

Keshav, a flying creature, lives in a haunted ruin. In the eyes of everyone, he is a demon or a wandering soul, but in reality he is of a calm nature and he is very much in love with flowers. One day he meets Vrinda who is allergic to flowers . Both fall in love with each other in spite of adversity. will they live together... ************ "I don't know... I don't know... but I have to be brave. I have to go inside. I want to see who is he?" Then she started to move in fear, she looked here and there. She could not see anything, she took a sigh of relief and started moving forward. She went further inside the building. That creature was sitting on a big tree nearby. He looked like a human in appearance. His eyes were just yellow. Tears of blood came out from his eyes. The teeth were also a bit big may be canine. He had black marks on his shoulders, probably tattoos. Vrinda was still thinking a lot. "Maybe he's a monster." ********************* JOIN ME ON INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/kalakshik/?hl=en

sharmakalakshi913 · ファンタジー
324 Chs

The marriage of Raavi

Casillas' father told Ravi's father

"Yes, after marrying the customs here, we will go to Spain and marry our customs."

Raavi's father agreed. A private jet was booked for them. Raavi was to be married in a few days. Vrinda was also engrossed in her preparation. All friends were also being sent.

Vrinda's father told her

"He has given the ring, start wearing it. It will be about your marriage soon."

Vrinda smiled and showed her hand. She has been wearing the ring since the day Keshav gave it.

The marriage started. Casillas' friends and family were surprised to see that marriage is treated as a festival in India.

All the wedding preparations were being done at Raavi's house only. It was decided to build the pavilion in the courtyard outside her house. But then in view of the number of guests, it was decided to get married in the hotel itself. The marriage started with much fanfare. Being the bride's friend, Vrinda wore a dark green lehenga at the wedding.

Kind of representation of bridesmaid.

Keshav also came. He was in a black suit but still he looked very attractive. Some of the girls who came to the wedding tried to talk to Keshav. Seeing this, Vrinda came to Keshav.

She said, putting her hand in his hand, showing her ring

"This is my fiancée."

Hearing this, those girls left from there after getting a little upset.

Keshav said teasing her

"Was my fiancé jealous?"

Vrinda said twitching her lips

"Yes it was happening. Why? Shouldn't I?"


Although he clearly understand.

"When someone's fiancee is such a beautiful angel, then you have to be a little careful, don't you?"

Keshav laughed on hearing this.


Keshav said while grooming her hair

"My dear angel, thank you for filling my life with happiness."

Vrinda bowed her eyes and said

"Thank you too."

Vrinda's family members had also come here. Her grandfather saw Vrinda and Keshav together and also saw their rings. his eyes filled with wonder

"It means that slur has got engaged. But when and where? And how did she find such a handsome and impressive boy?"