

Welcome to the playground. A world of geniuses and superpowers, puzzles and games. Children of different ages, behaviors and nationalities have suddenly disappeared around the world and a new TV show has started. The playground broadcasts their adventures to the world with the promise of meeting the elusive and mysterious creator on reaching the end.

Soulburner · ゲーム
25 Chs


"My real name is Galilei."

"Well, not my real name."

"My codename."

"I can't remember my real name."

Pleiades said, then stuttered when she noticed the strange looks she was receiving.

"I'm Brahe.", Pollux followed suit.



Antares and Zubeneschamali said after a few seconds of thinking.

"You already know who we are.... Actually everyone should.",Stein commented.

"Team bonus... Ein, Care to explain?", Schrodinger asked sweetly.


It thought I had her under control, then this curveball comes.

A thousand curses upon the creator.

"I guess we should check our bonuses.", Galilei said.

"And get your paws off Brahe.", she added staring daggers at Stein who was still holding her.

Brahe didn't seem to care about it though.

Their hands moved in the air as they worked. After a few minutes, they were all done.

"Well?", Ein said.

"Golden Fourleaf... An item that let's us take a single person's victory as the whole party's.... You need to have registered and passed the last test with all party members to obtain it."

Schrodinger regained her sunny smile.

"Newton, you got your gravity manipulation, right?", Ein said rapidly changing the topic.


There wasn't any trace of disappointment or sadness.

"Isn't that her inherent ability?", Kepler asked.

"Yeah, but she didn't get it.", Coulomb replied.

"Never heard anything like it."

"She's also holding memories of the old world."

Team Orion stared blankly at Coulomb.

"What ?"

"Do.... Do you guys..... not have..... any...", Copernicus was unable to ask.

"Don't get us wrong, we don't remember everything but we also didn't forget everything... Everyone I've seen so far has something they're holding onto.",she added quickly.

"My hypothesis is that we forget anything that we deem irrelevant.", Galilei said,"No family or friends you remember?"

"We remember concepts from the old world like that but when we try to remember our lives in relation to the concepts, we don't get anything.", Coulomb looked at Ein, Stein and Schrodinger, they appeared to agree with him.

"I..... See....".

"Our friends and families probably won't appreciate that hypothesis of yours.",Ein said cheerfully.

"Well, don't repeat it when you're outside a building.",Schrodinger said.

"I'm also not saying that Newton is normal either, I'm guessing she remembers a lot of details", Galilei hit the hammer on the nail.

"Yeah, really weird team you have here.", Copernicus said finally.

Ein suddenly shouted.

"You're still not off the hook, we missed the Golden Fourleaf.....".

"Check the number one video guys".

It was a simple game, the winners also declared their name.

They were Edison. Triplets roughly 12 years with azure spiky hair and pale skin. Their opponent was someone well-known.

It was Babbage. He claimed he knew their ability.

Conception - they could create any device that they thought of.

The match seemed to be in his favor from his speech, however a few seconds after it started, it ended... anticlimactic.

The triplets merely raised their hands and he flew out of the field.

"Triplets with a shared name.... That's copyright infringement!", Stein shouted.

"There are actually 2 more twins like you.", Kepler said dryly.


"Stein, focus."

"So they can create whatever they want, big deal... We have a more pressing issue to fix, we must hunt and destroy the....."

His voice trailed off. After the match, Babbage was about to run away but he was lifted off the ground and suspended in the air by unseen hands. His body writhed grotesquely and soon it was limp.

He fell to the ground and turned to pink dust which dissipated shortly after.

"Well, we should leave you guys alone, if we're here you can't pick and talk about your new abilities.", Ein broke the uncomfortable silence.

"See you on the next floor", Schrodinger said following Ein out.


"Newton, come on."

Coulomb and Stein said as they walked out. Newton gave a slight bow before closing the door.

"A really interesting team.", Brahe said.

"As long as they're not our enemies..."


She was always alone.

She was always reading alone.

She was always below me in tests and exams.

And now she was talking to me.

"What are you doing?"

"I ...."

"...just realized that I don't care. Why are you always reading so much, it's not like you need to."

"I think I'll be making fun of the efforts that everyone else is making to remain in this school if I don't."

"Are you judging me now?"

She looked confused for a moment.

"That's... I didn't intend.... I didn't mean it that.... I mean, I don't think about you that way".

"Then what do you think?"

"I think arrogant people like you are interesting.", She said beaming.

He looked at her for the first time since he acknowledged her presence, but like she had a screw loose.

He opened his mouth, but the words never came out.

Rodney woke up in an unfamiliar place.

2 days ago, influential people from all over the world died in freak accidents. Everyone was asking how they died but to him the fact that they all happened to be in a vehicle of some kind at the time was more important.

Why was I dreaming about her?

He ignored the unnecessary thought.

No, what's more important is why my parents died.

It was obvious at a glance, they tried to make an organized effort to catch the creator of the playground. But his parents aren't the type of people to get involved in troublesome affairs.

And the manner of death... the vehicles lost their controllers at key moments.

His father has a policy of only using vehicles he can pilot in an emergency.

Even that woman could have taken control of the plane.

Yet it crashed, investigations didn't reveal anything out of the ordinary. Anything else, that is. People disappearing didn't really surprise anyone now.

It was then he noticed that a screen was all that was in his view. It's notification buzz must have woken him.

Crap.... I slept off.

He remembered he was supposed to be gathering information from the survivors of the incident. He took the laptop off his face and fought with the tangled wires for a few seconds before he was able to  get away from the couch.

His face turned red as he realized that he dropped the laptop on his face while sleeping and he didn't wake up. He saw Sam sleeping on the sofa directly opposite him.

He heard noises at his back. He remembered that he was in Marie's house, then she was probably awake given that she followed regular sleeping patterns like nothing had happened.

His head throbbed, his tongue was dry, his stomach empty and his eyelids felt like lead weights were attached to it.

In other words, optimal working condition.

He had been awake since the day before his parents died, waiting for information.

The notification that woke me.

He made a one-eighty. Food and drinks can wait until later.

What he saw made him scream. Marie ran from the door he was headed for when he woke. Sam was still snoring.

He kicked him until his eyes opened and showed him the screen. However, he was too sleepy to make anything out of it.

Marie didn't understand why it was so much of a big deal to him.

"We're going back to my house".

"You said what now?".


"Let's see what we got.", Schrodinger said.

"Stop, fool.", Newton shouted as her hands moved in the air, "Everyone can now see what we do outside a building, remember we're not an official party, our panels will be visible in the video."

Ignoring the fact that she was just insulted by someone whose age was less than half of hers, she attacked Ein.

"Why don't we just form a real team now?.... And while we're at it, you can apologize for wasting our chance at the Golden Fourleaf."

"It's too late, Schrodinger..... If something happened now, you'll regret it."

Ein smirked when Newton supported him.

"I guess that's settled, let's find somewhere spacious."

Coulomb remained passive. At least that was how it looked. He also supported Ein but for his own reasons. The playground prevented him from acting with malicious intent on a party member. He had already proven that he could bypass that when he zapped Stein, but he might be unable to do any real damage if he can't think of causing harm.

Also, the rule remained in effect for a week after disbanding a party. Enough time for anyone to get away. Unless he had something convenient like Stein's teleporting, he'd lose his target.

Their search ended unsuccessfully. Everywhere was taken.

Coulomb suggested going to the next level.

"At that time, I thought you didn't care, but is it actually possible that you didn't notice it?", Newton asked Coulomb.

He was lost.

She sighed.

Was she always like this?

No.... Is this her real character?

She was just behaving like that because she was depressed?

Could it be that she's actually more perceptive than even me?

"There was a message which congratulated us on 'successfully making it to the next floor'."

"Aren't you overthinking this?"

"Stein, I think there's no harm in waiting and no benefit in taking chances.", Schrodinger said.

"But I want to see it now.", Stein said, "We'll make do with our room for now."

Schrodinger picked an upgrade on her Cheshire ability which granted her a physical manifestation of it. In the obvious form. A fur ball of orange with brown highlights.

"I can't keep him out for too long... Probably 20 seconds but anything he touches I can use my abilities on it, also if you look him in the eye... Well, don't look him in the eye."

She explained as if she was reading from a script until the end where she paused and added her own thoughts.

Coulomb picked a new ability, Electromagnetism. He could control magnetic fields and give magnetic charges to objects.

He understood why she explained in such a way immediately. Information on changes to his ability flooded his thoughts.

Einstein got a tool. 2 tools to be precise. Dual Pistols of Doom. Less like pistols and more like weapons from a certain popular space movie. A red one for Stein and a blue one for Ein.

"The name's dumb but this weapons are lit."

"Calling these weapons is.... They emit a dim light, anything gets hit and we can use our ability on it, their range is questionable in broad daylight and worse, the light is distorted by Efference Zones."

"Stop nerfing me!"

Paying no attention to Stein's anger at the Creator, he had the ability to teleport things he saw after all, albeit only to himself, Newton showed her new Ability, 2nd Law.

She tossed a spoon at Ein, his hands reached out for it reflexively.

He never caught it, halfway through its flight, it suddenly stopped. Then it fell for a few milliseconds and stopped again. It finally dropped to the floor after almost a minute of floating.

"You can manipulate momentum?", Ein asked.

"Not just manipulate...", She smiled, "Steal."

There was no show of surprise or comprehension.

"I can steal momentum, even momentum obtained from gravity.... It's an endless supply of energy. "

"What's the use of all that energy?", Stein asked.

In less than a second, Newton was standing where he was standing and he was in the next room if the Stein shaped hole in the wall was to be believed.

And hopefully if another Stein shaped hole wasn't on the next wall.

"What the hell was that?", he shouted as he passed through the hole.

"If that was a different person, he'd be dead.", Coulomb noted indifferently.

"That's a neat ability, Newton, how much energy can you store?"

"Isn't anyone going to say anything to me?".

"I'm not really sure, I guess... infinite?"

"I was knocked through a wall."

"... As long as I can keep stealing momentum, well to be more precise I'm actually stealing acceleration."

"A human..... Through a wall."

".... Anyway I can steal and use on myself or on any object I touch. The duration is undefined here but if I try to use it for too more than a minute I lose concentration."

"Absolutely no sympathy."

"Shut up, Stein.", Schrodinger said then turning to face Newton, "You might end up like Pollux if you over do it then."

There was a knock on the door.

"Crap, I wonder if they're going to make us pay for the wall.", Stein said, "It's totally Newton's fault."

She stared at him in mock horror.

"You're going to make a child take responsibility for this?".

The knocking continued.

"In which universe are you a normal child?"

"You should try to control your temper, it makes you look childish."

The knocking became louder.

"You're the last person I want to hear that from!"

"That line... Seriously?"

The door came down.

A girl appeared, smiling as her right eye twitched.

"I'm Laplace, and I'm joining your party".

Those words were enough to make them stop their bickering. Ein stared at the mass of moss green hair and velvet eyes that was intruding, his head tilted to the left.



Rodney was facing the pilot of his parent's plane the day that they died. The man didn't waste any time on apologies or even look apologetic.

"I heard that you've been threatened with death the instant you even consider telling anyone what you saw, is that true?"


"What did you see?"

"You needn't have asked, I would still tell you for your father's sake."

"I know."


The man stopped moving immediately he started speaking, he fell forward and landed on the floor.

Rodney sighed.

"Of course it wouldn't be that easy."

He called for a maid and soon some men were taking care of the body.

"Aren't you going to say anything?", he asked Marie behind him who was dreadfully silent.

"Nothing, it was his choice."

He turned to look at her, surprised by the words he was hearing. Her eyes were lifeless.

"Even if it was meaningless."

"Meaningless,huh?", he repeated, "Maybe not as much as you think."

"What now?"

"I've already anticipated this, so I've already asked for help....he should be arriving any time soon."

Rodney said as he walked away.

Sam grabbed Marie.

"Snap out of it."


"You're treating him differently, he's going to notice something is off at this rate."

"I'm not treating....."

"Stop acting like you haven't even noticed.", his voice increased slightly. He was trying to keep it down else he'd have shouted.

"How can I remain the same?.... You expect me to be worried about his health because he hasn't been eating or sleeping properly?... Or the fact that he's walking around like nothing happened even though his parents died?..... When he's the cause of everything! ", She was equally as irritated as he was.

" Even if that's true, he hasn't done it yet."

"What does that change? You think you can stop him? ".

"Maybe.... Maybe not.... But I think we can figure this out..... Maybe we should go to that room to try calling him while Rodney is occupied now."


"Why do you think we'll listen to you?"

"Didn't I introduce myself, I'm Laplace.. You know Simon Pierre Laplace and the controversial Laplace demon.... It's obvious what I can do, isn't it?"

Ein had no counter.

"Let's start again, why are you here?", Coulomb asked rubbing his temple.

"You're going to help me and in return I'll join your party."

"Do what exactly?"

She walked in and sat cross-legged on the bed in the most unladylike manner imaginable even though she was wearing a skirt.

"Well, you probably know of Edison by now.... They killed my teammates and I don't have anywhere to go."

"You want us to get revenge?"

"God, No.... You're all gonna die if you piss them off."

"Then what exactly?"

"I'm not sure, I came here because that's what I should do, you're helping by letting me join your team and I'm helping you by joining the team, no?"

"How does your ability work?"

"I knew you'd understand."

She brought both hands together as if the decision was settled.

"Don't dodge the question!", Ein shouted.

"... and we haven't accepted!", Stein added.

"My abilities are just what Schrodinger needs and my team passed the last test, plus I'm holding the team bonus reward."

"A Golden Fourleaf?", Schrodinger asked.

"What's that?"

"I guess he gave different bonuses."

"Why do you sound disappointed... actually were you obsessed with that thing?", Ein asked.

"Were going off track... What is your bonus?", Newton asked.

"Well.... That's exactly why I'm here, I don't want them getting their hands on it and you guys are one of the few people that can use it.", She said pointing at Ein and Stein with both hands.

"Something for a split name?"

"That's what you call it?"

"Focus!", Newton said as she smacked Laplace.

Her tiny hands seemed to induce a minor concussion on impact.

"Yes... It was meant for the Maxwell twins I guess but get this... Our cylinder was attacked."

Their nonchalant attitude threw her back.

Newton smiled, "Continue."

"Edison was after the item... I don't know how they knew we had it."

Stein took the red sphere she offered.

It disappeared when he held it.

His panel appeared a few seconds later.

"Why can I see that?"

She was ignored.

"Fusion Reactor.", he read out.

Such a lame name, the creator has poor tastes.

"I agree with you there, Ein."

"I didn't say anything."

They paused and stared at each other for a few seconds, then burst into laughter simultaneously.

"What's going on?", Laplace asked.

"They're probably talking in their heads now.", Coulomb replied.

Ein and Stein bumped fists.

When they did, they noticed a message in their view.

"Stein, you see that?"

Ein took Stein's hands and read the message.

"Fusion Successful."

Ein jumped and landed.

"Guess flying won't work."

He raised his left leg.

Then he raised his right leg while his left was still in the air.

He was walking in the air. His hand didn't leave Stein's.

"Damn, Stein....you seriously got it good and you're talking about being nerfed"

"That's not all, there's also a hidden ability unlocked."

"E = MC squared."

"Is this.... what I think it is?", Stein exclaimed.

"Only one way to find out."

They both raised their pistols. Ein with his left, Stein with his right while they had their other hand meshed.

"Coulomb, toss the water in that cup in the air."

He did as asked.

The water exploded in the air and the room became filled with steam.


"I see why they wanted this, I'd kill for it too."

The twins commented on their work.

"But didn't you know that they were coming?", Coulomb asked.

"I only know the current location of objects I think of, predicting the future is too convenient, don't you think?".


Somewhere on the 2nd level, a dark skinned girl sneezed and looked at the sky.

The sun is really hot here.

"Pleiades, let's go",Brahe said.

She snapped out of the daze.

"I'm coming".


A chair appeared on screen.

"Well, well, well."

The chair slowly spun around.

"We meet again.", Future Rodney Zimmerman said.

"Are you the one that created the playground?", Marie asked.

"Why would I answer that?"

"I want a straightforward answer".

"Why so serious?.... Hmmn?"

"I'll kill your younger self."

"Go ahead, doesn't change much."

"Please, just answer this question." Sam pleaded.

Rodney sighed.

"Okay, just this once... Argh, who am I fooling?.... Once I do this, it'll be easier to do it again....I'm not telling anymore."

"I'll tell the younger you about everything."

The Rodney on screen sat up, he was clearly disturbed by what Marie said.

"Let's not do anything we'll regret, okay?"

She didn't flinch.

He sighed again.

"If I said yes, I'd be lying and if I said no I'd also be lying.... I'm involved in its creation but 'I' didn't create it".

He used his fingers to emphasize the 'I'.

He noticed that she still didn't budge.

"That's the best I can do.... For now..... Just chill, okay?".

"We'll be back."

Marie said as she made for the door.

"Take the box in the desk, save yourself the effort.... Oh.... And say Hi to Jay for me.... Wait, I guess you can't..... Anyways something fun is about to happen soon".

When they made it outside, they found Rodney trapped in the stranglehold of a grey haired boy roughly twice his age.

His grey eyes noticed their entrance.

"Hello, You must be Marie Greene and Samuel Reinhardt, I'm Jae-Jin Zimmerman, you can call me Jay... This idiot's older brother."

Struggling to escape, he managed to shout,

"He's not my brother, No way I'd be related to this buffoon."

"I'm adopted but I'm still your older brother.",he said tightening his arms grip.

Then turning back to Sam.

"I'm here to help you solve this."


Thanks for reading the preview.

From now on, chapters will be out once a week.

Some chapters are paired so I'll release both at once but once a week is the barest minimum.

My story is also available on Wattpad so you can go there for a partially edited version but at least it's always going to be ahead of this one.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and are looking forward to next week's chapter and have a happy new year.

Soulburnercreators' thoughts