
12. Cat Nap

Of all the sins Adrien had introduced her to the night before, Marinette found that Egyptian cotton and memory foam mattress pads were among the most carnal.


As a woman who routinely fell asleep on her office couch in increasingly uncomfortable positions, a good night sleep was a luxury she hadn’t enjoyed since she moved out of her parents’ house. She didn’t exactly have thousands of euros to drop on a top of the line wunderbed cooked up in a Swiss laboratory somewhere so to her sleep was something just to pass the time until it was time for work again.


Adrien’s bed had shown her the error of her ways.


Marinette had gone down within minutes of her head hitting the bed and barely budged throughout the night. For once, she spent the entire night drooling on Adrien’s pillow instead of tossing and turning and getting up every half-hour to bodyslam her bedding into submission. Swaddled in soft cream colored cloth, it was only with the greatest reluctance that Marinette opened her eyes as the first light of the morning spilled across her face.


Adrien was propped up against his pillows with an arm lazily draped across his bare stomach. His hair (which was getting longer than she had ever seen it) splayed out behind him like a halo as his eyes sleepily watched the silent news report on the TV opposite the bed. His other arm was draped over the pillow she currently rested on as though he were posing for a photo shoot instead of waking up after a night of rough and tumble sex (a fact that made Marinette want to reach across the bed and tousle his hair out of pure spite). For a moment she just watched him, smiling at the way his brow creased as he read the subtitles on the screen, at the way his chest rose and fell slowly with each sleepy breath.


She allowed herself a moment of smugness as it wasn’t every day that she got to go to bed with a literal fucking supermodel.


Adrien glanced down as she shifted beside him, shooting her a small smile. “Hey,” he said.


“Mmm…morning,” Marinette murmured, shooting him a sleepy smile as she replayed the events of the night before. Flashes of Adrien's hands on her skin, his breath on her neck brought the blush from last night back for an extended encore...and part of her wished that wouldn't be the only encore that day. Even after feasting, she still felt famished but she supposed she had a lot of time to make up for.


“Did I wake you?” Adrien asked, hand lingering on the pillow behind her head.


“Uh uh,” Marinette muttered only half-awake. “What time is it?”


“Just after seven,” Adrien said, laughing as Marinette groaned and buried her face in the pillow. “What?”


“This is literally the earliest I’ve ever been up on a Sunday,” Marinette mumbled, tugging the topsheet over her head.


“You did go to bed at ten,” Adrien reminded her, snorting as her lidded blue eyes poked out from the top of the sheet.


“You say that like it's supposed to mean something to me,” Marinette muttered, pressing the sheet against her body as she resisted the urge to climb into his lap and snuggle against his chest. She had done one night stands before but they usually ended when she snuck out of the apartment at nine in the morning, clutching her shoes to make sure she didn’t wake anyone. She didn’t know what the etiquette was when you woke up next to someone you really didn’t want to walk away from.


“How do you feel?” Adrien asked, pushing a lock of hair out of her face.


“Mmm…good,” Marinette mumbled, leaning against the palm of his hand unconsciously. The distance between them on the bed couldn’t have been more than a few inches but it acted as a loathsome buffer zone Marinette was afraid of crossing.


“Yeah?” Adrien asked. “No like…aches or a sudden case of the blues or anything?”


Marinette shifted, biting her lip thoughtfully before shaking her head. “No…no I’m good.”


“G-Good,” Adrien said, reaching out for her with one hand before segueing into a scratch of his head. Her eyes glanced between his hand and the sheepish blush on his face, frowning for a moment as something Alya said stuck with her. “Just wanted to see if you needed anything or-”


“Can I touch you?” Marinette blurted out, swallowing as Adrien trailed off with a slightly stunned look on his face. “S-Sorry I would just…kind of like to cuddle right now but if you don’t-”


“No, no!” Adrien said, scooting a little closer with a smile that warmed Marinette head to toe. “Yeah I…typically like snuggling the morning after too I just didn’t know if-”


Adrien trailed off as he felt Marinette slide under the blankets beside him, leg kicking over until she straddled his hips. He relaxed back against the pillows with a small sigh as she laid her head on his chest, snaking his arm around her waist and tugging her closer. The uneasy tension between them seemed to evaporate as they reveled in the feeling of skin on skin sandwiched between soft cotton sheets. This is good, Marinette thought to herself. This was comfortable…well almost comfortable.


“Mmm…better,” Marinette mumbled, breathing in his scent as she struggled to get comfortable with something poking against the inside of her thigh. “Mgh…is that the remote or something?”


Adrien flushed, reaching across the bed and held up the TV remote for Marinette to see. He couldn’t keep the smile off his face as Marinette sleepily looked between the remote control and her lap, flushing as she realized the position she was sitting in.


“…oh,” Marinette said, burying her face in his chest as he let out a sharp bark of laughter. “ShutupI’msleepy.”


“I didn’t say anything,” Adrien reminded her, hand drawing circles on her back as he tried to ignore the way her weight had settled onto his lap.


“Youweregonna,” Marinette muttered into his chest, looking up at him and scowling at his lopsided smirk. “Something funny?”


“Nothing,” Adrien said, admiring the way the sheets bunched around her back and hid her hips from view. “I just always take it as a sign I did a good job when my partner passes out post-orgasm and then immediately climbs into my lap when they wake up.”


Marinette almost wanted to climb out of his lap out of pure spite…except for the fact that she would be the only one spited in that scenario. Judging by the smile on his face, Adrien knew it too.


“Am I wrong?” Adrien asked, eyebrows waggling in way that challenged Marinette’s determined glare.


“You know,” Marinette said, pouting up at him. “I don’t remember you being so cocky in school.”


“Have you always been interested in my cock...iness?” Adrien asked, snickering as Marinette rolled her eyes so hard he saw white.


“Seriously, when did you become such a smug, self-satisfied little shit?” Marinette snorted, blushing as Adrien leaned in close enough to touch her nose with his.


“That’s my secret, Mari,” Adrien purred, back of his hand trailing down her cheek. “I’ve always been a smug, self-satisfied little shit.”


“Really?” Marinette raised an eyebrow. “Because I seem to remember a sweet, shy-”


“-doormat scared of his father and afraid he wouldn’t live up to his family name?” Adrien finished. Marinette opened her mouth to say something but bit her lip instead as Adrien’s hands settled on her hips. “Don’t worry; Mr. Doormat comes out to play every now and again.”


“Well…if I’m being honest, I’m kind of a fan of this cocky new Adrien,” Marinette said, slowly wrapping her arms around his neck as she took a deep breath. “I…wouldn’t mind seeing more of him.”


“You’ve seen pretty much all of me at this point,” Adrien laughed to cover the nervous pattering in his chest. “Does that mean that you ah…want to see me more?”


“Like…do I want to continue this…this?” Marinette said, gesturing between the two of them for lack of a better term to describe their relationship.


“Yeah,” Adrien said, scratching the back of his head and looking suddenly vulnerable. It was incredible that the man who could successfully make her beg him to have his way with her was now struggling to find the words to say. “I mean…I had an amazing time with you last night-”


“Same,” Marinette blurted out, fidgeting as he looked up at her. “I mean…at the risk of stroking your ego too much last night was…”


Adrien’s heart skipped a beat as she shot him a small, shy smile tinged with color.


“…kind of everything I was looking forward to…and some stuff I didn’t know I wanted,” Marinette murmured, glancing above his head as he tried his very hardest not to pump his fist. “And I…well I’m kind of hoping we could uh…do this again?”


“Yeah!” Adrien said a little louder than he intended, scratching his neck as Marinette hid a laugh in her hand. “I mean…that’s what you want?”


“I can’t see myself doing…well…anything like that with anyone but you right now,” Marinette admitted, fingernails tracing patterns on the nape of Adrien’s neck.


“I…I see,” Adrien said, buying time to he could find the right words to express what he wanted to say. He wondered if he was going too far too quickly but he figured he should strike while the iron was hot. “So uh…do you want to be like…exclusive?”


“I thought…” Marinette trailed off. “I thought we…I mean to say that I wasn’t…I don’t know about you but I…”


Marinette laughed, taking a deep breath before looking him in the eye again.


“I…would like it if this,” Marinette said, nodding between them. “Stayed between us…if that’s okay with you.”


Adrien was silent for a split second, looking as though he had been hit over the head with something large and heavy that made Marinette doubt her words for the briefest moment. If she had known the party that was going on inside Adrien’s mind at that moment, she wouldn’t have doubted it for a second. Slowly, a smile spread across his face, hands reaching up to cup her face in a surprisingly tender gesture that made her heart skip a beat.


“More than okay,” Adrien said, resisting the urge to lean in and plant another kiss on her. “After your…performance last night I can’t help but want to have you all to myself.”


“My performance?” Marinette said, fingers wrapping around his wrists as she tried not to read any deeper into Adrien’s word choice. “All I remember doing was panting, moaning, and struggling against my bonds.”


“Oh but you did it so well,” Adrien said.


“Did I?” Marinette said, sitting up a little straighter (noting the small intake of breath from him as she did). “So I was…good at it?”


“Did you enjoy it?” Adrien asked. “Being a sub I mean.”


“…more than I actually thought I would,” Marinette admitted. “I mean…well, I always had an inkling that I was pretty evenly split but-”


She shrugged helplessly.


“Everyone thinks they’ll enjoy being in charge more?” Adrien suggested.


“I still might,” Marinette said, biting her lip. “But…yeah I had fun. A lot of fun.”


“Then you were good at it,” Adrien said simply, squeezing her hand with a reassuring smile. “There’s no objectively…right way to do any of this so as long as we’re both enjoying it.”


“Did you?” Marinette asked almost shyly.


Adrien bit the corner of his lip, mouth twitching into a cheeky grin. “Well…I have to admit you look pretty good when you beg.”


“Oh please,” Marinette snorted derisively.


“Ooh yeah just like that,” Adrien purred, laughing as Marinette smacked him on the chest. He had endured a lot of awkward morning after conversations in his time and part of him dreaded the promise of potential awkwardness that could have awaited them. Granted, sleeping with someone always had the potential to get a little…awkward but the risk went up when one person teased the other person to the point of incoherent begging while bound and blindfolded.


So he was more than a little surprised to find that he relished the way Marinette could still poke fun at him, smack him around and roll her eyes like she hadn’t just spent the evening hanging from his rafters. He had more than his fair share of relationships that devolved into just sex but as he laid there, shielding himself from Marinette’s giggling slaps, any worries he had about the state of their friendship seemed to evaporate.


And some small part of him wondered if he could make it work this time.


Her flurry of lighthearted slaps was interrupted as Adrien managed to close his fingers around her wrists, holding them to her sides as she squirmed in his grip.


“Gotcha,” Adrien said, teeth baring in a triumphant grin. Marinette pouted, refusing to meet his eye as he craned his neck to try and look her in the eye.


“Oh no,” Marinette said flatly. “I am bound and trapped by a lecherous villain with no hope of escaping. How shall I escape with my virtue intact?”


“In my defense…I don’t remember your virtue being intact when I got a hold of it,” Adrien said, snickering at the unamused glare on Marinette’s face.


“Are you calling me a slut?” Marinette asked.


“I thought we established I was the only slut here,” Adrien reminded her. “And I worked very long and very hard for it; that’s not something you earn after one night.”


Marinette rolled her eyes, staring up at the ceiling as her expression went from thoughtful to devious in a matter of seconds.


“So…you’re saying I need more practice?” Marinette asked, arching her eyebrow as she looked down at him.


“Much more,” Adrien nodded sagely, frowning as he saw a glint in Marinette’s eye. “What are you-”


Adrien’s voice caught in his throat as he felt her grind against him, bringing her arms up over his head. His hands disengaged from her wrists, flopping back against the mattress as she pressed her palms against the headboard.


“So…do you want to practice?” Marinette asked, almost shyly. “I mean…I’ve never done the friends with benefits thing before so I don’t know the rules or anything about when we can-”


Marinette coughed, nodding down at Adrien’s lap.


“Well…in uh…my experience,” Adrien said, resting his hands on the back of her thighs. “We kinda get to make up our own rules, you know? So we can-”


Adrien nodded at her lap as they shared a laugh.


“Whenever we want,” Adrien said, scratching the back of his neck. “I mean we don’t always have to break out the leather and blindfolds; if you want to keep it that way that’s fine but-”


Marinette threaded her fingers through his, leaning down until her forehead touched his and she could feel the heat coming off his face on her skin.


“Variety is the uh…spice of life,” Adrien murmured, hips arching against hers.


“Got it,” Marinette said, biting her lip as their noses briefly touched. “And w-would it be okay if while we were practicing if we uh…kissed?”


There was a moment of silence between them as Adrien felt the blood rush to his face, eyes flickering down to her soft, peach flavored lips.


“Like…just in bed?” Adrien asked.


“Y-Yeah just like…last night,” Marinette said, wondering if she was asking too much too quickly. They were supposed to be friends but she couldn’t keep doing this if she couldn’t taste his lips on hers again. Maybe that was selfish of her; maybe she was risking the electric connection between them for the chance to play at romance.


“Is that…selfish of me?” Marinette asked, picking at the sheets. “I-If that’s too much then we can just-”


Adrien answered by leaning forward, cupping the side of her face and pressing a soft, tender kiss against her lips to silence any further doubt. She squeaked softly, still not quite used to the sensation of Adrien kissing her but it didn’t take long for her mouth to open, her arms to twine around his bare shoulders as he sat up, wrapping his arms around her back.


Adrien pulled away after a moment, looking up at her with a shy, almost inviting smile. “…you can be as selfish as you want with me.”


He said it to open a door between them; to let her know she could have him in whatever way she wanted to so long as he could be close to her. It wasn’t love but was it really that poor of a substitute; the chance to be so incredibly intimate with one of the only people he felt comfortable being completely himself around even if it wouldn’t lead anywhere?


Was that so selfish of him?


Marinette licked her lips as she looked down at him; his expression so inviting that she felt something demanding stir inside her. It was astounding how someone could inspire so much desire in her but the way Adrien was looking at her now—eyes wide and lip caught between his teeth—made her want to devour him whole.


“Really?” Marinette murmured, leaning in and pressing her forehead against his. “Because I’m feeling just a little bit…selfish right now.”


“Are you?” Adrien felt her wiggle in his lap insistently, hands pressing his shoulders back against the pillows gently. “Thought you were sleepy.”


“I was,” Marinette said, letting the implication hang in the air between them. She didn’t know how the lines were drawn in this new relationship; if there were boundaries she was going to find them.


Adrien smirked up at her. “Two years, huh?”


“I may have some time I need to make up for,” Marinette said, enjoying the way his throat tightened as her voice took on a husky quality that seemed to vanish the moment she wasn’t met with immediate support. “…i-if you want to that is.”


“What do you think?” Adrien said, leaning up off the pillows and sliding his hands up her sides. “You want me to tell you if I want to or would you rather I…show you?”


Adrien leaned in to kiss her neck, stopping as he felt a soft pressure on his chest.


“Take it easy,” Marinette giggled, pushing Adrien back against the pillows as he looked up at her with a confused little pout. “You did pretty much all the work last night-”


“It’s only work if you don’t enjoy it,” Adrien snorted, hands snaking around her hips and under the sheet around her waist until she squealed, fingers reaching down and twining with his.


“Haven't you touched my ass enough?” Marinette snickered, squeezing his fingers between hers.


“There’s no such thing as enough when it comes to appreciating your darling derriere,” Adrien laughed. “I would follow you around with my hands in your back pockets if you let me.”


“...you know I actually believe you would,” Marinette said, tracing circles on the back of his hands with her thumbs. Experimentally, she brought his hands over his head and pressed them against the pillows gently, watching his hungry, curious expression.


“…I liked being your sub,” Marinette said, heart thudding in her ears. “But when I…I feel like I’m ready for it…d-do you want to be mine?”


Mine. One of Adrien’s three favorite words (along with yes and circumloquacious). His initial response was to scream yes, yes, yes; he wanted to be hers in every intimate way imaginable. He wanted to hold her hand and take her to the movies and wanted her so far inside him that he would feel her for weeks. But he focused on the way she was talking about, swallowing heavily as he slowly nodded.


“I told you I was good with both,” Adrien said with a small smile. “You’re good with both too?”


“Well…you are the best dom I’ve ever had,” Marinette said, snickering at Adrien’s pout as he realized her implications. “And I was wondering if you could…show me how?”


“How?” Adrien asked.


“How to…do what you do,” Marinette said, rocking back against his hips as she pressed his hands against the sheets with a little more enthusiasm. “You know…”


“Well then…you have to ask me properly,” Adrien said, biting his lip.




“You know what I want you to say,” Adrien said firmly.


“What do you me-“ Marinette trailed off, expression darkening. “…are you serious?”


“Absolutely,” Adrien said firmly.


“I’m going to gag if you ask me to say that,” Marinette said, clenching her teeth.


“If you want to gag anything you’re going to have to play by my rules,” Adrien sighed, glancing up towards the ceiling above Marinette’s head. “Subs make the rules and doms have to play by them.”


“This is a must for you?” Marinette groaned.


“It is,” Adrien said, meeting her gaze with an unblinking stare until she trailed off with a small groan.


“Fine,” Marinette said with a deep breath. “Would you…ugh…would you please…show me the ropes.”


Marinette wondered if she could be hopelessly attracted to someone and at the same time exasperated by their persistent memery. On one hand, she had Adrien Agreste (angel in a body made to sin) lying beneath her which was enough to cause blood to flood her cheeks and never leave. On the other hand, puns seemed to be part of the Agreste mating ritual and it was hard to be aroused by someone giggling at the most basic BDSM pun imaginable.


“In that case,” Adrien said, ignoring the scowl on Marinette’s face. “…I would love to complete your training-.”


“Oh good…” Marinette sighed.


“-my padawan.”


“Don’t push it, nerd."


“I thought you liked it when I pushed it,” Adrien said, waggling his eyebrows.


“You pushed it plenty last night,” Marinette said, rocking back against him and enjoying the way his smug, self-satisfied smirk dissolved as his breath hitched in his throat. “I think it’s my turn.”


“Y-you sure?” Adrien asked.


“I said I was feeling-” Another wiggle of her hips, another hoarse little gasp from Adrien. “-selfish, didn’t I?”


“Are you trying to kill me?” Adrien chuckled hoarsely, squeezing her hands as she slowly slipped them out of his grasp. Instinctively, his fingers twined with the sheets behind his head, staring up at her with a teasing, challenging glint in his eye.


“Not yet,” Marinette said, slowly lifting her hips and sliding lower and lower on the bed. “You’ll know when I’m trying to kill you.”


“I-I look forward to-wait what are you doing?” Adrien said, lifting his head as Marinette trailed soft, sleepy kisses down his collarbone and chest.


“Well…I was thinking,” Marinette said, smiling as his stomach twitched when she placed a kiss against it. “You were very accommodating to me last night and I wanted to…return the favor.”


“I thought you w-were feeling selfish,” Adrien said, swallowing heavily as her fingertips ran over his pelvis. She was kneeling between his legs, sheet spilling around her back as she glanced down at him with a slow lick of her lips.


“I am,” Marinette all but purred, glancing up at him as her fingertips splayed at the base of his cock. Marinette had played enough games to know when she was outclassed and in this case, Adrien outclassed her for the moment with years more experience tormenting pretty people and without the baggage of a debilitating crush on her. She was never going to get the upper hand on him unless she played dirty and Marinette was never above playing dirty.


And to that effect, she had a secret weapon.


“It’s not fair,” she murmured, eyes locked with his as her mouth parted. “That you get to taste me and I don’t get to taste you back~”


Adrien’s mouth half-froze in a reply when he felt her soft lips place a kiss on the tip of his throbbing head. Marinette tried not to smile at the sharp intake of breath, hands pressing his hips down as they rose to buck against her mouth.


“Lay back,” Marinette repeated, lips retreating from his head. “I want to take care of this.”


Slowly, Adrien willed his body to relax, sheets bunched in his fingers as he looked down at her. It was quite the sight to see one of his oldest friends kiss her way down the length of his shaft, tongue flicking out once she reached the bottom. Breath seemed to leave his body as she slowly dragged her tongue back up, eyes locking with his as her lips softly suckled his tip.




Adrien could hardly keep the smile off his face as a throaty giggle bubbled up out of the back of Marinette’s throat. His tongue slowly traced his parched lips while hers reached out, slowly tracing a slick circle around his head. She supposed it was strange that her first dominant inkling came from a situation similar to this but there was something intoxicating about the way Adrien’s body tensed under her touch; the way he helplessly twitched against her lips at the slightest pressure. His hands reached down, settling on her head for a brief moment until she lifted it, looking up at Adrien with a deadpan expression.


Adrien’s hand retracted slowly. “Wh-what?”


“You spent all last night touching me,” Marinette reminded him with a small smirk. “And no doubt you’re going to get handsy with me again-”


“When you want me to,” Adrien reminded her.


“Which isn’t now,” Marinette said, fingers tracing the curve of his hips. “I didn’t get to touch you at all last night…so it’s my turn, okay?”


“Touch away,” Adrien said, letting his hands fall back against the bed as Marinette slowly lowered her head back down. She paused as she watched his hand raise, raising an eyebrow at the cheeky grin on his face and not resuming her descent until it was back against the sheets. Marinette waited for a brief moment, eyes locking with his as her lips parted and consumed him inch by inch.


Smile now, smartass, Marinette thought, feeling a tremor pass through Adrien’s body as he smothered a strangled little groan in the back of his throat. Her eyes never left his face, relishing the effect her mouth seemed to have on him and drinking in every subtle twitch and tremor.


Adrien’s eyes stared up at the ceiling in a feeble effort to prolong the moment. If he looked down and saw her looking up again, he would unravel like a spool of thread. If he saw her big blue eyes looking up at him while the tip of her tongue slowly trailed his length he would combust and die happier than anyone had ever died in the history of the world. So he focused on trying to breathe slow steady breaths that were nevertheless interrupted by helpless hitches as she took her time with him.


Memories of his lips and tongue crashing into her with reckless abandon inspired Marinette in quite a different way. She didn’t rush, legs kicking idly behind her as she enjoyed the half-pained look on his face when she took him into her mouth. Warm sunlight streamed through the window to warm her bare back as she released him with a wet pop, kissing his tip and smiling as he shuddered underneath her.


She had to admit, she enjoyed watching him squirm.


How many times had he dominated her formative fantasies? How many times had she helplessly pined after him with little to no hope of reciprocation? Alya was right; she had built a pedestal and placed Adrien on top to be worshipped as a romantic demigod ideal. He had been more fantasy than friend for so many years through no fault of his own and so Marinette decided to tear the pedestal down, lick by lick. It was hard to think he was out of her league when he writhed beneath her. How could she romanticize him when his warm, aching, all too real flesh throbbed and flushed under her touch? His heady, needy moans tangled with gasping utterances of her name, each Marinette a crack in the marble temple dedicated to the memory of a boy in a magazine. Adrien wasn’t some far fetched fantasy; he was here.


He was hers.


It was his turn to be flustered, pinned against the mattress, and slowly built towards climax. Each bob, lick, and kiss revealed his weaknesses to her; his gasps instructed her on the best ways to break him into a million pieces. She would watch him as she had watched him last night, soaking in all she could and learning as much as possible from him. Because as much as she enjoyed being bound and at his mercy, she was silently preparing for the day when he was at hers.


And she would be ready.


Eventually, their little morning fun had to end. All the long division and counting backwards in Mandarin couldn’t save Adrien from the inevitable truth that was Marinette’s mouth enveloping him.


“Marinette…” Adrien panted, chest fluttering with each shaky breath as he tried to forestall it just a moment longer. “I’m gonna-”


There it was.


Marinette watched it travel up his body, tensing his hips and stomach until it spilled out of his mouth in a low, ragged gasp. Acting on sudden instinct, she let him pop out of her mouth, fingers working his shaft until as he climaxed on his stomach and chest with each pulsating shudder. A stray droplet even landed on his cheek as he collapsed against his bedding, grip on the bedding slackening as he seemed to be robbed of all strength. He looked spent, sated, and above all-


“Cute,” Marinette cooed. Adrien opened his eyes as Marinette leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to his brow that only furthered his descent into a purring pile of putty.


“Guh…” Adrien replied eloquently as Marinette bunched her hair in a quick bun and fastened it with a hair tie on the end table. "I...you were-"


“I need a bath,” Marinette sighed as she swung her legs over the side of the bed, casually as though she hadn’t just sucked the life out of her high school crush. She kicked her legs back and forth as she looked back at him with a small smile. “You know…you look really cute when you come.”


Adrien blinked as she hopped off the bed, cheeks reddening as she shucked her stockings and folded them neatly on a chair in the corner. He couldn’t see the smile on her face as she sashayed into the bathroom until she turned around. Adrien swore his heart stopped as she turned around, leaning against the doorframe and flashed him a toothy grin that suggested this woman would kill him and he would enjoy every second of it.


As good as she looked begging, Adrien privately couldn’t wait to see how she looked looking down on him with her fingers twisted in his hair. The thought of it sent another spike of arousal running through his body, eyes fluttering shut as he was content to just melt into the sheets for the rest of the day. It wasn’t like it was going to get any better than what had just happened so he might as well just-


“Oh my god this tub is huge!” Marinette’s squeal echoed off the marble walls of the bathroom. Her head snaked around the corner, privately reveling in the fact that Adrien still appeared to be too boneless to move after she finished him. “I may need some help filling it though.”


…on second thought, Adrien decided that sleeping in was overrated.




Alya: so you’re good?


Marinette: more than good


Marinette: sorry i didn’t catch you earlier


Alya: it’s fine; the boy and i were nursing hangovers anyway


Alya: your message said you don’t want me to come get you?


Marinette: no i’m going to spend the night again and head to work tomorrow


Alya: seriously???


Alya: so he was…good?


Marinette: what happened to "no details"?


Alya: come one; scale of one to ten?


Marinette: let’s just say we’re going to be doing this again in the near, near future


Alya: please tell me you aren’t fucking while texting me


Marinette: what happened to no details? ;)


Alya: well i’ll be damned


Alya: didn’t know he had it in him


Marinette: hey what’s that supposed to mean?


Alya: just that twinkie didn’t strike me as the type to be a secret sex god is all


Alya: no offense to your boyfriend


Marinette: friend


Marinette:…with benefits


Alya: ooh upgrade


Marinette: we talked about it


Marinette: actually we’re still hammering stuff out but we had a good chat while soaking in the bath


Marinette: bottom line is I have a steady...arrangement :)


Alya: so you’re sure this is what you want?


Marinette: yeah it’s


Marinette: comfortable


Marinette: we know what we want out of this so no one’s gonna get hurt


Alya: uh huh


Marinette: oh please we both have good heads on our shoulders


Marinette: what’s the worst that could happen?


Alya: i think juliet said that after hooking up with romeo


Marinette: drama queen


Alya: alright alright as long as you’re happy


Alya: call me if you need me


Marinette: i will


Alya: have fun with your new boy toy


Marinette: hehe


Marinette: oh i will


Marinette: we’re going to play a little game


Alya: blegh do i even want to know what that means?


Marinette: that’s for me to know and you to never find out~



End of Part One