
Savage: The Night Wizard - (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

I was an ordinary boy with a simple life... That is, until the day I died... and now I don't even know what is common in my life anymore! But in reality... I prefer it like this. Who would like to be normal if you could be a wizard? Especially if you're the greatest wizard ever! Well... I don't. ****************************************** Also help me in Patrë-on /Se7enX, there are advanced chapters for you and it motivates me to write even more. Thanks for reading! ****************************************** Attention: I don't own Harry Potter or his world, and all of this belongs to JK Rowling. The only thing belonging to me are the OC's characters and some changes in the story.

Se7en · 書籍·文学
458 Chs

Chapter 28

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Here's the new chapter!


We arrived in front of the Potions classroom with three minutes to go before class, and apparently we were the first to arrive. I then entered the classroom, and saw that it had two rows of tables, with each table having two seats.

I chose a seat in the middle of the row on the left to sit in, and after settling into the seat, I pulled my materials out of my bag and arranged them on top of my desk. And while I was organizing up my materials, Anthony came and sat down next to me and started organized up his materials too.

"What do you think our teacher is like?" he asked me as soon as I finished packing my materials.

"I'm sure he's going to be a sweetheart" I told him sarcastically.

"Do you think that!? I really hope he's a nice and fun teacher," Anthony told me with a hopeful face.

'Yes yes, cool and fun…' I thought sarcastically.

As Anthony and I talked, the other students slowly began to arrive.

"Hey! How did you get here so fast? I almost got lost trying to find this room!" Terry Boot, our Ravenclaw classmate, asked us as soon as he arrived in the classroom and saw us sitting there talking.

"Walking, obviously," I answered him dryly.

"No, I know you guys came walking, I want to know how" Terry asked me rolling his eyes at my joke.

"With the legs," I said as I looked at Terry with a totally serious face.



"If you didn't tell me, it wouldn't even cross my mind," he said dryly.

"Ahem!" coughed Anthony to get our attention, "Jokes aside… We got here faster because Ethan had already asked an older student where the Potions classroom was located." Anthony then answered Terry's question.

"Why didn't I think about it?" Terry then questioned himself thoughtfully.

'House of the smart…' I snorted.


Then we hear the bell ring, signaling the start of class. And we all quickly sat down to wait for the teacher.

The classroom door was then opened by Professor Snape, who walked to the front of the class. He then grabbed a scroll with a list of names from his desk, turned to us, and placed the call.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of making potions. There won't be any silly wand waving in my class," he said as soon as he finished roll call, "I don't expect many of you to understand the beautiful and magical process of making potions... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew the glory and even preventing death, that is, if you are not like the idiots I used to teach" he finished his speech looking at us contemptuously.

'Cool and fun...' I thought sarcastically.

The class took place normally, with Professor Snape explaining about the theoretical part of potion production, safety methods, about the 12 uses of dragon blood, how to use Bezoar and how to find it, the different types of cauldrons and bottles and how they interfere with potions, and the standard ingredients for brewing potions.

Of course, as the class continued, Professor Snape asked us questions, some easy and some difficult. He also deducted a few points here and there, and he didn't forget to curse and make fun of some students, especially the meek Puffs.

And in this coming and going of Professor Snape, the class ended up coming to an end, but not before Professor Snape informed us that in our next class we would be making a Cure for Boils potion.


"Didn't you tell me the teacher would be nice?!" Anthony asked me with a look of betrayal as we left Potions class.

"I said that? I don't even remember…" I replied to him, looking away innocently.

"Are all classes going to be like this?" Terry, who was on my side, asked with a defeated look.

"Don't be like that... Until the class wasn't so bad" I told them jokingly.

"You only say that because he didn't take any points from you," Anthony grumbled as he glared at me.

"Or complained that you didn't know the answers to his questions," Terry added, grimacing.

"Boys, calm down" I said in an attempt to calm them down, "He just didn't score points or complain about me not knowing the answers, because I'm a genius, and he was obviously impressed by my brilliant mind and my incredible knowledge of the art of brewing potions, and besides, I got all the questions right" I ended, up throwing my hair in an exaggerated way. And after that, Anthony and Terry started to glare at me more strongly.

""I hate you""

"Nah, you love me" I told them with a smug face. To which they simply rolled their eyes.

"Well, we have to get to Charms Class fast, or we're going to be late," I told them quickening my steps, with Anthony and Terry doing the same shortly thereafter.

'I don't know where exactly the classroom is... But I know it's on the third floor, near the forbidden corridor' I thought as I led us to the staircase, where we started to climb to the third floor.

Arriving on the third floor, we started looking for the Charms Class, and after looking around a bit, we finally found the Charms Classroom. And inside it already had some Slytherin students. My keen sense of smell can smell the familiar scent of earth and fertilizer coming from them.

'Hmm, they must have come from the Herbology class' I thought walking into the classroom.

Charms' classroom was also divided into two rows of tables, but this time the tables had seating for three people each. And looking for a place to sit, I see Greengrass and Davis sitting together in the left row. I nodded to them in greeting, but they just turned their faces and ignored me. But I could feel Davis' unwillingness.

'Heh, now they're going to pretend they don't know me?... Meh, see if I care' I thought with a shrug, 'But I think Davis is doing this more out of fear than any other reason. Slytherin policy must prevent her talking to muggleborns,' I mused.

I then calmly walked past them and went to sit in the right row, in the front seats, and on my right side sat Terry and on my left Anthony. And as soon as we sat down, the bell rang for the beginning of class.

"Please be a good teacher. Please be a good teacher." Then I heard Anthony beside me mutter in prayer, and Terry and I started looking at him strangely.

"What?" Anthony asked us as soon as he saw us staring at him. And I just shook my head with an exasperated sigh and decided to ignore Anthony and your strangeness.

And just when Anthony was going to continue to question us, the classroom door was opened by our little Charms teacher.

"Hello students!" Professor Flitwick excitedly told us as he reached the front of the class and finished climbing onto a pile of books behind his desk, "I'm your Charms teacher, Filius Flitwick, and I'll be teaching you for the next 7 years. This year you will be learning about wand moves, how to pronounce spells, and basic first year spells. I expect great things from you!" he ended his little introduction by bowing in greeting to us.

"At least a nice teacher," Anthony whispered to me in relief.



(End AN: Another chapter for you!

I wasn't feeling very good when I woke up, so I couldn't get the chapter published sooner. But luckily, after taking some medicine and getting some sleep, I got better…well, at least 70% better.

I would also like to apologize for not replying to your comments or reviews, but I have been busy these days, but when I have time, I will try to reply to everyone.

Thanks for your support!)