
Savage Saga Part 12 John Savage

After he died Savage was sent to Heaven where he gets reincarnated in the body of a human and in this new life he gets reunited with some figures of the past and begins his journey as a human again.

Vindog_Lewis · ファンタジー
24 Chs

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His eldest brother died from an illness second brother killed by the eldest sister. She was killed by the third brother the others died of illness's assassination's and other various things. When John was born only his four youngest elder brothers remained while they competed for the air to the family head. John was naturally gifted in combat survival and basicly everything else except for Magic he had an aptitude for all types of Magic at unbeatable levels but he could not fully control or utilize it. He was fortunate enough to get a Magic teacher to come teach him how to use Magic upon seeing the sheer aptitude levels the Magic teacher says "My boy your weakest aptitude is as powerful as the old era of Power impressive" The Era of Power was the era after the end of Demon Lord Savage that when he died his power was released in a shockwave starting an era of power as his power enhanced everything. Even the weakest people were powerful enough to kill Anciant Titans such as Monster or Vlad as long as they could sense the flow of magic and control it. That simply showcased how powerful he was there was also rumors that he had procliamed that he would one day return that era of Power ended when a Vampire girl by the name of Jade killed everyone and obtained their power and skills through the Conqueror skill. It was belived that she then went into isolation to train however that was just one theory another one was that someone named the Conqueror did it and used the Conqueror skill. There were countless therories because no one truely knew.