

- 21 December 1020:

Sara's room fell into complete silence after the disappearance of the seven symbols hologram, Drake leaned back at the wall and sat down while grabbing his head, he let a deep tired sigh that explained everything he went through in the past three years, he said with a frustrated voice "centuries have passed by.... without even noticing them...., but... these... past... three years...., were so... damn... long....".

Sebastian put his cigar back in his mouth and got out of the room to smoke but, he was surprised by the hallway filled with vampires waiting for an answer..., he closed the door behind him and just stood beside them while smoking..., everyone looking at Sebastian with a confused concerned faces....

Edward and Martip started crying and hugging each other yelling "HELL YEAHH!!!!", meanwhile Maria hugged Elizabeth and said "thank you..., for your work in the past 2 years..., sensei...", Emma can be heard hugging Sophia while the two crying...