
Saturday night fever

Mark Evander Vasquez. A very fierce looking man with a personality of an emotionless rock. A laid-back billionaire hotshot that all the girls at work would swoon over. Scarred by his past, Mark did not want himself to be involved with any woman. That was until he met Gwen one Saturday night at his friend's wedding. Gwendolyn Zosia Lopez is a bold and fierce type of woman, she likes to work everything according to plan. Her only goal was to make her ex regret his insolence not until she shared bed with a sinfully gorgeous man one Saturday night. After their encounter, Mark was prompted to meet her again. With their goals intact they entered a contract to use each other for their own accord. Would they fulfill their desires? or would they be drowned in ecstasy?

Daoisto5npMC · 都市
6 Chs


After Gwendolyn's stunt, Mr. Vasquez, Evander's father clasps his hands and smiled. "I guess there's no need to force both of you in marriage. Gregorio and I have been talking about this from a long time and I'm very much thankful that I won't have to do anything bad to my children since you both agreed to marry, " he said and smiled again.

Gwendolyn's mind was in full chaos, so this was what her dad was aiming for. This is why he was so happy, so he could use her as another investment for his business. What was she thinking? That her father may have been worried about her? Damn he only knows about wealth and fame. Gwendolyn smiled bitterly and scoffed behind her head.

After the dinner Gwendolyn went home with Evander. No one dared to talk, both was waiting for the other to mention about what happened earlier. But Evander was the first to break the ice.

"What happened back there? You knew about what was going to happen? " He asked quite pissed. Of course, he would be, he was not informed about anything. Gwendolyn faced him and sighed.

"I think it's safe if we talk inside, my dad consecutively sends out men to keep an eye on me and I don't want him finding out about us, " she said and went out the car first. She entered her pad and left the door open for Evander.

She went inside her room and changed, she heard Evander coming in so she went out and found him leaning to the wall. "You do know I'm still a man Zosia and I'm sure you have not forgotten what happened to us before entering this contract, " Evander said with a gruff.

Gwendolyn's cheeks flushed when she remembered their hot and steamy encounter that night. She sat down and pressed her legs together. "W-We're here to t-talk about what happened earlier Evander please mind your words, " she said trying to sound upset even though she was already wet down there. She thought Evander was mad but the moment his hand landed on her thigh, slipping in deeper inside her night gown, she quivered in bliss and a muffled moan immersed.

"I love it when your legs trembled against my hands, " Evander whispered behind her as he smiles against her neck. Evander slipped his big hot hands inside her underwear, drawing tiny circles in her clitoris, making Gwen jolt. Waves of pleasure run through her spine.

Evander chuckled and bit her neck. "That's so adorable, it's turning me on, " he said as he reaches for her lips. Evander invaded her mouth with his, licking, sucking, and biting her lips along the lines of a hungry wolf. Their tongue intertwined fiercely, losing their mind, and getting drunk from the bittersweet kisses.

When their lips parted, was the same time she orgasms. They looked at each other, hungry for more when the door chimes, waking them both up from their ecstasy. " I was going to punish you but I will let you off the hook for now, " that made her crave for him more but the doorbell was ringing nonstop. Evander moved closer to her ear and whispered. " I'll fuck the daylights out of you the moment I get a chance Zosia, I hope you're ready for your punishment, " he said before biting her neck once more.

But Gwen was on fire so she replied. "Seduce me, I'll gladly fall for it doctor, " that made a fiery burn in Evander's eyes but she had to walk pass him to open the door. Her smile disappeared when she saw her brother.

"Zion! W-What are you doing here? " She asked but her brother's attention was on her neck then back to the person behind her. But Zion looked at her worriedly.

"When dad told me you were getting married I rushed out from my office and drove here hoping for your explanation but I didn't knew you have a visitor? And a man at that, who is this? "Her brother Zion asked like a strict parent.

Gwendolyn looked back and saw Evander standing behind her with a very stoic expression. "Uhm, Zion this is Evander m-my boyfriend. And he is my brother, Gregory Zion, " she said. Gwen saw how her brother's eyebrow arched when he heard the word boyfriend.

She faked a smile. " Why don't we talk inside? " She said breaking the tension between two men. But Evander bid his farewell first, he said he's on night shift and had an operation scheduled so he had to leave first.

When she came back inside, she could already feel her brother's killing aura. "So? Who is he really? And don't give me that crap that he's your boyfriend because I know how much you still love Renji, " her brother said.

She felt a sudden pang on the chest when the name of her ex-boyfriend was mentioned. Gwendolyn sighed and told her brother the whole story until to the point of marrying him for the sake of the contract. Zion closed his eyes and massaged his temples, controlling himself not to burst out. Renji that jerk sure did so much damage to her sister to the point she'll enter a contract with a person she just met.

" So? Is dad forcing you to marry that guy? Is this how it is? Did he found out? " He asked seriously, he may be upset for now but Gwen knows that at the end of the day her brother would help and support her as long as she does not get hurt along the process, that's the kind of brother he is.

" I don't think he knows about the contract yet. But regardless of whether we get married or not of our own accord, he, and Mr. Vasquez we're already planning to marry us off from the start. They just took this as a chance to continue their merge, " Gwen said and clicked her tongue. Zion finally busted out in anger; he slammed his fist on the hard table giving it a little crack.

"Father doesn't really know where he should stop tsk. Should I call mom for help? " He asked.

But Gwen was fast enough to appeal. "Don't! Let's go on with their plan for now, we're not really getting married yet so I think it's still okay, " she said. Zion looked at her worried but she forced out a smile.

"Are you worried she wouldn't believe you? Like how it happened before with Gwenyvere? " he said. Gwen could only deny all his suspicions and acted as if she were over it. Zion sighed and stopped questioning his sister. That night ended quite peaceful, not until the morning came.

Gwendolyn woke up hearing her brother arguing with someone, so she had no choice but to get ready and check what was happening on her living room. When she got down, she saw her brother arguing with an unfamiliar woman. Who is she? Girlfriend? She thought.

"Why are you guys having a lover's quarrel early in the morning? Get a room you two, " she said as she walks pass them.

"WE'RE NOT TOGETHER! " they said in unison. But Gwen just rolled her eyes and thought, of course you'll deny it. She ignored them and decided to have breakfast on her own, when a man in white lab gown entered the kitchen along with a mug of coffee in his hand. He looks so worn out, is being a doctor that hard? She thought.

When Evander noticed her he looked at her and moved slowly until he reached her neck. He rested his face on her and sniffed her scent, his hands were wrapped around her waist as well. Gwendolyn on the contrary was shocked by his sudden gesture but eventually went on with the skit when she noticed the woman starring at them so dreamy.

"What are you doing here Emilia? Go home, " Evander said emotionlessly.

"You know this woman? Tch. So that's why I don't like her, " Zion said in disgust.

Emilia scoffed and glared at the latter. "Well excuse me but I don't like you one bit! Who are you anyway? Why are you here with my brother's fiancé? Wait let me guess, you're her driver right? Cause that fits your trashy attitude, " Emilia barked back.

Gwen and Evander looked at each other, trying to seek help from the other. "Uhm, that man is my brother, and I'm guessing you're Evander's sister? Nice to finally meet you, " Gwen said and offered her hand for a handshake but Emilia suddenly hugged her so tight she couldn't breathe. Good thing her brother pulled Emilia away from her.

"HUH! How can a devil like you be her brother? This must be some sort of joke, "Emilia said.

"HAH! Well, you're certainly his sister! You both revolting! Gwendolyn! I certainly don't want that woman to be part of our family! " Her brother Zion exclaimed.

"The feeling is mutual! Evander do something about this jerk! " Evander's sister Emilia shouted back.

They were about to go between the two when Ervin and Cataleya suddenly came out of nowhere. The atmosphere suddenly went silent and the tension arose. Evander snaked his hands on Gwendolyn's waist and pulled her closer to him when he saw how Ervin was eyeing her body. Cataleya on the other hand glared at Gwen when she saw what Evander did. Gwen wore her fakest smile and greeted the new guests.

"Have seats for two more? Sorry for the sudden visit. My wife here was really eager to get to know about the new girl whose about to be part of the family. You don't mind right, Evander? " Ervin said.

Evander smiled and offered them both a seat without letting go of Gwendolyn's body. When they thought they had enough of tension in the air and the old geezers suddenly appears in the scene as well.

"Well, this won't do, the kitchen looked so cramped now with all of us here. Should we all move to a place where we'll all fit? What do you think Gregorio? " Mr. Vasquez said like a jolly teenager which her dad seconded. They moved on a nearby private land owned by the Lopez, Gregorio called out staffs to serve them a meal.

Gwen glanced at her Zion who look like he's about to burst. Emilia and Evander on the other hand was clinging to her like glue as she receives piercing glares from behind, probably from Cataleya and Ervin. But could this morning get any worse? Of course, it will. Just when they thought that was the last of the unexpected guests, David Renji Ramirez entered the dining hall with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. Clinging to him was her sister Gwenyvere, with her mom and Gunner behind along with a woman who she thinks is Evander's mother.

" I guess we could call it complete now that everyone is here, shall we eat? Let's talk about the wedding later, " Gregorio said with a wide grin.

So, this was all because of him again? Gwen thought behind her head. Calling not just Renji but her sister as well was already too much but a dinner with the complete family was giving her too much stress. Gwen excused herself the moment she finished eating, she couldn't stay any longer in one room with everyone. It was making her feel sick.

"You okay? "Someone said from behind.

"Go away Renji, " she said irritated.

"I won't Gwen, I know you're still upset about what happened at the restaurant. I'm sorry, can you please look at me? "Renji said whilst holding her hand.

"I thought I told you to keep your hands off my woman, Ramirez, " Evander's low rumbling voice reverberated behind them. Renji's grip tightened as he blocked me with his body.

"She's mine first Vasquez, fuck off, "Renji replied. But Evander only smirked and looked directly to her eyes.

"She WAS yours Ramirez, now why don't you be a good boy and release my Zosia before I get mad, " Evander said with a very dangerous tone. But neither of them had no plans of losing this fight. What would Gwendolyn do?