really?"

" You're a petty one aren't you."

Two men with deadpan smiles stared at one another.

" Lady Shimura is this truly the warrior I faced at Uzushiogakure…."

" My husband is…a unique individual…Please forget this day happened."

[ Like I would ever admit to a single soul the Mizukage was threatened with pee.]

" Come nephew classes will start immediately. You are clearly a one in five talent!"

" Hoho of course Uncle. I would surely learn much from someone with such a wise mans beard!"

As these two started trading their veiled insults Tsunade could only turn away and start talking with the swordsman Shuichi.

" Are you sure Zuko isn't the Mizukages direct descendant?"

" I'm beginning to wonder myself..."

After the question the small talk continued.

As the conversation continued Shuichi realized the young lady was a gambling addict. The Shimura clan finances must really be great.

He couldn't help think of lady Shimuras first question however. He wasn't just making small talk with Lady Shimura. He was serious when he answered that question.

Similar to Prince Zuko the Mizukage was a carefree individual who was a battle junkie. Meeting strong opponents his excitement would be clearly visible. If he saw no reason to fight however he wouldn't put his full effort into the affair. On several occasions the Mizukage had found talented individuals from rival villages and tried to recruit them mid battle. Nationality or standing was meaningless, the man only saw potential. Exactly the way the Prince handled the bounty hunter Karatashi reported.

The only difference he could see between the two at the moment was the fact the Mizukage could be a short tempered bully. The facial hair insults clearly were getting to him and he was retaliating. The Prince on the other hand was a petty child who threw tantrums when not getting what he wants. To think such a fearsome warrior would stoop so low as to rely on the threat of urination!



https:// www.twitch.tv/ alexdmercer03

https:// www.p@treon.com /peerlessevolution

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