
5. Hot Tin Roof

MissLadybug: so how do you typically start?

MissLadybug: “hey do you want to come back to my place for the night byob (bring your own ballgag)”

ChatNoir: Haha.

ChatNoir: I guess you could do it like that though that’s not really how I go about it.

MissLadybug: i guess you wouldn’t really want to go home with someone you don’t really know, right?

ChatNoir: Basically.

ChatNoir: First meeting’s kind of like the first date.

ChatNoir: You kind of feel each other out for a little bit and usually go home afterwards.

ChatNoir: Unless you already established in no uncertain terms that you’re going to do stuff.

MissLadybug: keep going; i’m going to refill my iced tea

ChatNoir: Okay what else...

ChatNoir: Uh it’s not a good sign if someone tries to get you in bed on the first meet up unless you expressly told them you were interested.

ChatNoir: If someone can’t respect the most basic of boundaries they’re not going to respect you when it really matters.

ChatNoir: It’s also a good opportunity to weed out the assholes.

MissLadybug: language, adrien!

ChatNoir: Oh sorry.

ChatNoir: I forgot I was in the presence of the fairer sex.

ChatNoir: I humbly beg your pardon, My Lady.

MissLadybug: hmm

MissLadybug: granted

ChatNoir: A thousand thank yous.

MissLadybug: just teasing; you don't usually swear that much

ChatNoir: In this situation there's really no other word that appropriately describes them because they're people who have confused "dominant" with "asshole."

ChatNoir: Fortunately, the asshole-dom outs themselves sooner or later.

MissLadybug: like how?

ChatNoir: Usually by trying to dom you before you've even agreed to submit to them.

MissLadybug: ew

ChatNoir: Or if they don't want to meet in public.

ChatNoir: Or if they want to go somewhere with you when you agreed to meet and stay in one place for the meeting.

ChatNoir: Or if they're generally demeaning and dismissive towards you.

ChatNoir: Or if they make you feel like you have to impress them.

ChatNoir: Or if they ask you to call them Master/Mistress right off the bat

MissLadybug: ohmygod seriously?

MissLadybug: have people done that to you before?

ChatNoir: First date I had in Munich lasted twenty seconds.

ChatNoir: "Oh you must be Karla!" "That's Goddess Karla to you fucktoy." "Okay goodbye!"

MissLadybug: NO

ChatNoir: Nino hadn't even made it to the end of the block before I went tearing after him.

MissLadybug: excuse me i need to wipe my monitor off

MissLadybug: because now it's covered in iced tea thanks to you!

ChatNoir: Yeah stuff like this is why you kinda want to feel your potential partner out for a few meetings first; in public for a predetermined period of time with a second on tap.

MissLadybug: second?

MissLadybug: like a duelist’s second?

ChatNoir: Well you told Alya about our meeting in February, right?

MissLadybug: well yeah

MissLadybug: i didn’t know if you/chat was a…

ChatNoir: Weirdo?

MissLadybug: exactly

MissLadybug: i think i get what you mean

MissLadybug: can’t be too careful, can you?

ChatNoir: Nope.

ChatNoir: So if you decide you want to meet someone and you need someone close by, I’m always available.

MissLadybug: how gallant of you

ChatNoir: Just let me know and I can post up at a cafe somewhere nearby in case you need a "family emergency" phone call.

MissLadybug: i wouldn’t say no to a friendly eye watching my back

MissLadybug: as much as i love alya i don’t want to expose myself to more ribbing than need be

ChatNoir:Yeah. As much as Nino watched my back and got me out of a few tight jams I had to endure the compulsory Fifty Shades of Grey jokes for at least a week after.

MissLadybug: also if someone tries to abduct me alya will murder them in cold blood with a cereal spoon and dump them into the seine

ChatNoir: I don't doubt she would.

MissLadybug: in fact her exact words were "if someone tries to get all christian grey on you i will make hostel look like a god damn disney movie."

ChatNoir: ...she's awesome.

MissLadybug: i know but i don't want my friend to go to jail because some creep didn't take no for an answer

MissLadybug: i assume you would show some more restraint

ChatNoir: Well you of all people should know by now that I’m a big fan of...restraint.

MissLadybug: ...

ChatNoir: >:3c

MissLadybug: you nerd

MissLadybug: question

ChatNoir: Shoot.

MissLadybug: nino and alya are banging again, right?

ChatNoir: I would say there’s an 80-85% chance that’s correct.

MissLadybug: okay good i’m not the only one that thinks so

ChatNoir: Haha are you surprised?

MissLadybug: only that it didn’t happen sooner

MissLadybug: honestly i would be surprised if they picked up right where they left off all those years ago

ChatNoir: I know he never really moved on from her.

MissLadybug: and alya hasn’t dated anyone because of “work” in years

ChatNoir: Well they could certainly do a lot worse, couldn’t they?

MissLadybug: oh i don’t disapprove at all

MissLadybug: they’re cute together, don’t you think?

ChatNoir: Yeah.

MissLadybug: …is it bad that i’m a little jealous?

ChatNoir: Well.

ChatNoir: …to tell the truth I’m a little envious myself.

MissLadybug: don’t get me wrong; i’m happy for them!

MissLadybug: if they ARE indeed back together that is

MissLadybug: but if that’s the case i can’t help wonder…

ChatNoir: “Why not me?”

MissLadybug: yes!

MissLadybug: i mean i don’t want to date nino…or alya for that matter

MissLadybug: i just…i don’t know

MissLadybug: being single really sucks sometimes

ChatNoir: Tell me about it.

ChatNoir: Longest relationship I’ve ever had was three months before I had to move again for work.

ChatNoir: Would be nice to have someone steady to be with.

MissLadybug: someone you just click with, you know?

ChatNoir: Yeah…

MissLadybug: you…haven’t been with anyone since your dad passed?

ChatNoir: Haven’t really had the time or drive to be honest.

ChatNoir: I know I should probably get back on that horse sooner or later but…

MissLadybug: no sense in rushing it

MissLadybug: i’m sure it’ll happen when it happens for you

ChatNoir: I guess.

MissLadybug: come on; you’re basically bruce wayne

MissLadybug: you should act like it once and a while

ChatNoir: You mean dress up in form-fitting black spandex and fight crime on the rooftops of Paris by night?

MissLadybug: hey if you need a costume sewed, you know who to come to

MissLadybug: only if i can be your partner though

ChatNoir: I can see the headlines now “Freak in a catsuit and pokladotted fashion designer sent to the loony bin.”

MissLadybug: you’re crushing my crime fighting ambitions over here

MissLadybug: interesting that you’re immediately going for the catsuit though

ChatNoir: Haha maybe furry ears and a bell collar too.

ChatNoir: If I’m going for the furry superhero gimmick I’m committing.

MissLadybug: as long as you go for the full cowl

MissLadybug: you’ll need a good disguise

ChatNoir: Just hook me up with the domino mask.

MissLadybug: people would know it was you though

ChatNoir: No they wouldn’t; I’d do my hair all spiky and stuff.

MissLadybug: and no one will make the connection between adrien agreste and his black cat alter ego despite the fact that they’re the same height and build and have identical hair and eye colors?

ChatNoir:…I could change my voice too?

MissLadybug: lol okay let me know how that goes for you kitty

MissLadybug: don’t come crying to me when blind two year olds can spot your “secret identity”

ChatNoir: You don’t think I could pull off the skin-tight catsuit?

MissLadybug: oh that is definitely not the issue here

ChatNoir: Huh?

MissLadybug: nothing

MissLadybug: i’m meeting alya today for lunch; i’ll try to get more details out of her

ChatNoir: Just send me a confirmation one way or the other.

MissLadybug: will do

MissLadybug: later catman

ChatNoir: Later…Ladybug…Lass?

MissLadybug: …ladybug lass?

ChatNoir: I’ll work on it.

MissLadybug: so nino was at lunch today

ChatNoir: And you didn’t invite me?

ChatNoir: I’m devastated.

MissLadybug: i’m sure you are haha

MissLadybug: we had a chat about you

ChatNoir: Oh dear.

ChatNoir: Now I really wish I had been there.

MissLadybug: we got to talking about your modelling tour across europe and asia and he told me a rather interesting story

ChatNoir: Oh?

MissLadybug: according to him, you’re something of a slut

ChatNoir: …god damnit Nino.

MissLadybug: i’m not hearing a no

MissLadybug: evidently you had a reputation for being flirtatious too

ChatNoir: Okay THAT I will own up to!

MissLadybug: really?

MissLadybug: because i believe the slut bit more

ChatNoir: I…may have gone through a period of trying to reinvent myself.

MissLadybug: sluttily?

ChatNoir: Okay I lived with Gabriel Agreste micromanaging my social life until I was eighteen.

ChatNoir: Is it so hard to believe I may have cut loose a little?

MissLadybug: hey i’m not judging

MissLadybug: goodness knows i’ve done my share of wild oat sowing in college

MissLadybug: i’m just curious to know how the people you hooked up with reacted to the fact that they were with a supermodel.

ChatNoir: Actually no one has confronted me about it until after the fact.

MissLadybug: really?

ChatNoir: Out of paranoia I tended to pick partners outside the fashion community.

ChatNoir: Just so no one in the industry had blackmail to use against me or Dad.

MissLadybug: yeesh i wouldn’t fancy marcel dubois rooting around my personal life

ChatNoir: Yeah really.

ChatNoir: In fact you’re the first person who works in fashion I’ve

ChatNoir: Well we haven’t done anything but

ChatNoir: Uh

MissLadybug: lol i know what you mean

ChatNoir: Phew for a moment I thought you thought I

MissLadybug: yes?

ChatNoir: Never mind.

MissLadybug: if you say so

MissLadybug: i can’t imagine even doing anything like that with someone i haven’t known for a while

ChatNoir: I understand the feeling.

MissLadybug: i mean even if i was the one uh “taking the reins” i would have some reservations

MissLadybug: but to basically put yourself at the mercy of a total stranger??

ChatNoir: That’s why I never make the habit of fucking total strangers.

ChatNoir: If My Lady will pardon the vulgarity.

MissLadybug: haha i’ll pardon your french

ChatNoir: What?

MissLadybug: american turn of phrase

ChatNoir: Oh haha.

MissLadybug: but i mean how do you even get to the point where you’re okay with someone doing stuff to you?

ChatNoir: Well it boils down to the Wallet Test for me.

MissLadybug: ??

ChatNoir: Basically if I don’t trust someone to watch my wallet or personal belongings in a crowded space I sure as hell wouldn’t trust them to restrain me and

ChatNoir: You get the idea.

MissLadybug: well that sort of narrows the field down for me haha

ChatNoir: I thought you said you weren’t looking for anything though.

MissLadybug: i did didn’t i?

MissLadybug: i don’t know though

MissLadybug: i might be reevaluating my stance on the subject

ChatNoir: Oh really?

ChatNoir: What brought this about?

MissLadybug: permission to be candid?

ChatNoir: Of course.

MissLadybug: it’s been two years

ChatNoir: Two years since wh

ChatNoir: Oh.

ChatNoir: Oh I see.

MissLadybug: yep

MissLadybug: and if i can be even more candid

MissLadybug: the last time wasn’t anything to write home about

MissLadybug: it was shorter than some commercials are

ChatNoir: The act or the…actor?

MissLadybug: yes

MissLadybug: and trying to get your brand off the ground doesn’t leave that much time to play the dating game so

MissLadybug: let’s just say i have a drawer full of batteries that gets smaller and smaller every time i check it

ChatNoir: My God.

ChatNoir: I hadn’t realized things were so…dire.

MissLadybug: yeah so i’m a just little tired of doing all the work and getting none of the reward

MissLadybug: is it wrong that just once i want to have fireworks crazy romance novel sex?

ChatNoir: Not at all.

ChatNoir: There’s nothing wrong with going after the things you want and God knows you deserve a treat now and then.

MissLadybug: well it doesn’t have to be now but

MissLadybug: i’m not shooting for three years haha

ChatNoir: Well if I can help you with that let me know.

MissLadybug: goodness how forward

ChatNoir: Wait that came out wrong.

MissLadybug: adrien if you wanted to ravish me you just need to ask

ChatNoir: That’s not what I meant!

MissLadybug: haha i know i’m just teasing you

ChatNoir: Okay, phew.

MissLadybug: you sound relieved?

ChatNoir: Well relieved to know you know I’m not overstepping any boundaries.

MissLadybug: which boundaries?

ChatNoir: The uh

ChatNoir: “Not interested in getting into anything boundaries” you mentioned back in February.

MissLadybug: oh right

MissLadybug: those

ChatNoir: I just assumed that was still the case.

MissLadybug: well there’s an english expression about assuming and asses you know

ChatNoir: What?

MissLadybug: oh nothing

ChatNoir: Really?

MissLadybug: i really should hop off though; got a meeting bright and early with a fabric supplier

ChatNoir: Oh.

ChatNoir: Okay then!

MissLadybug: thanks for the chat as always!

MissLadybug: it was very

MissLadybug: enlightening

ChatNoir: Always aim to please.

MissLadybug: i bet you do

ChatNoir: Huh?

MissLadybug: goodnight adrien~

MissLadybug: so it’s like planning a party then?

ChatNoir: Something like that.

ChatNoir: I mean if you’re taking charge you have to be responsible for more than just drinks and appetizers but the principle is the same in my experience.

MissLadybug: even if you’re not physically hosting it?

ChatNoir: Well if you’re going over to someone’s house you can’t plan too much in advance but generally I find it’s good etiquette to come prepared.

MissLadybug: lol with like a duffle bag or something?

ChatNoir: Or something haha.

MissLadybug: and what do you do if you accidentally drop it on the street and lube goes flying everywhere?

ChatNoir: Run.

MissLadybug: haha

MissLadybug: wow you weren’t kidding when you said you were super private about this.

ChatNoir: Are you surprised?

MissLadybug: you forget my experience with this ends online

ChatNoir: Ah that explains it.

MissLadybug: so you can see how i might have got the impression that the majority of people with our tastes were…public about it.

ChatNoir: That’s only because they’re the ones that are visible.

ChatNoir: I would say there are many more who keep their private lives private.

MissLadybug: i hear you

MissLadybug: god knows the last thing i need is a gossip rag poking their nose into my sex life when i’m trying to get my brand off the ground.

ChatNoir: I don’t know if you thought the public “lifestyle” aspect was compulsory but I promise it’s not.

MissLadybug: that’s relieving to hear actually

MissLadybug: speaking of intimidating i imagine it’s intimidating to take the reins for the first time, isn’t it?

ChatNoir: It can be.

ChatNoir: Although it’s not so much intimidating as it is stressful at first.

MissLadybug: how is it stressful to have someone at your willing beck and call for the evening?

ChatNoir: Well because you don’t really have someone at your beck and call.

ChatNoir: In fact, in my experience, the dom serves the sub in a scene way more than the sub serves the dom.

MissLadybug: okay now you lost me

MissLadybug: either you’re lying or the internet is lying

MissLadybug: and to be honest i trust you a lot more than i trust the internet

ChatNoir: Thank you?

MissLadybug: i’m still going to need an explanation there

ChatNoir: Forget anything you might have read on Tumblr.

MissLadybug: wait how did you find out about my nsfw blog???

ChatNoir: What?

MissLadybug: ...what?

ChatNoir: What?

MissLadybug: i didn’t say anything

MissLadybug: i don’t have secret side blog where i collect gifs and stuff

ChatNoir: …really?

MissLadybug: nope!

MissLadybug: so forgetting the things i didn’t read on tumblr, what were you going to say?

ChatNoir: Um…oh right.

ChatNoir: Forget the rhetoric of Dom/sub that gets pushed around so much and remember the core rules of basic sex apply.

ChatNoir: Ideally you want to do everything in your power to make sure your partner is happy, right?

MissLadybug: tell that to the guys i saw back in new york

ChatNoir: IDEALLY.

ChatNoir: Even when you’re topping in a scene, your goal should still be to ensure whoever you’re domming is enjoying themselves.

ChatNoir: I mean bottom line is that when you sub for someone it’s because you enjoy that kind of experience.

ChatNoir: You enjoy just checking out and letting someone else take control of you for a little while.

ChatNoir: So a good dom is more like a guide than anything else.

ChatNoir: You basically guide your sub through a series of stimuli and trust that they’ll let you know if you’re stepping out of bounds.

ChatNoir: But that’s why you set limits. Once you know what’s inbounds and what’s out of bounds, it becomes easier to tailor an experience to a specific sub.

ChatNoir: …am I rambling?

MissLadybug: no no go ahead

MissLadybug: this is enlightening

MissLadybug: i confess you’re making this sound both less and more intimidating than i expected.

ChatNoir: Care to explain?

MissLadybug: well i guess i’ve been struggling with the idea of domming someone because i’ve never really thought of myself as a sadist

MissLadybug: but it sounds like you’re saying the two aren’t related

ChatNoir: Not necessarily.

ChatNoir: I can understand how you got that impression though since most, uh, visual representations of BDSM tend to lean heavy on the SM side of it.

MissLadybug: to put it mildly lol

MissLadybug: so i guess it’s easier for me to accept the idea that i might enjoy domming now that i know i don’t need to break out the hot wax and needles

ChatNoir: Mmhmm.

ChatNoir: So you think you might be more of a domme then?

MissLadybug: well…

MissLadybug: i can’t deny that there’s a lot that’s appealing about it

MissLadybug: and not going to lie; it sounds like a lot of fun to be responsible for completely rocking someone’s world

MissLadybug: but…i don’t know if i’m really dom material

ChatNoir: What do you mean?

MissLadybug: well you’ve seen me

ChatNoir: Many times, yes.

MissLadybug: i’m five eight in four inch heels and don’t exactly scream dominatrix you know?

MissLadybug: i don’t know if i can find someone who wants a dominant who’s so…

ChatNoir: Cute?

MissLadybug: basically lol

MissLadybug: someone who’s more comfortable in pastel lace then black leather

ChatNoir: I get where you’re coming from; there’s certainly an image out there of the perpetually scowling, leather clad, whip wielding, Amazonian domme from the back of fantasy novels.

MissLadybug: yeah i kinda hate that chick at this point

ChatNoir: But speaking from experience I don’t look for dommes based on whether or not they can pull off corsets and metal spiked heels.

ChatNoir: Ultimately it’s a personality thing.

MissLadybug: i guess but how can i be sure that whoever i was hypothetically with would…respect me for lack of a better term

ChatNoir: Well if whoever you were hypothetically with didn’t respect you, you should kick their hypothetical hindquarters to the curb and find someone who will.

ChatNoir: Look, there’s a lot of fuss about dom/mes seducing their subs through grandiose displays of dominance or a “dominant” appearance but the bottom line is that subs are subs because they want to be subs.

ChatNoir: Because they enjoy the power play; because they want to let someone else take control.

ChatNoir: Not because our feeble subby brains were overwhelmed by an outfit or a person’s appearance.

ChatNoir: So whether you think you fit the “look” or not is irrelevant because your sub wants to be with you.

ChatNoir: As far as I’m concerned you could wear a frilly pink corset and flower printed stockings and still be as dominant as the popular image of being a “domme.”

MissLadybug: well i’m glad you think so anyway haha

ChatNoir: I don’t think you’ll have any complaints from your partners once you get the hang of it.

MissLadybug: oh?

MissLadybug: what makes you say that?

ChatNoir: Oh just

ChatNoir: Uh

MissLadybug: something you’d like to share with the class, mr. agreste?

ChatNoir: Never mind.

MissLadybug: no, no, you can’t just drop something like that then walk away without explaining it

ChatNoir: Can I plead the…what is it Americans say when they don’t want to incriminate themselves?

MissLadybug: we’re not in america~

ChatNoir: Damn.

MissLadybug: i’m waiting

ChatNoir: I

ChatNoir: Look I just meant that you…shouldn’t worry about people not finding you attractive or appealing.

ChatNoir: Because I don’t really think that’s a problem you’re going to have.

MissLadybug: well that’s always nice to hear

MissLadybug: definitely something i haven’t heard much lately

ChatNoir: Well that’s…surprising.

ChatNoir: Given that every other person in school seemed to have a crush on you.

MissLadybug: haha yeah really

ChatNoir: Nathaniel, Nino, Chloe….

MissLadybug: yeah still don’t know why but

MissLadybug: wait

MissLadybug: CHLOE???????

ChatNoir: Uh.

ChatNoir: So I’ve heard.

ChatNoir: Did you not know?

MissLadybug: oh no! i TOTALLY knew the girl who was rude and condescending to me for our entire childhoods had a RAGING CRUSH ON ME!

MissLadybug: where did you hear this?

ChatNoir: Uh…Nino.

MissLadybug: son of a…who DIDN’T have a crush on me in high school?

ChatNoir: The oblivious and the uninformed.

MissLadybug: lol so which were you?

MissLadybug: wait

MissLadybuyg: i’m sorry that was rude, wasn’t it?

ChatNoir: Both.

MissLadybug: i shouldn’t have

MissLadybug: oh

ChatNoir: Slash completely romantically numb because my dad wouldn’t let me date.

MissLadybug: I’m sorry I shouldn’t have brought it up.

MissLadybug: I wasn’t like accusing you of not having a crush on me or

ChatNoir: It’s okay haha.

ChatNoir: We’re not in high school anymore.

MissLadybug: No I guess we’re not.

ChatNoir: Thank god, right?

MissLadybug: yeah seriously lol

ChatNoir: I mean I didn’t start domming until I subbed for a little while first so it was a while before I started topping.

MissLadybug: did that help?

ChatNoir: For me it did.

ChatNoir: It let me experience things from the other side of the coin for a while haha.

ChatNoir: It’s a lot easier to know how something feels when you’ve had it done to you.

MissLadybug: interesting

MissLadybug: did you find it hard making the switch?

ChatNoir: Honestly both sides of the equation always interested me.

ChatNoir: I mean there are times when you want to be a total control freak but there are times when you just need to kick back, relax, and let someone else be in charge for a while, you know?

MissLadybug: i can certainly empathize with that

MissLadybug: i’ve just had a difficult time reconciling the fact that i’m the lead designer at an up and coming fashion boutique who also has fantasies about her lovers tying her up and having their way with her


ChatNoir: No, no.

ChatNoir: That’s actually a pretty common concern.

ChatNoir: Think of it like video games.

MissLadybug: video games?

ChatNoir: Lots of people enjoy playing games where the goal is to shoot other players but they don’t approve of going on shooting sprees in real life, do they?

MissLadybug: no i guess they don’t

MissLadybug: i mean i’ve never been struck with the urge to run along rooftops and assassinate people with hidden knives

ChatNoir: Right; your recreational habits have absolutely no bearing on your personality or day to day life.

ChatNoir: You’re not a weak willed person because you enjoy being submissive in bed.

ChatNoir: Conversely…well, just look at me.

ChatNoir: I’ve been domming my partners off and on for three years and I’m not the most assertive person in the world, am I?

MissLadybug: i’m sure you could do alright for yourself haha

MissLadybug: i mean if anyone deserves to stand up for himself, it’s you

ChatNoir: Haha thanks.

MissLadybug: don’t haha me i’m serious!

MissLadybug: i don’t think anyone would complain if you stood up for yourself more, would they?

MissLadybug: addendum: who cares if they do?

ChatNoir: Are you driving at something?

MissLadybug: i’m driving at “i want my friend to be happy with himself/how other people treat him”

ChatNoir: Thanks…but I thought we weren’t talking about work tonight.

MissLadybug: we’re not

ChatNoir: Really?

MissLadybug: hey i didn’t say anything about your job

MissLadybug: you said you were getting trod on and i just wanted to make sure no one was walking all over you

MissLadybug:…unless you like that?

ChatNoir: Haha.

MissLadybug: as long as you’re doing what makes you happy

ChatNoir: Seriously…thanks.

MissLadybug: don’t mention it!

MissLadybug: what are questionably virtuous online pen pals for?

MissLadybug: other than keeping you up past your bedtime

ChatNoir: I don’t have a bedtime.

MissLadybug: you don’t have a meeting you need to sleep for?

MissLadybug: or something you’d rather be doing with your limited spare time?

ChatNoir: Not really, no.

ChatNoir: I enjoy these little chats of ours.

MissLadybug: hehe well speaking of little chats there’s someone who would like to say hello

ChatNoir: Hm?

MissLadybug sent ChatNoir the file adrienisthisyou.png

ChatNoir: Ahh so that’s where he wound up!

MissLadybug: yep!

MissLadybug: little kitty likes to hang out on top of my computer

MissLadybug: really keeps me company while I’m working

ChatNoir: You’re not still at the office are you?

MissLadybug: nope worked from home today

MissLadybug: #bosslife

ChatNoir: Lucky.

MissLadybug: i know i have all the luck

MissLadybug: all of it

ChatNoir: You mind kicking some of that my way?

ChatNoir: Maybe in like a pdf or something?

MissLadybug: sorry i can only lend people luck if i see them in person

MissLadybug: i tried mailing luck to my uncle once but he only won thirteen euros in the lottery

ChatNoir: How does one make an appointment with the illustrious Mademoiselle Ladybug?

ChatNoir: Is there a secretary I can go through or something?

MissLadybug: hmm

MissLadybug: well mlle.dupain-cheng is working on a budding intimates collection this week

ChatNoir: Ooh, really?

MissLadybug: i know; it’s absolutely scandalous for a young unmarried woman to be designing such positively ribald garments

MissLadybug: she ought to be flogged in the public square

ChatNoir: Goodness.

ChatNoir: Well after her public flogging would she be available for lunch or something?

MissLadybug: hmm

MissLadybug: yes i believe next monday would work out

MissLadybug: shall i pencil you in?

ChatNoir: Yes that sounds most agreeable.

MissLadybug: spiffing

ChatNoir: Indeed.

MissLadybug: i shall send you the details at the earliest opportunity

MissLadybug: good evening monsieur

ChatNoir: Mademoiselle.

There were Mondays and then there were Mondays and Adrien was currently having one of the latter, perched off to the side of the conference room table as Marcel delivered what could only be described as a non-legal filibuster. Evidently there was a drinking game making the rounds in the office played whenever Marcel started going on his long winded, self important tirades about the most trivial and inconsequential things. It was one thing to call a board meeting when something absolutely vital needed to be discussed but with a majority between himself and Adrien, Marcel was convening to meet almost every other day to vote on issues ranging from marketing strategy to the location of the annual executive team-building excursion (a relatively new invention designed to keep plummeting morale up in the wake of Gabriel’s death.)


Evidently, there wasn’t exactly a lot of faith in him; Adrien privately suspected that were it not for him idiotically voting along with every micromanaging detail he suggested. His leadership strategy consisted in him browbeating people who didn’t immediately agree with him, publicly humiliating them and generally lecturing them until they caved out of a desire to make him happy and get him to stop.


He was, to put it mildly, an asshole dom who Adrien wouldn’t have given the time of day even if Marcel didn’t look like the love-child of a horned toad and a bowl of mashed potatoes.


“…which brings us to the third of thirteen items of discussion,” Marcel said, peering over the rim of his glasses as Adrien suppressed a frustrated growl. A small buzz on the table in front of him drew his and half the room’s attention as he glanced down at the red and black dotted screensaver that lit up.


Marinette: Downstairs!


Adrien should have never asked her to meet him at his place of work; the diner she suggested they eat at was close by so it made sense at the time but he should have counted on Marcel dragging out what should have been a half hour meeting into a long, drawn out affair that had no sign of ending.


He idly wondered if he could slip out, eat lunch, and be back before Marcel had finished his introductory speech. He could always wait for a lapse in his speech (Adrien almost laughed at the thought) but before he could turn to scoot out, someone at the head of the table spoke up.


“Marcel,” a man named Leo spoke up, cutting across Marcel’s tirade as he paused to take a drink of water. “Can we dispense with the theatrics for once and just settle this some other time? It’s almost two and-”


“-and we can always have lunch sent up,” Marcel said curtly, turning the page as Adrien failed to suppress an exasperated sigh of disgust. Marcel glanced over the rim of his glasses across the table at Adrien who found himself quailing a little under the man’s expression (much to his eternal shame). “Something you’d like to share with us, Adrien?”


The table turned to look at him as he sat up in his seat, lip twitching a little in irritation. Don’t talk to me like I’m a student, Adrien thought.


“Some of us have already made plans for the afternoon,” Adrien said, emboldened by a few nods and murmurs of assent around him. “Wouldn’t it be better to just-”


“Are we keeping you from a social engagement, Adrien?” Marcel said, raising an eyebrow. Adrien bit the inside of his lip, wondering if he was ever going to get a full sentence out around Marcel.


“I think a lot of us have plans to-”


“Plans change, my boy,” Marcel said, further rankling Adrien as his phone buzzed again. “We have some business to attend to before the day is out so if that is all we can continue.”


“Of course,” Adrien said, glancing at the next item on the itinerary. “You’re right; it is vital that we have a meeting and take a vote on whether or not to discontinue washing instruction tabs on our line of men’s underwear to save an average of fourteen-hundred Euros annually.”


Adrien’s throat closed up for a second as a sudden, crushing silence enveloped him. He looked back down the table to see nearly everyone looking at him in dull surprise, Marcel looking like Adrien had just slapped him across the face.


Oh shit I said that out loud, Adrien thought as for the first time in a long time, Marcel seemed to be stumbling for something to say.


“I’m…well I’m terribly sorry that the running of your family company seems to be such a waste of time for you,” Marcel said stiffly as Adrien fought the urge to roll his eyes. Around the table, several people simultaneously took a sip of water (weaponizing Gabriel Agreste’s legacy was worth two shots).


“I never said it was a waste of time,” Adrien said evenly. “I just said-”


“When your father and I-” Another round of drinks. “-took this company global, there were more than a few missed lunches and late nights at the office.”


“I’m aware,” Adrien said as the Regional Marketing Director and the Head of Paris HR shared a look that could only be described as oh no he didn’t. “No one is more aware of the effort-”


“The intricacies of running-”


“I’m sorry, can I finish what I was going to say please?” Adrien said, drawing an audible gasp from the stenographer who tried to play it off as a cough. His heart was hammering in his ears but the prospect of missing lunch with Marinette seemed to be something he wasn’t willing to accept. “I am well aware of the personal sacrifices my father made to get this company off the ground but I don’t see why we need to micromanage every little thing that needs to be decided.”


“Clearly…clearly you do not understand what your father went through because if you did you would not be so frivolous with the position you have been gifted,” Marcel said, slowly walking around the side of the table. Adrien shot a quick message to Marinette as he took his time, glancing up only when Marcel stood in front of him.


“My boy…if you aren’t willing to work nearly as hard as your father did perhaps you should just quit,” Marcel said, hand gripping the leather behind Adrien’s head. Adrien opened his mouth to retort…and then just left it hanging open, eyes wandering across the table to the head where Marcel had sat a moment before.


“I…” Adrien swallowed heavily. “…you’re right…if I’m not willing to work as hard as Dad did I should just…quit.”


Marcel recoiled as Adrien slowly stood up, pulling up Marinette’s chat as he punched a message in with a deep sigh. True to form, he literally could not handle anyone standing up to him but deep down, Adrien knew he was right. If he couldn’t put in the work his father did…he didn’t have any business working there.


“I need a moment to talk to my friend,” Adrien said, nodding towards the door. “Please…keep going.”


He felt the eyes of everyone in the room on him as he walked out the door, closing it behind him with a small sigh…before turning and sprinting down the hallway towards his office as fast as he could.

Marinette sighed, glancing at her watch for the third time as her shoes clacked an anxious tread across the empty marble foyer, offering a small smile to the security guard as she passed his desk again. She may not have liked Gabriel Agreste as a person but she would be lying if she said some small part of her wasn’t a little bit envious of how far he had come in such a short period of time. He may have not been a good man but he was a self-made man, even if he had completely alienated everyone who had ever loved him in the process.


…so maybe he wasn’t the best role model for an aspiring fashionista.


Checking her phone again, she frowned at Adrien’s last text message, wondering if he had typed five when he meant fifteen…or fifty. It wasn’t as though she had to get back to the office by any set point in time but if he was planning on flaking on her she’d at least like to have a heads up so she wasn’t waiting around fore-


“We need to go.” Marinette jumped at the sudden voice behind her, turning around to see Adrien running down the stairs behind her, tossing something on the desk of the security guard as he passed.


“No kidding we need to go; I’ve been waiting here for-wait what’s with the box?” Marinette asked, falling into step behind Adrien as he made a beeline for the door. She glanced over her shoulder to see the security guard punching in a number into his phone, standing up from his desk as though he didn’t know whether or not he should be chasing after Adrien or not.


“Why do I feel like this building is going to blow up the minute we set foot outside?” Marinette asked, pausing as Adrien held the door open for her, looking back at the office foyer with a deep breath.


“It might,” Adrien chuckled, following her out of the building with a glance over his shoulder. “I don’t know; we might be looking at a real Fall of the House of Usher scenario here so the sooner we get away the better…also you may or may not bear witness to a husky fifty-four year old CEO running after me so-”


“Wait…” Marinette trailed off, glancing down at the box under his arm, the small ladybug plushy winking up at her with glittering blue eyes. “What…what did you just do?”


“I...,” Adrien said, running a hand through his hair with a shaky laugh. “I-”

“-can’t believe you just quit!”


“Yeah,” Adrien said almost dreamily, popping a forkful of poutine in his mouth with a low moan that made the hairs on the back of Marinette’s neck stand up. “Oh my god how have I never had this before? Seriously, can we have Quebec back?!”


“I…” Marinette trailed off with a laugh, wondering how it was possible that someone could look so visibly relieved. Adrien almost seemed to come alive with nervous energy, smiling in disbelief and staring off into the corners of the café almost distantly as though he couldn’t believe he was actually out of the office. Any admiration she had for Agreste had evaporated after seeing the stress visibly melt off Adrien the farther and farther they got away from his (former) place of work; any place that seemed to turn Adrien into a zombie could fall into the river for all she cared.


“Nino is going to be thrilled,” Marinette said, taking a sip of her milkshake.


“Oh, shoot, should I tell him?” Adrien asked, fumbling his phone out of his pocket. “We should probably get drinks tonight or something to celebrate-wow, twenty six missed calls…I think they found my note.”


“You left a note?” Marinette snorted.


“’Thanks for the advice Marcel; I quit”,” Adrien said, thumbing through the call logs with a small frown. “I…I’m going to need to get a new number after this…”


“So do I get the details or did you just realize you wanted to quit out of the blue?” Marinette asked, spearing a sizable chunk of duck and collecting as many cheese curds as she could before Adrien got to them. “And what’s this about advice?”


“Well…I was in this meeting about god-knows-what today,” Adrien said, downing the last of his soda with a long slurp. “And they were going over and I said I had lunch plans and Marcel tried to force a vote but then I said I had to go but he said that if, and I quote, ‘I wasn’t going to show the same dedication to the company that I should just quit.’ Or…something like that. He likes to hear himself talk and I can’t remember everything he says.”


Adrien let out a nervous giggle, shaking his head as he downed another gravy covered fry.


“So I did,” Adrien shrugged. “I quit.”


“Just…just like that?” Marinette asked.


“Why not?” Adrien said, scratching the back of his neck. “I was never really under contract—family business and all—so they can’t exactly sue me for breach or anything-”


“I’m not exactly a lawyer but that doesn’t really seem legal,” Marinette said.


“Just between you, me, and the poutine, I don’t think there was a lot of stuff Dad and Marcel did that was really legal,” Adrien said, leaning in conspiratorially.


“Still…Marcel Dubois doesn’t strike me as the kind of man who will take ‘go to hell’ for an answer,” Marinette said with a small frown.


“I’ll give him directions then,” Adrien said with a toothy grin. “I mean really what is he supposed to do? Fire me? Let him; I’ll give the thirteen years of severance pay to an animal shelter or something…”


“Wait, that’s right you worked for your Dad as a model back in school,” Marinette said, pressing her fingertips against her temple. “Wow you…you have been working at that company for half your life?”


“Yeaaaaaaaah,” Adrien said, letting out a long sigh. “And not another day.”


“All because of Marcel’s offhanded comment?” Marinette asked.


“Well…not entirely,” Adrien shrugged, picking at the fries with his fork. “I mean Nino has been telling me to quit for years and you…well you just said do what makes you happy. So I guess I was rolling all that around in my head mainly because I tend to space out whenever they start arguing over nothing…so when Marcel said that I just…”


Adrien trailed off, glancing out the window as he looked almost embarrassed to be admitting something.


“I mean…Dad literally worked himself to death at that job,” Adrien murmured, fingers drumming on the table idly. “Died from stress related heart failure; had blood pressure I’m surprised he didn’t pop. And I…well that’s not how I really want to go out. I don’t want get so caught up in that job that I basically die alone, at my desk, stressing out over cost of sewing needles...burn all my bridges.”


Adrien bit the inside of his mouth, wondering if he should go on. “I’d be lying if I said you weren’t part of the reason I quit.”


“Me?!” Marinette stammered as Adrien looked down nervously.


“Well…I was going to miss lunch,” Adrien said, scratching the back of his neck. “I guess I just remembered all the text messages I got from Dad or his assistant telling me he wasn’t coming to the game or my fencing meet or…whatever. And I…well, I kind of realized there were more important things to me than a career I don’t really want.”


He glanced out of the corner of his eye at her before suddenly becoming extremely interested in the flowers growing just outside the windowsill.


“I…” Marinette trailed off, the effects of being the heir to the most aggressive fashion dynasty in France slowly sinking in for her. Whatever duality of love and loathing Adrien might have had for his father and his company, Marinette didn’t really care. All that mattered that was that he looked fully happy (not just mostly happy) for the first time since she had seen him again; maybe for the first time since she had met him.


“Are you happy?” Adrien glanced down as he felt a much smaller, softer hand squeeze his lightly. He looked across the table, pulse skipping a beat as a soft smile spread across her face.


I am now, he wanted to say.


I am when I’m with you, he wanted to say.


I am whenever I think about you, he wanted to say.


“Yeah,” he said, returning her smile as he turned his palm over, lightly squeezing Marinette’s hand in return. “I am.”


Her stomach churned in a way that had nothing to do with the copious amount of cheese curds she just inhaled, heartbeat picking up as her fingers threaded with his. For a moment, neither of them did anything, glancing between their hands and each other with curious, almost nervous smiles as if they were waiting for the other to push them off, pull back, or break contact first.


Neither seemed to want to as though a seemingly innocuous gesture had confirmed something they already knew but weren’t ready to voice just yet.


“Then I’m happy you quit,” Marinette said, pulling back as the waitress swung by and collected their mostly empty plates. “So…gonna play the rich idiot with no day job game for a while?”


“Maybe,” Adrien shrugged, eyes lingering on Marinette’s hand for a second before sitting back up. “Think I’ll go crazy if I don’t do something with my days though. Might go to college or something…I don’t know.”


“You could always be a freelance model,” Marinette said, taking a sip of her milkshake.


“Or a gigolo,” Adrien said casually, lip twitching as strawberry ice cream shot out of Marinette’s nose. “No, wait, I just got done with a job where I was humiliated and prostituted on a daily basis; maybe I should get into another line of work.”


“Stop!” Marinette wheezed, snorting into a stray napkin Adrien passed her.


“Though I suppose I could always capitalize on my pathological need for attention and become a stripper,” Adrien said, biting his thumb thoughtfully as Marinette silently shook across the table, biting her lip to keep from splitting into laughter that would no doubt be heard across the city.


“I can’t…I can’t breathe…” Marinette snorted, gripping the table for support.


“Please don’t laugh at my dreams, Marinette,” Adrien said with a fake pout. “One day I will be the finest exotic dancer Paris has ever-”


“Dying…literally…dying…” Marinette snickered, wiping her eyes with the corner of a napkin.


“You don’t think I have it in me?” Adrien said, leaning back with a lopsided smile.


“You know that’s not the problem,” Marinette said, lightly kicking his shin under the table as her eyes reluctantly wandered over the clock on her phone.


“I’m not keeping you, am I?” Adrien asked, glancing at Marinette’s phone.


“Not really,” Marinette shrugged, mentally calculating how long it would take to finish the embroidery on her latest project. “I shouldn’t leave Sylvie and Ellie alone too long, though and I think two hour lunches are starting to push the bounds of what the boss can get away with.”


“We should probably take off then,” Adrien said, plucking the leather check envelope from the table before Marinette could reach out for it. “This one’s on me.”


“You just quit your job; I should be paying for you,” Marinette said as Adrien slid a few bills into the envelope and stuck one under the milkshake glass.


“You paid for me last time,” Adrien reminded her.


“In payment for assaulting you,” Marinette responded.


“Well if that’s what I get, feel free to assault me any time,” Adrien chuckled, shooting her a small wink as he stood up. “Shall we?”


“Forget something?” Marinette said, nodding towards the box of office supplies Adrien had left under the table.


“Oh…right,” Adrien bent over, plucking the ladybug plush from its place in the box and stowing it in his jacket pocket, sparing Marinette a small smile as he caught her watching him.


“Almost forgot something valuable,” Adrien said, turning his back on the small crate of pens, paperweights, and packages from the office.


Marinette watched him head up to the cashier, a soft ache in her chest as she wondered if she had ever really gotten over Adrien…or if she ever really wanted to.